Wheels and Wings 5K Race Report

Meditations in Motion

My hubby and I traveled three miles to our small local airport last Saturday to run the Wheels and Wings 5K road race. The morning was cool for late June and I donned a long-sleeved T-shirt over my race gear before visiting the registration table.

As we picked up our bibs I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see the president of our running club standing beside the registration table. He told me he was the race director and gave me this sweet Lancaster Road Running Club stretchy bracelet.

Meditations in Motion

It pays to know people.

Bill and I strolled around before the race, checking out the antique cars arriving for the “Wheels” part of the Wheels and Wings festival and did a very brief warm-up, which consisted of running a small loop around the parking lot. You don’t want to wear yourself out before the race, right?

We ambled over to the starting line and I saw a former student of mine wearing a race bib. She and I chatted for a few minutes, catching up on her life since she graduated from high school.

All at once, I felt someone hugging me from behind. It was a friend of mine (who is a great hugger). She was running her very first race along with her father, who was acting as her coach.

Meditations in Motion

The race director counted down from three and we were off. My race plan was to maintain the comfortably hard pace I have been using for my spring races.

We ran out the drive connecting the terminal with Airport Road and turned left on Airport Road, where a volunteer stopped traffic to allow racers to cross.

Roads were open to traffic in this race, which I typically do not like, but it was not too much of an issue on these lightly traveled roads. We ran up a slight incline as we continued on Airport Road, but overall, the race course was fairly flat.

After turning off Airport Road, we ran a short distance, then entered a neighborhood where we ran a loop around a big block. As we ran in the neighborhood, at approximately the halfway point of the race, I passed my former student but didn’t think too much about it at the time.

We exited the neighborhood and retraced our steps, heading back toward the airport. At mile two, right on cue, I saw Bill off my left shoulder. After running the first two-thirds of the race ahead of him, he was surging and I was fading. I stopped for a few short walk breaks.

I entered the terminal drive and headed for the finish line feeling tired, but good. Bill finished in 25:53 and I crossed the line in 26:20. We caught our breath, drank a little bit of water, and cheered as our friend and her father crossed the finish line in just over 33 minutes.

Meditations in Motion

As we were waiting for the awards ceremony to begin, my former student approached me. She told me she had been trying to catch me for the final mile and a half of the race, but couldn’t do it. She asked me how old I am and we determined that I am exactly 30 years older than she. After telling me she always enjoyed my class, she asked if she could give me a hug and of course, I agreed.

I won my age group and got a very nice medal with a Boston Marathon-colored ribbon. It was the perfect way to end the race.

Meditations in Motion

There were lots of positives about this race: easy logistics, inexpensive registration fees, short travel time (for us), fairly flat course, and good organization. The few areas where improvement is possible are the race shirt (very thin material), the post-race food (bananas and water), and closing the course to traffic. These few items are not enough to prevent me from running the race again next year. I definitely would.


I am linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Weekly Rundown, Outdoorsy Mommy for her link up, and Bethere2day for Wordless Wednesday.









  1. Congrats on the AG win!! It’s great to find a race so close to home…lucky you! What fun, also, meeting up with a former student 😉 Thanks for linking with us, Laurie 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Were I ever to do such a thing as to run a race longer than 10 feet, I would expect rather more than bananas and water. Champagne and caviar, perhaps. But good for you, and how gratifying to leave your former student in the dust, even though I know you are far too nice to entertain such thoughts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha! There is a marathon in Medoc, France, where they serve wine at the water stops (in addition to water, of course), steak and oysters at the aid stations, and every runner dresses up in the “theme” of the current year. Last year the theme was “theme parks”.

      It was kind of satisfying to think that the old lady still has some “Oomph!” left in the legs! 🙂


  3. Congrats on winning your AG! You always seem to run the best races and I love reading about them. How cool that you saw your former student. I always wonder if years from now I will see more of my former students and how that interaction will be.

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  4. Well done Laurie! Congrats on the AG win. How fun to run into a former student. I love races that are so close to home (said the girl who raced on two different continents this year, hahaha!).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Laurie, you are very speedy. I know that you don’t feel that way, but you are. You obviously would smoke me as well. I forgot to put this in my recap for tomorrow, but the women I tied with at my trail race was also at that race. This time I passed her in the first mile & never day here again. What can I say? Despite the fact that she’s 15 years older than me, it still made me happy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations. Enjoyed reading. So inspiring and makes me want to do more. I cannot run, but have been walking 2 to 5 miles at times, but not daily. My daughter is working up her running and has done a 5k. Sounds like it would be fun and invigorating to be a runner. Always enjoy your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Peabea. so good to hear from you! Congratulations to your daughter. I always enjoy running. It has been so much fun for my hubby and me.


  7. Congrats on the age group win and the finishing time.
    How fun to meet former students.
    1st in the a.g., fast pace, nice meetings with former students, lot of positives, a cool morning: what a wonderful day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Linda. When you get to our age group, there are fewer and fewer runners. Sometimes I am the oldest woman in the race! That was a shock the first time it happened!

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      • I can see my mom saying to me that despite all her medical issues over the years, she never felt old until her mother passed away. She said all of a sudden she realized just how old she was as the matriarch of her family. You can inspire all the rest of them!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. love this blog you’re an amazing runner. hope we can become friends and keep in touch because you seem really nice and your blog is amazing. Hope you know I’m a huge fan of your blog

    Liked by 1 person

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