How to (Not) Train While Traveling

Meditations in Motion

My hubby Bill and I have been traveling for over two weeks. Readers of this blog know that, while we did run often while visiting my oldest son and his family in Colorado, we did not run far.

Looking back over my training log for last week, I see that we did run six out of the seven days, but our total mileage was only 18.7 miles.

Oh, we had plenty of excuses. The high altitude and lack of oxygen made running longer distances much more difficult than at home. We had a short window of opportunity to run in the morning before our son and daughter-in-law went to work so that we could be back in time to babysit our grandson. There was a bear in the area. We wanted to spend time with family rather than running.

When we get to Oregon to visit our middle son and his wife, I reasoned, we will run more often. The altitude is similar to that of our Pennsylvania home, they have no children, and, since they both teach at the university and have summers off, the schedule will be more flexible.

Meditations in Motion


Our first stop in Oregon after being picked up at the Portland airport was the town of Hood River in the Columbia River Gorge. Hood River is a mecca for outdoor sports.

The mountains on either side of the Columbia River act as a funnel for air rushing inland from the sea, so there is a perpetual wind blowing from the West. The bright spots of color in the photo above are kiteboarders and windsurfers playing on the river.

We did run on a path along the Columbia River once while we were in town, and we hiked to two beautiful waterfalls, but running definitely was not a priority.

Meditations in Motion

The photo above is of Tamanawas Falls near Mount Hood.

Meditations in Motion

Here we are at Horsetail Falls in the Columbia Gorge.

When we get to my son and daughter-in-law’s house in Corvallis, I thought, we will definitely run more often

Meditations in Motion


We have run once so far in Corvallis. Part of the run was on this beautiful little trail through the woods.

We have done more hiking around Corvallis and saw this sign while on a hike yesterday:

Meditations in Motion

Yes, a cougar was seen in the area. After the bear scare in Colorado, I don’t want to encounter a cougar while out on a run. I am more afraid of cougars than bears.

The first tip for what to do if you see a cougar seems completely unnecessary: “Never approach a cougar at any time for any reason.” Really?  And, “Stay calm.” I think not.

Bill and I ran a local 5K on Saturday (race report to follow) but it looks like our total miles for the week will be well under 20.

I would not worry about the lack of running except for the Hellbender Half Marathon we have planned for later this month and the Marine Corps Marathon we have on the schedule for October.

I guess they will be slow races. Walking is always an option. Besides, there is a wine tasting tour happening later today. The Willamette Valley, where Corvallis is located, is known for their Pinot Noirs.

Time with our family is a higher priority than training and I want to take advantage of every available minute. Even if that means sipping a little wine rather than lacing up my running shoes.

I am linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Weekly Rundown, Shank You Very Much for Global Blogging, Random-osity for The Good, The Random, The Fun, Esme Salon for Senior Salon, and My Random Musings for Anything Goes.






  1. I agree 100%! I had friends visiting this weekend so only managed one of my 2 long runs planned, but totally okay with it because I had an awesome time. Sometimes, running should take a backseat. And if those scheduled races end up being slower than planned, so be it! Amazing photos by the way.

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    • Yes, friends and family are certainly more important than running. Thank you! I am trying to get better at taking photos. My photography skills definitely have room for improvement! 🙂


  2. I ran one of my best halfs with my peak week being 19 miles. I think you’ll be fine.

    I once saw (I’m pretty sure) a young cougar at the park near my MIL’s. It’s named Cougar Mountain, after all! I turned & went the other way — and yes, I’ve been back since & continued to run there. Apparently one was even seen not far from where I live this summer — now that IS unusual!

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    • For some reason, I was not too afraid of encountering a bear while in Colorado, even after we saw one at night. I think they don’t come into the neighborhood during the day and we always ran after daybreak. I AM afraid of encountering a cougar, though. My son’s neighbor got a photo of one at their house.

      I hope you are right about running a half with little training! We will see this Sunday!

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  3. I would totally do what you’ve been doing. Family time always trumps other things, at least in my world, too. I had some FOMO at all the fun at camp a bunch of bloggers/friends has last weekend, but we had a family wedding, and the PA daughter was home for a week. SO, yeah, no-brainer LOL Enjoy all those family adventures 😉

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    • Yes, we have sons living in beautiful places. They are both so much fun to visit. And we are lucky to have one living close to home too! Blessings to you too!


  4. I run less on vacation these days. It’s not a priority and takes away time with family that is a priority. I do like to stay active, and it sounds like you were with hiking and some running!

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  5. In my experience, enjoying vacations and not worrying about running actually ends up being better than trying to train through it all! Plus, I wouldn’t want to mess with a cougar or bear either. Enjoy the rest of the trip!

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    • Yes, if we didn’t have those races coming up, I wouldn’t worry about it, but we have been away for almost 3 weeks and the running has been very light. Thank you – I will enjoy the rest of my trip!


  6. Looks like a beautiful trip! I haven’t run much lately either and I’m ok with it–it isn’t as though I haven’t been busy! Sometimes you have to really keep your priorities right. Glad you enjoyed your trip!

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  7. The sad thing is that the “Never approach a cougar at any time for any reason.” warning is probably necessary for some tourists. I love that part of the country. I’ve been to Horsetail falls several times. That valley is so pretty.

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  8. Cougars and Bears! I’d say ‘thank god we live in PA’ but a couple of weeks ago running a trail in Michaux state forest, an ATVer pulled up next to me and said “Be careful up the path, we just saw a rattlesnake.”

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    • Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Wait…no tigers. Watch out for rattlesnakes, Jeff! I am sure they are active right now. I think there are no rattlers in Lancaster County, only copperheads in the river hills. The rattlers must not have crossed the Susquehanna! 🙂

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    • Haha! Yes. I only need a warning about a tiger to make that saying come true. I don’t think that tiger warning is too likely, thank heavens! I am so sad to have to leave to come home tomorrow. We had a wonderful time visiting our 2 oldest boys out west!

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  9. Aww, I love running in different places so if anything I run more when I’m traveling… but it’s ok, looks like you got out, did some hikes…. different way of enjoying the outdoors. You can get back on track with your training later….

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    • I love running in different places too. We just haven’t been able to take advantage of it on this trip, though. I am going to run a lot when I get home – there has also been a lot of eating on this trip too…


  10. Oh all of these places I’m so familiar with! Makes me want to get back to Oregon again!

    OK, so now a cougar!!! good lord, what is next?!??

    I think you are going to be ok for your upcoming events. Especially if you just adapt to the situation. Were you planning on smashing your PR”s? Anyway I think you still have plenty of time to catch up a bit for MCM. Is that later in October? After Chicago?

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    • I am dreading leaving Oregon tomorrow. It is so beautiful and I only get to see my son and his wife 2 or 3 times a year.

      I know, right? What’s next, a tiger warning?

      I am way past the age where I will be smashing any PRs! 🙂 I am just running for fun, but I want to be able to finish. I did a 14 miler before we left for out west, but that was 3 weeks ago. MCM is the last weekend in October.


  11. Oregon is awesome! We visited a friend of mine in Portland in 2016 and hiked to the top of Multnomah Falls. I agree with avoiding running in areas that cougars have been spotted though! To think my biggest challenge to date has been that skunk and you’re getting a dose of the “real” wild animals!

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    • Hubs and I hiked to Multnomah Falls after the Portland Marathon. It was awesome, but we were with a friend who was afraid of heights. He didn’t like the drop-offs. A skunk IS a real wild animal. I wouldn’t like to encounter one on a run! 🙂

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      • I struggled a bit as well because I hate heights and kept saying they should have railings! Reaching the top was worth it though! Jason went for an early morning run yesterday by himself and saw the skunk and turned around like I did.

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      • I am not a big fan of heights either and thought the same as you – they should have railings. It was the same at the other waterfalls we hiked to. I don’t know if it is in your papers or not, but there has been a bear sighted in Lancaster City (near F&M college and Wegman’s)!

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    • I saw on the news this morning a bear was sighted though they didn’t specify the exact area of Lancaster… I’m very familiar with the spot you’re talking about as I’ve been to F&M for indoor track meets and Jason and I like to venture over to Iron Hill for their Oktoberfest menu. I would’ve never expected a bear in that area!

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  12. Cougars and pinot and bears, oh my! So many very good reasons to lighten up on your training schedule, primarily the correct priority you’ve given to spending quality time with family. And what luck that your adult children have chosen such lovely places to live. I absolutely love that stretch of the old Columbia Highway that runs along the river on one side with the string of amazing waterfalls on the other — and that Hood River wind tunnel is amazing. I’m sure you’re sorry to have to wrap up your visit — and you’ll have lots of time to get back to running when you return home (once you’ve unpacked and opened all the mail, etc., etc.) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are now in the midst of unpacking, doing laundry, paying bills…all the fun stuff you do when you have been away for a while. You are right about the waterfalls and the river on either side of the old highway. What a gorgeous drive. What I wouldn’t give to be sitting outside of a Willamette Valley winery, sipping on some pinot and laughing with family. Good times!


  13. I understand your concerns about lack of runs under your belt for your upcoming big run, but I too would prioritise family over running. I love your story of cougars and bears, I have the company of kangaroos and other native wildlife on my walk/runs in the bush but they aren’t generally dangerous – apart from snakes in summer!! Visiting from #senisal

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  14. You are blessed to have time with family and go hiking and see the sights… retirement looks good on you and Bill … enjoy it to the max; you will catch up as to running and I’d start walking instead if I were you.

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  15. Even though I’m not a huge wine drinker, Pinot Noirs are my wine of choice and I recognize Willamette Valley from one in particular we’ve recently enjoyed (Total Wine recommended it, but I can’t think of the winery at the moment). I hope you enjoyed your tasting!

    Safe travels home!

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    • We stopped at Left Coast Winery yesterday with our son and some other family members, sat outside, sipped Pinot Noir, and marveled at the beautiful scenery. What a great afternoon!

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    • Yes, I wouldn’t mind so much about skipping the long runs if we weren’t signed up for the half this weekend. I guess it will be fine – just slow! 🙂


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