Life Happens Over Coffee

Meditations in Motion

I never laugh until I’ve had my coffee. – Clark Gable

I am not quite as dour before coffee as Rhett Butler. I usually run before my morning coffee and running makes me smile. Laughing can wait until after coffee, though.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee I would tell you about our family Christmas. Whew! It was fun but crazy. My middle son and his wife visited us from Oregon for 11 days. That was wonderful. When I look at those 11 days in the rearview mirror, they appear as a merry whirlwind of activities.

Included in the whirlwind were a happy hour hosted by my hubby’s office to celebrate his retirement, a family retirement celebration dinner, a pre-Christmas run and lunch with our running club, a Christmas party at a friend’s house, our annual Christmas Eve lunch with friends, hosting Christmas dinner, a retirement party at our house, and my son’s early birthday dinner.

So much good food and fun. Did we stop after our son and daughter-in-law went home? No, we hosted a New Year’s Eve party. Now we must definitely go back to eating a balanced diet, drinking less and exercising more.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would tell you about our recent trip to the movies with our grandsons and their visiting aunt and uncle. We went to see the animated Spiderman movie. The 7-year-old loved it, but some parts were a little bit intense for the 4-year-old. He and I went out to the arcade in the theater and played some games while the rest of the group finished watching the movie.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that hubby and I ran a 5-mile race last weekend. I checked my running log; it was the first time I tried to run fast since June. It went pretty well. Oh, I did not run fast. Not at all. But my hip felt relatively pain-free after the run. The faster pace did not aggravate the injury. We are laughing in the picture because we are so bad at taking selfies. Believe it or not, this picture was our seventh try at producing a respectable photo before the race and this was the best we could do!

Meditations in Motion

The swag for this race includes a nice Santa-themed hoodie. We now each have four or five of them from previous years in our closets. I am going to have to find a new Christmas race next year. A girl can only use so many hoodies, am I right?

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have two fairly intimidating races coming up. This weekend I am participating in CJ’s Resolution Challenge, a 3-hour timed trail run with Bill and another running friend. I have run this race several times before and it is one of my favorites. This is the less threatening race of the two. Even though three hours is a long time to run, the course is a loop, so you pass the aid station, where runners can get food, drinks, and sit in front of a roaring fire, every 1.6 miles.

Meditations in Motion

The second race, and the one which produces more anxiety, is Phunt, a 25k trail race. Phunt is my absolute favorite race of the year. I love everything about it. I love the vibe, the course, the aid stations, and the after-party. The volunteers are the best, the signs along the trail are entertaining, and it’s the only game in town on Martin Luther King’s birthday weekend. In the unlikely event of good weather, the race organizers are disappointed. Freezing rain, sleet, and snow are the preferred conditions. They make for a better story afterward. I just hope my hip holds up for 16+ miles.

Meditations in Motion

Finally, if we were having coffee I would tell you that after Phunt, hubby and I are looking forward to visiting my sister and brother-in-law in Florida. As a teacher, I never got to travel during the school year, so heading to warmer climes in winter was not on my radar. Now that we are both retired, I am looking forward to some excellent company and a little break from January in the Sunshine State.

I may even bring my running shoes to Florida. OK, let’s be real. I will definitely bring my running shoes to Florida. After all, I need a reason to smile before coffee.

I am linking up with Coco from Running With Perseverance and Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Ultimate Coffee Date.








  1. Rhett made me cry. I’m still waiting to read the rewritten version (I heard that someone ended the book differently).
    Happy racing! Happy coffee drinking 🙂 Happy weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

      • Supposedly the end has been rewritten. I’d love to read it for although it’s been quite a few years since I read the original I’m always still sad for Scarlett and think that if they just could have shared it would have been different.

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    • The 3-hour race is not really scary. Some people just do one (1.5 mile) loop and call it a day. You can sit and warm up any time you like. Yes, I have had it with all the excesses of the holidays.


    • Thank you, Anne. Maybe I will need to ask you for retirement advice. Hubby and I enjoy doing a lot of the same things. I think we will have fun. I took a little blogging break over the holidays, but I am happy to be back.


  2. So glad you are able to smile before your coffee. Congrats on the retirement and getting to travel together when everybody else has to work – yea. Your Christmas sounds amazing. I do miss that as I am so far from my boys. Hope to get down this summer once I am walking good without the cane. hope this is a great year for you and hubby.

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  3. Never do anything before coffee!! Not ever run.

    I get the teacher thing since I was a teacher for over 20 years and once I changed careers, I never vacationed during school breaks.

    So nice to hear that you are no longer having pain. Hope it stays that way.

    Trail racing…never. I am too clumsy. But good luck. 16 miles – holy cow!!!

    And enjoy Florida. Most of my friends winter there. I am going in a month for a few days. Can’t wait!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You definitely had a whirlwind of activity over the holidays! sounds like your house was the place to be!

    Phunt sounds like fun. Except I’d be one rooting for good weather. lol. I don’t mind running in snow – so pretty! – but I take a hard pass at sleet and freezing rain. I just can’t even come up with a way to pretend that’s fun. I’ll cross my fingers for your hip!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You had a whirlwind holiday and beginning of the New Year Laurie – life was busy enough for you, and then you added a 5-mile race into the mix … the three-hour race sounds fun with the blazing fire respite along the way, but the 25K sounds quite rigorous, so take it easy beforehand for your hip. If your weather is like ours you’re going to get snow sooner or later, so enjoy that time in Florida.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Bummer as to the rain … hope this year is not a rainy one like last year – the fire spots do sound welcoming though. I was looking forward to a long jaunt this morning at Lake Erie Metropark and the neighboring marsh to look for snowy owls which have been sighted there – we have freezing fog this morning and black ice, so will go out for a walk later, but not there, as more people are there by then. I prefer the morning stillness and peacefulness more … good luck on the race today.

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      • Thank you, Linda. The race was good – it rained lightly for most of it and the trails were a muddy mess, but that’s what trail runners love! 🙂 I understand what you are saying about solitude and peace.

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      • I know you told me you run rain or shine … it’s too bad it had to rain though. It was quite muddy in some spots at Lake Erie Metropark and very soggy. I took some pictures of great pools of water so deep that ducks were paddling in the bodies of water. I had to step out of the way if possible – much sogginess, like your trail run. I did enjoy my long walk – said “hello” to maybe three people and otherwise very quiet walk, just clears your mind with all the peacefulness – at the Lake Erie shoreline, it was quite wavy so the waves were crashing onto the rocks. Very soothing to hear and see.

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      • It sounds beautiful and peaceful. I ran a marathon once on the shore of Lake Erie (near Mississauga, Ontario). It was raining then and the wind was blowing so hard, waves were crashing on the bike path we were running on. It was a wet, cold, miserable experience!

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      • I love to hear the waves crashing on the rocks –
        I have to learn how to use the video part of the camera … once our Winter settles in, I have to learn how to use the camera better – yesterday I just had the small camera … I am comfortable with it, where the other one I find it makes silhouettes or darkens the images since I am using it on automatic.

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  6. I’m glad you had a great time with your family! :]! I just watched Spiderman last week! Good movie, but definitely agree that it can get pretty intense for a 4-year-old.

    Happy to hear that your race went well too! Best of luck to you on your upcoming ones!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I would be so down with those upcoming races! The 3-hour timed race sounds similar to the two ultras I did (6-hour and 12-hour, both on 1-mile looped courses with all kinds of awesome food!!). And, I agree with you…races with all kinds of adverse conditions make for incredible memories and stories. Best of luck this weekend!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, no! So sorry to hear about your joint pain. Getting old is not for sissies (that’s what my mom used to say)! Hip began hurting on my 3-hour run yesterday but feels OK again today.


  8. I love running barefoot on the beach! Down on the packed sand.

    OMG, I’m tired just reading about your holidays! Mine are very chill. 🙂 Which is good, I don’t do well at this time of year (SADD). Enjoy FL! A well earned respite.

    I am actually no stranger to running for 3 hours . . . slower pace, of course, not more miles.

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    • Running on the beach is tough! Packed sand, or not, it kills my legs. I guess that’s why it is such a good workout. I did the 3-hour run yesterday. Last few laps were mostly walking; my hip started hurting again. It was so muddy, I still have mud under my toenails, even though I have taken 2 showers since the race! 🙂

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  9. your holidays with your family sounds amazing. how did you do all of that in 11 days (and then later host NYE???). I wish my family would come here but that’s a whole other blog post…

    I don’t do trail races at all so I’m already in awe of what you’ll be taking on soon. fingers crossed there’s not too much pain! I just did a NYE run in Berlin and it was partially on the road, partially on trails (as in the trail was clearly for anyone to even just walk so not in the full-on forest) and then one part right after the top of a stupidly high hill (which I later found out is the highest point of Berlin) was what I call a “one man treacherous path” – I envisioned myself at any point sliding down and landing at the bottom of the bush never to be found. I made it though and eventually got back to asphalt!

    nice vacation plans for Florida!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! Your NYE run sounds awesome. I did the Berlin marathon last year, and it was completely flat. Thank goodness we didn’t have to contend with that hill.


  10. “In the unlikely event of good weather, the race organizers are disappointed. Freezing rain, sleet, and snow are the preferred conditions. They make for a better story afterward.”

    These lines were awesome. Rare to think race organizers would be disappointed by good weather, but the truth is, things going wrong almost always make for interesting stories…especially once we’ve got the benefit of time passing!

    BTW, what WAS the ultimate weather for that race?

    Liked by 1 person

    • One year I ran the race in a downpour. The trail was a muddy mess. When I was about 1/2 mile from the finish, the rain turned into sleet. The stinging sleet was enough to give me the incentive to sprint the final 1/2 mile! The RD LOVED it!

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  11. Sounds like you had a great holiday with family! That’s always awesome.
    I want to see that animated Spidey movie, but will likely wait until I can rent from Redbox.
    Hope you have a great time at the trail run! Sounds like a great race.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I think I’d rather run that 15K in bad weather than run a 1.6 mile loop for 3 hours, although I don’t mind running at the track, so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. Glad you had a nice time with family at Christmas and now get to head for some Florida sunshine! Thanks for joining us for coffee!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did the 1.6-mile trail loop 9 times yesterday. It was not boring at all, but it was super muddy! I still have mud ground into my toenails that I can’t scrub out! Thanks for the chance to share.


  13. Sounds like some good times! I also took my 4-year-old to see the Spider-Man movie. I asked her about leaving after *the first incident* but she didn’t want to. She did hide her face anytime the Kingpin was on screen, but got upset when I suggested leaving again. She has tried to wear something with Spidey on it every day since.

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  14. Wow! Congrats on your hubby’s retirement, so much fun to be had! That’s exciting. I was at KK5miler as well, what great weather. I had been pretty sick and it was my first run and race since early November so I was happy it was so nice. Too bad we couldn’t say hello, I was glad to see a black hoodie though! The Phunt sounds interesting, so does CJ’s, maybe next year.

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    • There were a lot of people at Kris Kringle! I enjoyed it and like the black hoodie too. Sorry to hear that you were sick. Hope you are feeling better now. CJ’s was fun. Very muddy!


  15. Clark probably had to be in the makeup chair by 4:30 or something crazy like that but I’d think running would be your cup of coffee. That is such a lovely Christmas tree with the presents all around it. The holidays always do seem like a whirlwind, don’t they?

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  16. No doubt about it – you’re an addict… and i don’t mean to coffee! 😉

    Nice to hear your hip has recovered somewhat. 🙂

    When do you have a holiday from your holidays? 😉

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