Going the Distance

Meditations in Motion

Last Sunday my hubby Bill and I traveled to Forest City, Pennsylvania to run the D&H Distance Run, a half marathon.

It was our second race in two days (the first one was The Flying Fish 5K) and I was a little bit unsure of my ability to run back-to-back races.

Forest City holds a special place in my heart. It is starting location of my very first marathon, Steamtown. While Steamtown Marathon is run mostly on roads, the D&H distance run is run entirely on a rail-trail, the D&H Rail Trail, to be specific.

Meditations in Motion

We arrived at the trailhead on an overcast, cool race morning to pick up our race packets and were instructed by a volunteer to park in a nearby field. We parked and headed downhill to the pavillion, where we stood in a short line to receive our race bibs and T-shirts. The short-sleeved T-shirt was a soft poly-cotton mix, my favorite kind.

Music was thumping from the huge speakers on the truck shown above. There were treats for the runners before the race, always a nice touch. We could eat our fill of bagels, fresh fruit, and granola bars. Coffee, water, and Gatorade were also available.

Meditations in Motion

We wandered around the registration area and found the finish line on the packed cinder rail-trail, but not the starting line. I assumed the starting and finish lines were at the same place since the race was advertised as out-and-back, but you know what they say about making assumptions.

The starting line was actually on the road leading to the field where we parked, up the hill from the rail-trail, giving us a nice downhill start.

As we waited for the start of the race, I chatted with a woman standing near us. “Have you ever run this race before?” she asked. I told her that I had not. “The first part, when you are going out, is very, very slightly uphill and the last part, when you’re coming back is very, very slightly downhill.

I liked the sound of that.

The starter counted us down and the race began right on time. We ran down the hill on a paved road for about a tenth of a mile, then made a left turn onto the rail-trail. Cheerleaders from the local high school cheered us on as we ran past, just as I remembered them doing at Steamtown.

As we ran on the packed cinder path, I tried to concentrate on watching the beautiful scenery. Wildflowers and trees surrounded the trail. I was hoping to spot some butterflies, but I didn’t see many, probably due to the overcast skies.

Bill and I had decided to stay together for this race and we settled into a comfortable pace. I didn’t notice any uphill at all, in fact, if anything, I thought the course was slightly downhill.

Maybe I was confused,” I thought. “Maybe the first part of the course is downhill and the last part is uphill.

There were aid stations approximately every two miles. Bill and I decided to get a drink and walk through the aid stations. I was feeling fine until about mile four, when I began struggling again, just as I had done in a similar rail-trail half marathon (The Hellbender Half Marathon), which we had run three weeks before.

Due to the nature of the course, spectators were few and far between. At about mile 5.5, however, the rail-trail passed through a small town. A small, but very enthusiastic crowd of spectators cheered as we ran past, a welcome diversion. A short distance down the path, a troop of boy scouts encouraged the runners.

Right about this point, the surface of the trail switched from cinders to packed dirt, another welcome diversion.

As we approached the turn-around point, we started seeing runners ahead of us coming back on the opposite side of the path. I watched to see if there were any women ahead of me who could possibly be in my age group. I saw three.

The first potential age grouper was very far ahead of me. There was no way I could catch her, but I thought she was probably younger than me. The second and third looked to be running strong. Catching up to them also seemed unlikely.

Then we hit the turn-around point.

Once again, I was fooled. We had been running slightly uphill on the way out. The course was now definitely sloping downhill. No doubt about it.

As we ran toward the finish line, my energy level improved drastically. I gradually began increasing my speed, until Bill told me, “Honey, we ran that last mile in 8:30.”  I slowed down. At mile nine, we passed one of the women I thought could be in my age group. At mile 10, we passed another.

Only one woman remained who could potentially be in my age group. At mile 12.5, she came into view. I still felt good, so I stepped on the accelerator. I was closing the gap, when, at the 13th mile-marker, she began sprinting too. I couldn’t quite catch her.

Bill and I crossed the finish line together at 2:06 (six minutes faster than a similar half marathon we ran three weeks ago), got our medals and something to eat and drink. I congratulated the woman I couldn’t catch on her good run. We chatted with some people we knew from other races.

Meditations in MotionThe timing company posted results very quickly. When I checked, I saw I had won my age group. The woman I was trying to catch was actually two age groups below me. Age group awards for the D&H Distance Run were really nice coffee mugs, which I used just this morning.

I definitely recommend this race to everyone. There were lots of pros, including:

  • Very good communication from the race director before and after the race.
  • Excellent racecourse on a very forgiving surface.
  • Plenty of porta-potties.
  • Enthusiastic volunteers and spectators.
  • Great age group awards.
  • Easy logistics.
  • Plenty of aid stations.
  • Refreshments before and after the race.

As for cons, I got nothin’.

If you are looking for an early fall half marathon in northern Pennsylvania, this is the perfect race to consider.


I am linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Weekly Rundown.









  1. Great job, Laurie, to the both of you!! I like coffee mugs for awards…something practical and a great keepsake. There’s a similar race here (the weekend after MCM) that I’m considering doing. It’s on a rail trail, too, but is point-to-point, and has a net downhill the entire route 🙂 I have run it a few times, but not recently.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooooh! Net downhill point-to-point on a rail trail sounds like an awesome race. Not sure how I would do the weekend after MCM, though. I don’t recover as fast as I used to.


  2. Wow, Laurie, congrats on that speedy half! Sounds like a great race. I always scope out the other women at races too, to see who my ‘competition’ are. Sometimes I’m right, but more often I’m wrong! LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love coffee mugs! However I really don’t ever anticipate winning an AG award.. Not even in a couple of years, when I move into my next decade. I’m the back end of a running boom. 🙂 And therefore I rarely even consider if someone is in my AG — just doesn’t matter!

    I find I generally run slower on gravel, too. Even packed gravel.

    Good job to you both & bon voyage! Have a fabulous trip.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love coffee mugs too. I like getting something useful, rather than a medal. I usually run slower on gravel too. I would like to find a good road half marathon in late November – December near me to see how I would do on the road.

      Thank you! We are looking forward to our trip.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Glad to hear you liked D&H! It was definitely a great first half marathon for me. I don’t recall food before the race though maybe I was just too nervous/focused to pay much attention. Congrats on the AG win… I’m telling you it’s impossible to guess people’s ages when you run, I always guess wrong as well! Did you get to check out any good restaurants in or around Scranton?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really liked D&H. It was exactly the kind of race I enjoy – small, a variety of surfaces, and really good organization. Here is the story about Scranton: we ran a 5K in NJ the day before the half marathon, so we didn’t get to Scranton until pretty late. We were tired, still needed a shower, and starving. We went to an Italian/pizza place that was within walking distance to our hotel. It was good, but I forget the name of it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Poor Benji! He just got used to us being home again when we left for the beach. Our neighbor girl takes good care of him, but he misses us when we are not home!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m glad Benji has someone to fill the void while you are gone – I think you said he sleeps with this neighbor girl too doesn’t he? I just read a story about a dog that was found one month after Hurricane Dorian and it was alive. It was under rubble and so emaciated. The shelter folks are trying to locate the owner but barring that 10,000 people had asked to adopt “Miracle” since the story broke.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Laurie, a big congratulations for another age-group win! Who doesn’t enjoy a decent mug? Seriously, it can make or break a tea or coffee!… I’m hoping age,wasn’t mentioned when you chatted with the lady you were trying to catch? Could have been awkward 🙃🙂🙃… The runs you partake in all sound so scenic.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Deb. It was an awesome race. It feels like so long ago now! 🙂 Age was definitely not mentioned when I chatted with the lady I thought might be in my age group. That would definitely have been awkward!


  6. I am in awe of your determination and strength! So impressive.
    I stopped by to leave a message for you.

    Dear Peace Blogger,
    We invite you to Blog4Peace on November 4, 2019. Your peace globes and powerful words have inspired people all over the world. Go to blog4peace.com to get a peace globe template or find us on Facebook. We hope to see you again on this incredible day in the blogosphere.

    Peace to you and yours,
    Mimi Lenox, Founder Blog4Peace

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations! I love mugs. This sounded like a spectacular race for you. Despite the lack of crowd support, it sounded like the trail had decent volunteer support for water/aid stations.

    Liked by 1 person

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