Week in Review – All the Cross-Training

Meditations in Motion

For the last few months, I have been concentrating on running and only on running. Here is a little backstory. In August I ran a marathon in Washington state with two friends. The marathon was beautiful and the course a gentle downhill, but I aggravated an already injured hip during the race.

Meditations in Motion

This would not have been terrible if I could have taken some time off to recover, but I had the Marine Corps Marathon on my schedule the last weekend in October. I decided to compromise. Sort of. I didn’t run the week that hubby and I visited Italy, then resumed “running” on the elliptical machine.

In between marathons, I focused only on running, mostly on the road, but supplemented with workouts on the elliptical, foregoing all other forms of exercise. I didn’t want to take the chance that cross-training was making my injury worse.

Now that the Marine Corps Marathon is over (big sigh of relief), I can resume the cross-training I love. I feel like a kid in a candy store! Typically, I would rest after a marathon, but because I really didn’t exert too much effort during the race due to the injury, I felt like I was ready to resume workouts right away.

Meditations in Motion

I started out on Monday with a swimming workout. I have a routine which takes about 45 minutes to complete that consists of some 200-meter repeats, some laps with training flippers (for my legs), and some 150-meter repeats. Swimming makes me feel so good. All loose and stretched out. Very low stress.

Meditations in Motion

On Tuesday I did a short run on the bike path behind my house (don’t judge!) My hip was a little bit stiff, but not sore, and I only ran for three miles, slowly. It felt great to get back out there.


Meditations in Motion
Do I look like a crow?


At the suggestion of Wendy from the blog Taking the Long Way Home, I discovered Five Parks Yoga. I love these free online yoga videos! There are so many options, with a wide variety of classes of different lengths and intensity levels to choose from. I did a recovery class on Tuesday, then played around with crow pose.

Meditations in Motion

On Wednesday I took my first Body Pump class in a while. I had to back off my weights a little bit, but it felt good to do some strength training. And, um…I ran again, too. Just a short run.

Thursday brought another pool workout similar to Monday’s and, yes, another run.

I took Body Pump class again on Friday with my favorite instructor Leslie. She is so enthusiastic, she makes you want to push yourself a little bit because she is right there with you having fun.  A brief run preceded the Friday Body Pump class (do you notice a pattern here?)  Saturday I did a slightly longer run with Bill.

Meditations in Motion

In an attempt to strengthen my upper body and core, I started to do either push-ups or a plank every day. When I first began to do Body Pump a year ago, I could not do even one push-up from my toes. I am currently up to 14 from my toes, followed by 14 from my knees. Still not stellar, but progress is being made. I began holding a plank for one minute and worked my way up to four minutes.

Meditations in Motion

Add in the mile I walk with Benji (my dog) every day, and that wraps up my workout week.

So. My hip. I have exercises from my physical therapist that I do faithfully twice a day, but I still have some pain, especially when I sit. The longer I sit, the more pain I experience. For a long car ride, I bring along a lacrosse ball, which, when properly placed, alleviates the pain. But I think to permanently dispel the pain, my course of action is pretty obvious.

Sit less. Run more. That’s what you were expecting, right?

I am linking up with Clean Eats Fast Feets for her Week in Review, Nicole and Annmarie for Wild Workout Wednesday, Coach Debbie Runs for Coaches’ Corner, Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5, and Holly from HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home for Weekly Wrap.







  1. You are amazing! Whenever my body sends me a prompt (sore knee, tendinitis, lower back ache, hip pain), I regroup and modify. My body is telling me to change something up. You are doing such a great varieties of things for overall fitness; planks, yoga and swimming can’t be beat! I say that because those are the things I can do ha ha . I admire anyone who can run long distances. You are indeed inspiring!

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  2. When do you do anything else? I purposefully run 5ks because of the time it takes to train. A brink 10 milers is three times the distance and it’s easy to do sprints that help in the short go. A marathon is just to much for me!

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  3. The smoke and pollution where I live are so bad right now that I’m only exercising indoors, and that pretty sparingly. So I thank you for doing enough workouts for the two of us 🙂

    Honestly, I think that as we accumulate wisdom (aka years), we have to figure out how to accept a certain amount of aches and pains. Maybe better they come from overexertion than disuse . . .

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    • Yes, I agree. What is the quote about “rather burn out than fade away”? Take care, Jan. Thinking about you and your beautiful location. So distressed about all the devastation going on out there.


  4. Your crow pose looks good to me! I”m glad you tried Five Parks Yoga. I just love her style. So low key and “normal”. I enjoy my cross training immensely! I’m not a swimmer, but I’ll do all the water fun things!

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  5. Training flippers sound wonderful. I’m not a confident swimmer, but I think the main reason I wasn’t as sore after my second half was that I pottered around in the pool a bit after it.
    You chose a great pic for the WRap, I had to click through to see what it was as it almost looked like you were levitating

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    • I use the floppers to just practice kicking. I don’t use my arms at all for that part of my workout. It’s actually my favorite part of swimming for me! 🙂

      If only I felt like I was levitating while planking! 🙂


  6. What a great variety this week! I’m glad your hip is feeling better. I have a hip issue. The worst thing? Laying (and turning over) in bed. Sitting is the next thing. It really doesn’t hurt while running. I just feel decrepit otherwise. Funny you mentioned your cross training may aggravate yours. I came to the same conclusion over the summer. The less “other” stuff I did, the better I felt. Thanks for linking!

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    • Haha! I know what you mean – I feel decrepit too! Sorry to hear about your hip issue. Lying in bed doesn’t bother me, but sitting, especially riding in a car, is painful. Thanks for the chance to link.


  7. Believe it or not, the best cross training for your hip is ballet. The barre exercises work range-of-motion in your hip joint, strengthens the muscles that help support your hip and lubricates the joint. If I hadn’t found these, I would be in a wheel chair now. I only had to have one hip replaced instead of both.

    I would recommend Battement Tendu en croix, and ronde jambs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci1oTW_dzyk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyQh8p1lrVo&list=PLB6E274FFB3671C4D

    I imagine you might think you are past the age of ballet, but the exercises work.

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    • Thank you so much! That makes complete sense. I will check out the exercises. I used to do ballet when I was a teenager, but that was a lot of years ago! 🙂


  8. I just signed up with a personal trainer to help with my strength training cross training as I tend to stick with just cardio cross training as I enjoy it more. I do need to get back into swimming. Glad you are actively recovering and having fun!

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  9. It’s always so nice when you have more free time after marathon training to get back to things that you really enjoy. It always seems like sometime takes a backseat during marathon training because of all the miles we have to run.

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  10. That’s an amazing schedule as you still recover from your hip injury and after such a rigorous race back on October 28th. I read the lacrosse ball information with interest as I am having pain for all the sitting I do – I get to work at 11:00 every day and now with blogging having really taken off this last year, plus trying to keep up with social media, online news, etc. I am shifting around a lot by the time I am ready to go to bed (like right now) … I just watched a video about the lacrosse ball – have to explore a little more for long sitting periods. My mom suffered terribly from sciatica and spent many hours of her day sitting, so was often in excruciating pain. She was hit by a car at age 11, spent the next four years in a children’s hospital, then 42 different orthopedic operations in her lifetime – she had to sit at an awkward angle and the sciatica made it worse. We tried many types of chair pads – none were workable for her.

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  11. Meant to mention that my boss swims one mile six mornings a week and two nights a week he swims as well. He had an injury on his bike a few years ago – went over the handlebars and had a third-degree shoulder separation and did not take meds, wear a sling or have surgery and the shoulder doc said he could heal on his own as his arms and chest were strong from all the swimming. My boss is 71 years old.

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      • He swims in a local high school pool and he/his wife buy pool time for morning/night and he swims laps. He’ll go out when it is bitter cold and jump in the pool every morning at 6:00 a.m. – oh my! But in the Summertime, the schools are closed and they has an outside community pool so he/wife swim there from mid-June til Labor Day when the pool closes.

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    • Swimming can be kinda boring, but I always feel great after I am done. I finally made 4 minutes on the planking (after I published this post, of course!) 🙂


  12. I love how you are embracing cross training. Especially as we age, it does a body SO good. I learned to swim 3 years ago for triathlon purposes and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

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  13. I’m going to assume the answer is yes here, but have you tried using a foam roller on the hip? When my legs get tight and sore, it works wonders (if I can get past the initial pain of course).

    I love swimming. It makes me feel powerful. I’ll have to check out the free yoga videos. Thanks for sharing.

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    • I foam roll my hip like it’s my job! 🙂 You are right – it does wonders. I can’t even imagine what my hip would feel like if I didn’t do it.

      The yoga videos are well worth checking out. Hope you like them. They come in all different lengths. Some probably within toddler-nap time limits.


  14. My gosh, you are amazing! Thank you for the link to the free yoga class, I will check it out. If they have basic classes it will be great. I’ve done Yoga at beginner/intermediate level off and on for years. Everything you mention — from running marathons to crow pose advanced Yoga — is out of my league. More power to you though!!!

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  15. You lost me at ‘Marine Corps Marathon’ – I’m exhausted just thinking that far! 😉

    Sorry to hear about the hip. I believe there are 2 types of pain ( ok there could be more, but…), one you can work ‘through’ and one you have to listen to. Pain can be a good indicator you are doing something you should’nt – like sitting on a thumbtack. 😉

    And as for a ‘theme’…. hmmmm… let mee seee…

    Nope – nuthin’ comes to mind! 😀

    (Run Forrest. RUN!)

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    • Ha! But it wasn’t too much exertion. I ran slowly!
      I was trying to describe the 2 kinds of pain to my physical therapist. She recommended that I do a type of stretch that caused me to feel pain, and not the hurts-so-good kind either. The “Ouch!” kind!

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      • I believe you about the exertion level! 🙂 Of course, our bodies react to both excess ‘stresses’ and prolonged, continued ‘minor’ stresses (overuse). Pain can sometimes only be fixed by resting a while. 😉

        Take care, Laurie. 🙂

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  16. Sitting is my greatest downfall, even though I run and my job is mostly done on my feet. I blame blogging and social media! That’s quite a “recovery” week! Cross training for the win! I hope your hip continues to feel better.

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  17. I love to swim too. Unfortunately the last few months have been too busy to carve out the time, and I just don’t seem to be able to do it during winter. No reason, just the thought of all the clothes, on, off, and on again . . .

    And I think 26 push ups is pretty stellar, actually!

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  18. Hip pain is an enigma! The pain I had after my 30K flared up briefly last week. Sitting, laying, running are all fine…but walking was what irritated it. Who knows what’s going on in there! At least I already have a PT appointment scheduled next week.

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  19. Why do our bodies fight us so much as we get older? You’d think they’d appreciate all this running we give them. I do like your course of action – sit less, run more. Hope your hip heals completely and quickly, and the pain is soon a distant memory.

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