Friendship and a 5K Race Report

Meditations in Motion

Saturday morning dawned breezy and cool, perfect racing weather. A friend and I had been trying to come up with a date we were both available to do the same race. I would say “do a race together“, but, that would be misrepresenting our intention.

My friend is speedy; I am not. Even though we would be running the same race, we would not be doing it “together“. I miss more frequent interactions with this dear friend, whom I taught right next door to for over 20 years, and look forward to any chance to see her.

Our common date was Saturday and the race was a 5K only 15 minutes from our house. The race was the Friendship Community 5K, a small race held in conjunction with a festival, complete with children’s rides, face painting, a pancake breakfast, auction, plant sale, art sale, and even a magician blowing balloon animals and doing magic tricks.

Meditations in Motion

The Friendship Community is a Christian ministry “cultivating capabilities of individuals with intellectual disability and autism.” This ministry operates group homes for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They focus on the abilities of the individuals they serve and cultivate personal growth and independence.

I was so happy to be able to help this very worthy cause in some small way through the race.


Meditations in Motion
Nope, still can’t take a decent selfie.


My friend and I, along with my husband Bill arrived shortly before the race, picked up our bibs and goody bags, visited the (indoor, yay!) bathrooms, and did a brief warm-up run. In my case, the warm-up run was very short, as in two minutes long.

There were plenty of our running friends in attendance and we chatted happily to pass the time before the start of the race.

One friend, in particular, talked to me about her love for arm warmers. She is the second friend to recommend them to me within a week, and now I think I must buy some. This was the perfect morning to use arm warmers – cool before the race, but warm once we began running.

Meditations in Motion

Shortly before race time, we lined up at the starting line, had a brief prayer, and were off. The race began on grass. I was slightly nervous about running on grass, due to the uneven footing, but my worry was unnecessary; running on this short, well-groomed grass was fine, and lasted for less than half a mile.

After the grass portion of the race, we ran on a gravel path that led to the parking lot of a nearby dairy. I was feeling good, enjoying the variety of surfaces, and running according to my pre-race plan, which was to run at a comfortably hard pace.

We turned around at the dairy and retraced our steps back to the start line, then veered off for a loop on the paved roads of an adjacent retirement community. Some residents were outside, cheering us on, and the encouragement was definitely welcome by this point of the race.

Even though the course was fairly flat, I was running out of gas, and I was very glad to see the finish line in the distance. I passed a younger woman with about half a mile to go, but the small hill before the finish line got the better of me and I wound up taking a short walk break, during which the woman passed me.

I tried to summon a burst of speed before the finish line, but could not catch her and finished a few seconds behind her (and behind Bill). My speedy friend finished second woman overall, passed on the last hill by a young Amish woman.

Meditations in Motion

We swallowed our disappointment, along with some delicious pancakes at the nearby pancake breakfast, included in the registration fee. When we finished breakfast, the awards ceremony was just beginning.

I insisted that we go to the award ceremony. My friend was the second woman finisher; she undoubtedly would win something. Sure enough, she won a medal and an envelope containing cash, which she promptly donated back to the Friendship Community.

Bill won a medal for second in his very competitive age group and I got first in mine. We were both happy to have finished almost a minute faster than another 5K we ran last week.

Later in the day, after a shower, some yard work, and a little relaxation, we returned to the festival with our daughter-in-law and two grandsons for some festival food and fun. I even purchased some art made by members of the Friendship Community.

Meditations in MotionI heartily recommend this race to anyone in the area. It was extremely well organized, the goody bag contained lots of cool surprises, the festival was a real plus, the course was mostly flat and run on a variety of surfaces (which I like), but best of all, the cause this race supports is phenomenal.

Friendship, a festival and a 5K – a great way to spend a beautiful Saturday morning in May.

I am linking up with Running on the Fly and Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Weekly Rundown and Kooky Runner for Tuesday Topics.









  1. Congrats to you Laurie and I like the idea of pancakes for breakfast post-race. I was in a 5K yesterday too, but I walked. Unlike your stats, I came in last and was laughing as I’ve been behind the group of 5K walkers before, as I was ambling along taking some photos for the post that day, and I was not in a particular hurry and just enjoying the ambiance of the event, but never have I come in last. There were actually more runners than walkers in my event.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Linda. the pancake was yummy, but it really blew my diet. I found out that there is a link between excess sugar and high cholesterol, so I have been trying to cut back on the sugar. I only used a small amount of syrup, but still…

      So glad your 5K went off without a hitch (and without rain, I hope). You were not doing it for time, so I wouldn’t worry about your placement. I have come in last in my age group too. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your photos!

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      • Yes, when I had the gout in my toe, I read everything I could to change my diet and upped the water intake and I was very surprised when they said high sugar could complicate gout. I then studied labels for sugar content and syrup was one of the biggest culprits and I began using the sugar variety when I kept hearing how unhealthy it was to have artificial sugar in syrup. Log Cabin is the lowest sugar content for regular syrup.

        The 5K went well – no rain and happy for that, a little cool but that was okay. I usually walk in 5Ks without worrying for the outcome as I take photos. I noticed my time was over an hour and the stats are not available yet at their website. Actually very little time spent in Ford Field Park, most of it was on the paved pathway. I did do a post on Saturday night and you must have overlooked it in Reader. Here is the post Laurie:

        Liked by 1 person

      • Cool is good for 5Ks. Way better than too much heat. I usually get your posts delivered to my email inbox. I didn’t see this one. Thanks for the link!

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  2. What a fantastic event! I agree, a fantastic cause as well 😉 Congrats on the 1st place AG, and the 2nd AG to the hubby, well done. Yeah about those arm warmers…I had mine on all day at my relay yesterday, but no one could see them (they were very bright & colorful) because I had them on UNDER long-sleeved top (due to the coldness of the day). But, they served their purpose quite well and were a much better option (worn with a tank) than 2 long-sleeved tops would have been.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I loved the photos of your colorful arm warmers in your post this weekend. They really are so pretty. Too bad you had to hide them under another top! 🙂 I am definitely going to begin looking for some.


  3. Congrats to all of you on a great race! This sounds like a fun one. Can’t go wrong with a pancake breakfast after. I never really thought about Amish women running races but what do I know? Haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! We all had a wonderful time. Yes, there are quite a few Amish women (and men) who run races around here. They run in dresses and bonnets – definitely a disadvantage – and usually do quite well.

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  4. Congrats on the speedy 5k and the AG win! I think 5ks are so hard to pace. Since shorter distances seem to be in my future, I plan to work on pacing once I get on top of my illness.

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    • I like 5Ks. You have to run fast (or at least I feel that way), but you don’t feel tired the rest of the day, like you do for a full or a half. Hope the new medication has you feeling better soon!


    • Yes, this cause was wonderful. There were some of the people who are served by the Friendship Community in the race too. It was awesome!


  5. I enjoyed this post, Laurie. I am sure your “slow” speed is still faster than my fast speed. 🙂 I love that you had the chance to support what sounds like an amazing ministry. And you got to see your friend. That’s a double bonus!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The ministry of Friendship Community is indeed amazing, Jeanne. It began over 40 years ago as a very small ministry and has grown since then. It was a wonderful day!

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