Central PA 10K Race Report

Meditations in Motion

My hubby Bill and I traveled to Harrisburg, PA on Saturday morning to run the Central PA 10K. The one-mile fun run associated with the 10K race was named “The MIlkshake Mile” because all participants in both races received a world-famous (OK, maybe just state-wide famous) Farm Show milkshake after the race.

We arrived early, parked close to the starting line and registration table, and picked up our race packets without a hitch, then returned to our car to pin on our bibs and relax before the race.  I noted the race shirt was the soft cotton-like material that I like.

10 minutes before the start of the race, we ambled over to the starting line and found a good space in the crowd of runners waiting for the race to begin.  Bill said “Let’s move up a little bit, ” eyeing a woman ahead of us who looked to be about my age, and we moved forward a few paces.

At 9:00, the horn blew and we were off. The race started on the campus of a community college, so the beginning of the race course wound through a parking lot, then out onto a paved bike path which is part of the Capital Area Greenbelt.

The bike path was completely flat and the racers soon thinned out, so running was easy at this point. I had a race plan of running “comfortably hard“, and I was cruising for the first mile and a half.

Meditations in Motion

Then we got to Wildwood Park and the hills. The hills were not killers, but they were pretty steep rollers. It seemed to me like everything in the park was either up or down, no level ground to be found. I started walking up some of the uphills. The woman we moved in front of at the starting line because we didn’t want to be stuck behind a slowpoke passed me.

I am a pretty good downhill runner, so I always made up time on the downhills, but I slowed on the uphills. Time to add some hill repeats to my training.

After over two miles of running the rolling hills of Wildwood Park, we came out onto a flat gravel path. I like races run on a variety of surfaces, so the gravel path was very welcome and I was glad to be finished with the hills.

I accelerated slightly and gradually picked off runners ahead of me one at a time, but not the woman whom I thought was in my age group, although I could see her ahead of me.

Meditations in Motion

We eventually returned to the paved bike path and made our way back to the community college, where the finish line awaited.

I was surprised to learn that I had finished with a pace under 9:00 minutes/mile (my goal), even with all the walk breaks on the uphills. Better yet, I beat my time for a 10K I ran earlier in the spring, which had a much easier course, by over a minute.

But I could not catch the woman we moved in front of at the starting line.

Meditations in Motion

After quickly changing into some dry clothes, we moved on to the after-party. There were vendors handing out free samples of various products, games of chance, a DJ playing loud, bouncy music, and, best of all, the milkshake booth.

The post-race food included soft pretzels, which I always like after a race, so Hubs and I got soft pretzels and milkshakes and strolled around waiting for the awards ceremony to begin.

Meditations in Motion

We got our photo taken at the photo booth set up by a sponsor…

Meditations in Motion

…won some snappy sunglasses and cowbells (you’re welcome Mommy and Daddy) for our grandsons by playing Plinko…

Meditations in Motion

…and picked up some free Teavana samples.


Meditations in Motion

At the awards ceremony, we found out that Bill won third place in his age group.

Meditations in Motion

And I was very surprised to learn that the woman I couldn’t catch was actually two age groups younger than me (which she won). I wound up placing first in my age group.

Meditations in MotionThis race was organized by the people at the Harrisburg Area YMCA, who always have excellent races. Even though it was the first year for this particular race, the people who put it on are pros who know what they are doing.

I would definitely recommend this race to anyone. The course is interesting, the price is reasonable, the organization is top-notch, the shirts are very nice, and the post-race party is happening.

Who doesn’t love a race that ends in milkshakes and soft pretzels?


I am linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Weekly Rundown, Coach Debbie Runs for Coaches’ Corner, and Kooky Runner for Tuesday Topics.









  1. Wow — a winning race for both of you! Congratulations! Your pacing paid off. I’d call any race with milkshakes and soft pretzels a win in my book. They sound great!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like a perfect race to me as well!! I also appreciate a race course with varying forms of terrain…it keeps things interesting. Depending on the steepness, I can often times “walk” a hill faster than run it, due to my long legs…so hills don’e scare me much anymore, even on trails. And your AG win (and the hubby’s), that’s awesome! Congrats 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a perfect race! Loved it! I can’t walk a hill faster than I can run, but I have adopted the trail race mentality. I like walk breaks every once in a while! 🙂


  3. I would totally love a soft pretzel & milkshake after a 10k — yum! Unfortunately I don’t know of any in the area that offer that. You guys run the most interesting races!

    Nice job to both of your placing/winning in your AG AND good job on doing even better than the last 10k.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations on the age group wins and for topping your spring PR. Soft pretzels, drool. I think I’d manage that where I can never manage bagels — too dry a mouth

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that there are so many race options near where you live. Congrats to both of you on your AG awards too!

    I’ve never seen Teavana samples at a race before but I bet they were delicious! I love their products.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are lucky – there are a lot of race options near where I live. I opted for some flavored sparkling water from Teavana. It was very good!


  6. Loved reading this. Congrats on a great time and award.

    Perfect race. Pretzels and milkshakes. I want to do it!!

    Your race sounds similar to the one I ran yesterday. Lots of walking on the uphills and speedy downhills. Even beat last year’s time.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sounds like a really great race! I love the low-key races where you can just show up right before and still get close to the start line. So much less stress!

    Congrats on your AG win!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I wish I ran so I could cash in on all the goodies hee hee. JK.

    Good job! And it seems some lessons learned 😁. I love your honesty about the “slowpoke” who passed you. Man, Higher Power keeps us humble!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow I need to mark this race on my schedule for next summer! I ❤ soft pretzels and milkshakes and the course sounds right up my alley with the rolling hills. Great job on winning your age group! I swear ever since I moved out of the late teens/early 20s it's impossible to to look a woman and determine if she's in my age group or not. I swore at one race this one woman was and she turned out to be 2 age groups older than mine. Age groups that are broken into 5 year segments are even harder to guess!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a really fun race, Tracy. I would recommend it even without the pretzels and milkshakes. But I loved the pretzels and milkshakes, of course! Telling whether someone is in your AG is tough. I have guessed wrong lots of times.

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  10. That race sounds so much fun! Soft pretzels and a milkshake, I’ve never received such goodies at a race but they sound fantastic. I’d gladly eat both as well. Congrats on winning first in your group as well! You’re such a fantastic runner. Your blog keeps inspiring me to try my best.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Look at you keeping up with that lady in front of you!! You probably pushed her as well to help her get a great time.
    That pace – AMAZING!!!!!! Congrats!!!!
    Love the pics of you two at the race.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Congratulations on reaching your goal and winning your AG! I guess the woman in front of you helped you keep the pace up, even if she turned out not to be in your age group. I think it would be nice if runners were body marked like triathletes so we know who we have to beat!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is true – the woman ahead of me did help me keep my pace up. I wanted to at least keep her in sight. And yes – putting our age group in big letters on our arms would be helpful in races sometimes! 🙂


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