June Coffee Date – Make Mine Iced

Meditations in Motion

Hello and welcome to the May edition of The Ultimate Coffee Date with Coco from Running With Perseverance and Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner, where we dish over coffee (or tea, if that is your preference) about all things running (and some non-running topics too).

If we were having coffee, the first thing I would do is give you this recipe for coffee. Iced cold-brew coffee, to be exact. One of my favorite summertime treats.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would ask you if you have ever tried planting lettuce stumps. Why did it take me so long to learn about this phenomenon?

I did it with three heads of Romaine, but apparently any type of lettuce works.

You cut the leaves off the lettuce and make them into salad, then, rather than discarding the stumps, place them in a shallow bowl of water for a few days.

The center of each stump will green up and begin to sprout.

At that point, you can plant them in dirt and the lettuce will generate enough leaves to actually make it worthwhile.

This photo was taken after about a week or so. Now, after three weeks, the lettuce plants are almost a foot high, and I am ready for some free salad!

Botany is amazing.

Meditations in Motion

Of all the races that have been canceled this year, the one I am most disappointed about is The Vinewinder 5K, held at a local vineyard.

It was supposed to be my youngest son’s first race.

He started running this spring and we all planned to do this race together. The race could not be rescheduled. We did get our registration fees refunded, which I was grateful for,  but I was looking forward to seeing my son cross the finish line of his first race.

Meditations in Motion

Luckily, that pleasure will not be deferred for too long. I found a race within easy driving distance of our house that will be held in real life this summer.

The Hellbender Half Marathon is a race I have done several times before, including last year. We, of course, will do the 5K this year.

The tiny race, done on a beautiful flat rail trail, will be perfect for a first-race experience.

I am so happy to have a real live race on my calendar again, and to be able to participate in my son’s first race makes it even more special.

Meditations in Motion

Finally, if we were having coffee, I would tell you about my favorite day of the year.

It’s the day the first fresh strawberries are available in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, this year, May 16.

I take my strawberries seriously.

Grocery store strawberries should not be allowed to be called strawberries, in my opinion. They should have to have a silent “p” in front of their name – “pstrawberries“. The “p” stands for “pseudo-

Just like “krab” cannot be spelled “crab” because it’s not really crab, “pstrawberries” do not taste or smell like “strawberries” to me.

The first quart of strawberries was practically gone by the time we drove home from the farm, so we had to go back the next day and get two more quarts.

My goal is to eat fresh strawberries (without question my favorite food) every day until the season ends in late June or until they start coming out my ears, whichever comes first.

Thank you for joining me for our Coffee Date. See you again at the beginning of July for more coffee and conversation.


You can find the places I link up here.



  1. amazing about the lettuce, I’m going to do it! My husband runs, with a mask. Is it harder, yes but he’s safer with one because so many other people run without one. He is trying to stay well, and happy, so it’s a compromise. I say, wear masks, it’s preferable not to perish because of one race. It’s possible. That’s my two cents, not that you asked. The numbers are skyrocketing again because people are out more and there’s no prevention or treatment yet. We want our sons to live to do marathons later, right? right.
    so how do you wash strawberries? I’ve been washing them in vinegar water but since we don’t peel them, hope that’s enough. Last time I got some, the pstrawberries since we don’t have farmer’s markets to go to yet, I ended up cooking them into a compote. This won’t last forever, some smart scientist will discover a vaccine, and or treatment for it.

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    • The race is going to have a staggered start. Only one person (or family group) starts at a time. No gathering before or after the race. No awards or medals. It’s well thought out and (relatively) safe. I will probably wear a mask before and after the race but when I am running I will take it down unless someone else is close to me.

      I just wash the strawberries off with water. Since I have picked them myself, no one else has touched them.

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    • ohhh picked by you… I’m jealous!!! The race people are really doing all they can to keep people safe aren’t they? nice. On the other hand, our stupid neighborhood is having a yard sale today. LOTS of strangers into the ‘hood mixing and spreading germs. I can’t leave the house. I don’t know what to do to stay safe…

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  2. There’s nothing like fresh local strawberries! I get a ton and make enough strawberry jam to last us until next May. It’s the only jam my daughter will eat; she’s spoiled. The race you’re running in August sounds perfect for your son’s first race.

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  3. Oh, how I love fresh strawberries, Laurie! Glad you were able to enjoy some tasty ones close to home. The ones from the grocery stores can never match up. Sorry about the missed runs, but things are looking up for the future. May we have faith!

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  4. I have tried the romaine lettuce stumps-to-lettuce in the past and it was amazing how they grew. I did it inside and it was Winter. My canary loved lettuce and canaries can only have romaine lettuce and it was a bad Winter with lots of ice and snow so I tried doing this and it was quite tender which was good for Buddy as well. I’ve made iced coffee, but just done it in the Summer to have when I got home from walking or being out in the heat. I don’t do anything special, like cold brew, but I just have instant coffee since I am the only one here drinking it … I make an extra coffee with instant creamer and I use one extra teaspoon of carmel latte or vanilla caramel. It is good hot or cold. I like strawberries too – you’re right, until they are plump and juicy, they are just strawberry imposters!

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  5. I didn’t know that about lettuce! I’ll have to try that out.
    Your race is the first one I’ve heard of that is being held! Great!
    I wonder how they will deal with the physical distancing thing. Please do a race report on that one!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I will do a race report. I heard they are going to have a staggered start with no congregating before or after the race and no medals or awards ceremony. I’m excited to run my son’s first race with him.

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  6. OMG – real actual strawberries! They are a serious treat. There was a field near the house where I grew up where wild strawberries grew. Nothing else compares! That lettuce trick is very cool – I will have to try that!

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  7. For several years, we grew our own strawberries and those were the sweetest strawberrries ever! Then some fungus took over and that was the end of our strawberry patch. Sigh. My next door neighbor has raspberry bushes and some of the branches have grown through our fence. That means those berries are mine, right?

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  8. I am so intrigued about this lettuce growing. Did you transfer them to the ground?

    Where is this real race you plan to run? I do hope some of our local races start happening. Our country is not even in the “green” phase yet.

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    • Right now they are in a big pot, but I bet you could just plant them in the ground. The pot is on my deck so it is convenient for me to pop out there and snip off a few leaves to add to my salad.

      The race is outside Danville, PA. Our county just moved from red to yellow today.


  9. Okay I am mind blown about the lettuce! I need to try that ASAP. I have not grown any veggies in my garden because we have a large number of deer that eat everything. Strawberries are our favorite too we can’t get enough. Thanks for popping in to catch up over coffee

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ha! I hope your lettuce is successful. It was easy and if you bring it inside at night you can keep your uninvited guests from nibbling it.


  10. My husband has been trying to sprout leeks & scallions. There are a lot of things you can sprout, apparently. He’s suddenly got a gardening bug this year.

    I grow strawberries — and blueberries — just a little — but mostly something seems to get at them before I do. The strawberries were good the first year, but this is the third year for this plant. I don’t have any yet. So yup, I eat grocery store strawberries & I understand what you’re saying!

    I feel the same way about cherries. Sadly they were out by the time we got our order yesterday.

    Good luck to you & your son on his first race! How great that you were able to find a substitute race!

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    • I grow blueberries too but the birds always get them. My sister told me you have to put netting over the bushes to keep the birds from getting the berries, but I don’t mind feeding the birds and buying blueberries.

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      • Those wily chipmunks! Like squirrels at a bird feeder. I used to have a pretty big garden with lots of different vegetables but I got tired of battling the groundhogs. For years, I just had asparagus and strawberries, since they didn’t seem to bother with them. Now I just buy everything.

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      • First — what was the Dax about your dog? How’s he doing?

        I grew asparagus in TX. I miss that! I’ve gone back & forth with gardening here, but Mr. Judy decided to take it on this year. I don’t really like the work of starting from seed & nurseries we’re closed for so long.

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  11. That’s interesting about the lettuce stumps! I’ll have to try that. Oh strawberries! I don’t care for “strawberry-flavored” anything, but give me the real thing & I’m quite content. Glad you found a back-up plan for a race!

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  12. I didn’t know that about the lettuce. Thanks for the tip!

    I’m happy that you found another race nearby that you can run with your son. I’ve run several races with my sons so I know how special that can be!

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  13. Thats great that you found a race for this summer! Im still not sure thats happening with my half that was supposed to be rescheduled. Those strawberries sound so good!

    Liked by 2 people

    • If your half was small, maybe it will happen. I ran a virtual half for one of my races that was canceled. I wasn’t crazy about doing a half virtually.


  14. I love iced coffee, too. It’s my favorite.

    I feel the same way about tomatoes. There’s nothing like a sun-warmed Garden State tomato, and what they sell is the store is straight up rubbish. Same for blueberries and strawberries. I hope you enjoyed!

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  15. Iced coffee and strawberries. It sounds like a perfect summer recipe for deliciousness. I am thrilled to hear you will get to run an in a real-life race this summer. Things are changing again.

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  16. I don’t know how I never learned about planting lettuce stumps until the quarantine either, but I really need to do that! That’s awesome that yours have grown so much already!

    P.S. I want those strawberries!

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  17. Those berries! Strawberries got me to venture out to a new-to-me Farmer’s Market — social distancing restrictions and all. We’re getting near to the end of the season here. Bummer on your son’s 5K but cool that you found a “real” race to do.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow! I had no idea DC was so far ahead of us as far as the strawberry season goes. Our season was delayed by about 2 weeks due to the cold spring this year.


  18. I’ll try one of your ice coffee’s Laurie!
    And yes I grow oak leaf lettuce from stumps & have four plants growing now! I pick the leaves as I need them 😀 & they keep replenishing themselves freely!
    And we grow our own strawberries year round 😀
    Bless you,

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  19. Couldn’t agree more about strawberries. The ones in stores do not compare. That is cool about the lettuce! I’m totes going to try it. Glad you found another race!


  20. Going to try the lettuce just to see what happens. I bet if anyone can kill a sure fire plant, it’s me!! But we shall see. Can’t believe you saw that much growth in a week.

    I used to work for Shoney’s Big Boy restaurants and our strawberries were from California, I think. They were huge. I don’t remember them being especially delicious, though. I capped strawberries for side work every day and made strawberry pies. It’s a wonder I will eat a strawberry after those years of capping flat after flat. Your strawberries sound delicious.

    Iced coffee. Reminds me of my parents. They would have a tall glass and sit under the shade of a big oak in our Tennessee backyard most summer evenings.

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    • I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and your lettuce! A lot of times those big strawberries don’t have a lot of flavor. That capping strawberry job sounds like it wasn’t a whole lot of fun!


  21. I am not a coffee drinker , but it does look tasty. I love this time of year! We just got back from a farm where the strawberries were overflowing and we picked fresh peaches. So yummy!

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