Show Me Your Best {Link}

Meditations in Motion

I began blogging on January 1st of this year. It wasn’t a New Year’s resolution. It wasn’t something that I had debated about for a long time. I didn’t even have a topic idea for my first post. It was an impulsive decision on my part, based on the fact that my son, who has his Ph.D. in Computer Science and experience setting up a WordPress website was visiting. I had an in-house expert to help me with my questions, and I had a lot of questions. (Thank you, Robin!)

I knew I wanted my blog to be running-centered, but I also knew that I didn’t have enough expertise to post workouts and running tips. I wanted to write about the things I think about during my long solitary runs. My interior monologue. If my thoughts are amusing enough to keep me entertained for two, three, four hours at a time, they should be fascinating to other people, right?

I gathered my thoughts on gratitude, wrote an article, and posted it. Some of my friends and family read it, liked and commented, and I was on my way.

One of the unexpected pleasures that came along with blogging is the number of diverse and interesting people I have met because I decided to be a blogger. I had no idea that blogging is so social.

I have learned so much from reading others’ blogs. I did not know the depth of wisdom and insight available for free. Blog posts have made me spit out my coffee laughing and rush for a tissue to hold my tears.

As I look back over my posts, there are some that I am very proud of and some that make me think I have missed the mark. Some posts have said exactly what I wanted to say, and some make me feel like I should try a do-over. Does anyone reading this feel the same way?

So now, I have a favor to ask of you – show me your best blog post. I want to see the posts that are special to you. Put it in the Comments section at the bottom of this page. Here is what I would like you to do:

  • Please post a very brief description of your blog so that everyone reading the comment knows what your blog is all about.
  • Include a link to your favorite post. Or your favorite recent post. Or a post that you don’t like very much. Or all of the above.
  • Check out as many of the links posted here as you can. Maybe you will find a new blog you love or maybe you will find some new followers. Comment on at least one other blogger’s post.
  • Please reblog this or share on social media if you are comfortable doing that.

It is my intention to read all of the links posted here. Maybe not today, but soon. I am stepping out on a limb, hoping to try something new, looking forward to reading your best!

I will start off the conversation. Here is one of my favorite posts:

And here is one that I want to do over:

I showed you mine, now you show me yours!


I am joining Running on Happy, Crazy Running Girl, and Coach Debbie Runs  for Coaches’ Corner, Nicole and Annmarie for Wild Workout Wednesday, Holley Gerth for Coffee for Your Heart, Worth Beyond Rubies for her link up, Debbie at Dare 2 Hear, Random-osity for Little Things Thursdays, It’s a Small Town Life for Thankful Thursday, Jessica and Amy at Live Life Well, Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for their Friday 5, My Little Tablespoon and Laughing My Abs Off for their Fab Finds Friday, Crystal Twaddell for Fresh Market Friday,  Spiritual Sundays for Welcome, Susan B Mead for Dancing With Jesus, and Sharing a Journey for Wellness Wednesday.








  1. My blog and social media presence have been a source of contention for one of my sisters, as evidenced by the poem I recently posted. I don’t know why she feels so strongly about it nor why she cares so much. it’s clear to me that she doesn’t understand all the reasons we blog, which you so eloquently stated! Putting your thoughts out in the public is always a risk but the benefits outweigh those risks 10 fold. I’ve met the most wonderful people through my blog and I’ve found a tribe that “gets me”. That’s really why we do it!

    I have a lot of posts that I”m proud of–mostly about running, because this is a running blog after all. It’s my poem that I recently published that I’m most proud of. My best posts come from the heart and this one came from a very deep place within. It felt good to write it, but it was a risk to publish it.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Wendy, thank you so much for being the first one to link a post! I am so glad that I found the tribe of running bloggers too! Everyone I have interacted with has been unfailingly kind, helpful and generous. You are exactly right – it feels like you are with others who “get you”.

      Can’t wait to read your post.


    • Wendy, unfortunately, the only way to comment on your blog is to have a Google account, which I don’t. So, I can’t.
      Just wanted to let you know that I read your piece. And that I wanted to tell you to just “do you”.
      You are your own person. Your sister might want the best for you from HER perspective. Her perspective and yours don’t have to be the same.
      Although, I would like you to be safe and not overdo it (suffer afterwards).
      My Mom’s friends pushed her to walk more than she did. Because you know, the more you move, the more… No, it wasn’t a good idea for her. They had no idea what kind of pain she was in. Yes, they wanted to do good, but I’m sure it pained my Mom to hear it from them.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, Wendy. I remember this post, of course. You are so brave to write this. I had no idea the issues you were facing from your family. My heart goes out to you (and to your sister). You are definitely your own person – brave, strong, determined and funny. Your running tribe appreciates you!


  2. My favorite blog post ever is a piece I wrote for SheLoves a few Christmases ago:

    I have a lot of old posts that I am tempted to delete from the site, but will choose one:
    When I started blogging, I didn’t even know how to put an image on the post, and my book reviews were embarrassingly . . . embarrassing.

    This is a fun idea!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Michele, the “Weeping Woman of Ramah” post is incredible. The way you (as a mother of 4 sons) could put yourself in that mother’s place and describe her anguish and her internal conflict between the loss of her own son and her faith in the Messiah, who was (temporarily) spared was compelling and raw. Beautifully written. I can see why it is a favorite of yours. It is now a favorite of mine.

      I also think the book review was well-written and, even though it lacks a picture :), it combines your thoughts and insight with the description of the book’s contents. I think I would not delete anything from your site. You can look back and see your evolution as a writer and reviewer. It is growth you should be proud of!


      • So encouraging, Laurie. It’s such a great idea to look back, and with the continual need for “new” content, I hardly ever do that. I’m going to be heading over to your place today for a leisurely stroll through the offerings that people have left there. Just based on the comments I’ve read, it’s an amazingly diverse group!

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  3. A Guy Called Bloke and K9 Doodlepip! as a blog is about the journeys and the stories which surround my life and that of my K9 Doodlepip and l like to say ‘We Each Have A Story To Tell’ and that in the main what we do in the form of humour, tales and drama, tied up with quizzes and questions and fun.

    My philosophy has always been fairly simple, my life is not centred on one genre so l write about several several genres, l write firstly for myself and secondly for my audience and Doodlepip well she paws for her K9rs and other Petz 🙂

    I find it very hard to find one post that means to me more than others, or is better or worse or is uglier or prettier, afterall, we all blog for this reason or that, and principally we blog because we have something to say or we wish to hone how we say it and thus test our skills at communicating our life for others to read, discuss and ponder on.

    The post l will display here today is one l posted today that means a lot to me. It was written originally in 2009, and it was created when l heard a song playing on the radio that took me back to when l was 24 and madly in love with my first true love. The love of 1987.

    Was it only yesterday.

    Rory Matier & Scrappy Doodlepip.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. After almost 10 years of blogging I’ve written a lot of posts that I’m proud of, usually about running, (and more than a few that I’m not happy with) but the one that seems to hit home with most people is one I wrote about my excisional breast biopsy about five or six years ago. It is my second most read of all time and I still get emails and comments from women who are going through the same thing. It seems to help them and give them an idea of what is coming.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oh my goodness, Debbie. What a harrowing experience! You came through it like a champ! I can see why this is one of your favorite posts. You write with such honesty and humor. Such a public service for other women going through a similar situation. I really enjoy your posts. Congrats on your long-lived blog. 10 years in the bloggersphere seems like an eternity! Thanks so much for posting!


    • 1. I see you disabled your comment section. I will therefore comment here.
      2. 10 year of blogging? Like Laurie said – that’s impressive. To say the least.
      3. The wire into your breast procedure sounds absolutely barbaric. I wonder in a couple of centuries what they will think of it.
      4. Glad it was benign and the story had a happy ending.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This is such an awesome idea for a post!

    I started my blog a few years ago and it focuses primarily on running. I like to share my training for races, race recaps, tips and tricks, etc. Last year I ran my second marathon – the Chicago Marathon. I trained for 20 weeks and felt ready to PR. Unfortunately I had an awful race experience, but I still wanted to share my race recap and experience. Not every race goes as planned and we have to talk about the bad ones to appreciate the good ones. I’m really proud of this post:

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can see why this is your favorite post. The emotions you were able to convey when you were describing running the race and afterward were so real, so honest and so compelling. As you may know, I just had a really disappointing marathon experience too, so I really do feel your pain. I hope you will consider running another marathon. You don’t want that Chicago experience to leave a bad taste in your mouth where marathoning is concerned.


  6. Thank you for inviting all of us here!

    Like you, I was surprised by the degree of “social” when it comes to blogging.
    There is so much variety, that you really can cry and laugh, and learn, all in the same hour.

    My blog is comprised of: Creative Writing Pieces (CW) (short stories, poems, etc.), as well as News Related Opinion Pieces. There is also a little bit of motivation, thoughts, wisdom, feelings, etc.

    Since your latest comment reminded me of my older posts, I decided to share:

    As for a more recent post: CW:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for commenting on this post! You are such a talented writer in so many genres. The fictional love story about 2 fish was great, with the funny twist at the end (finding out you were writing about fish). The piece about apologies was spot on. You put into words the ideas that are locked in my head so eloquently.

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  7. I am so glad to have found your blog this morning. I am no longer a runner but am a walker, and gym/workout addict 5 days a week. I started blogging when I retired from an administrative position in 2011 that required deadlines and reports. I knew I would need routine and a creative outlet. I started blogging with one intention and that was to focus on things of beauty within us and enhancing the beauty without. Since then, my blog evolved into whatever is important to me on the days I post. I am still very much interested in fashion , decor, fitness, but am also very family orientated. I enjoy blogging and have come to the realization that I do it for me and not for the comments or lack thereof.

    I will link this to my today’s blog post. I also do a Wednesdays Wellness weekly blog that covers a range of topics. I look forward to visiting with you again soon. And thank you for this fun linkup idea.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting, Libby. I read your most recent post about fashion, faith and September 11. I enjoyed it a lot. I understand you when you describe your blog as “whatever is important to you”. I think if we each write what is important to us, we will write interesting, passionate, engaging posts. It’s a good idea. I will be back to visit again! 🙂


    • Shelley, I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying your blog. You are such a talented writer and so much fun to read. I feel like I am kind of flailing along with my blog sometimes, not really knowing what I am doing. It is great to read some posts that let me know I am doing OK! 🙂

      I let my hair go gray last year after I retired. It wasn’t quite as dramatic as some transitions, because I just highlighted with blonde, rather than having it colored it all over. I let it grow out for about 3 months, then got it cut super, super short. I am about 1 year post-coloring, and there is no blonde left, but my hair is not as long as it was in my profile picture (taken about 15 months ago.) Your hair looks so much better now. I love the color and the natural curl.

      I liked the “boss” blog too. I left a comment on that post.


    • Is there no comment section on the gray post? I don’t think anyone has ever laid out like you have.
      People go grey in various stages of their lives. It does not always mean old – like you said. Someone I knew from school went full grey slightly after his 20th B-day. Overnight.

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  8. I am Jeanne from A Jeanne in the Kitchen. I write a food blog. I just started in March, so i am new too. So far, I do not have a favorite blog of mine. It is still waiting to be written. But if you like food, please check me out at I would love to meet you and share my ideas with you.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Ooh, permission to drop a link in someone’s comments. Awesome. My blog “The Other Stuff” is an intersection of essays on running, parenting, mental illness (mine) and Tourette Syndrome (mine). At times I get into substance abuse as well, but I’ve now been alcohol free for almost three years so I don’t have much to say on that any more. The following post is running related, and I pretty much wrote it in my head while running. I thought it would be appropriate on your blog:

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well Laurie, I like both of yours. Not sure the “Do Over” deserves a negative feeling about. The sadness of this world is hard for us to look at and I think you did well to show your heart about it. I guess my favorite blog was one that is close to my heart as it should be to everyone’s. Showing Kindness.
    The one that probably should be rethought would be one on self importance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I thought I came off as a little preach-y in that one, but thank you, Anita! I am having trouble connecting to your links. I think it is a WordPress glitch. I will try going over to your site and manually finding these posts. I want to read them!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Laurie, what a fun idea for a post! I’m your neighbor at Holley Gerth’s place today, and I’m so glad, because it means I get to meet you. 🙂 And I love how you started blogging. 🙂

    I have a number of favorite posts.

    I am a faith blogger who writes about life, relationships—with God and those around us—and lately, about mothering. Which, yes, falls under the relationship category. I also find my posts talk about our identities, also.

    I have a number of posts that I’ve really liked, but here’s one from a series I was a part of a few years ago…

    And here’s my most recent post:

    I’m looking forward to coming back later and reading some of these!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jeanne, what a well-written, moving post. I can see why this is your favorite! I think all of us (especially women) can identify with this feeling. The problem for me was never being able to figure out exactly HOW I was supposed to act to be popular, liked, approved of. I, like you, eventually figured out that God made me the way I am for a reason. I don’t have to change to be accepted and loved. Thank you so much for sharing!


    • Oh, this is an excellent one! I can see why you like it. Isn’t it amazing that the house your family lived in near the docks in Liverpool no longer exists? I assume it was bombed? Your grandfather had great foresight to move his family away from that location. Thank you for posting!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Glad you liked it! I’m not sure if the house (it was an old pub) was bombed or just cleared as time went on. I visited the street with my mum around 2002 and along the stretch of road where no. 55 should have been were more industrial buildings.

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  12. I have met the most interesting people through my blog and through social media. So many have become women who I now consider close friends. It’s so fantastic to find a tribe of others who just get you. I am traveling so I am going to have to get back to you on my favorite post. Glad we have connected over the past few months!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. My blog is usually a mixture of my unfiltered pranks, musings, thoughts and deeds. It’s mostly what i think of as funny but every now and then i let inner Britchy out. She’s a boring grown up so mostly I stifle that Britch with cake!I just got back from a marathon slog from upstate New York down to Coastsl North Carolina and back. It was fraught and stressful, wondering if I’d be able to get to my son, if I could get gas, if I could get back. The post I’m linking to has been in my mind because I’ve been thinking especially about the less fortunate with the upcoming hurricane and indeed the whole season.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Hi Laurie

    I started blogging in May…my site is named Crushed Caramel (Learner At Love)

    In essence Caramel (moi) was crushed by a challenging situation…and then was the victim of a crime from which she has been rebuilding her life.
    The site is mostly very lighthearted and joyful. It is mainly about Caramel enjoying life, recalling wonderful lessons from family and friends over the years and enjoying her time with the wonderful Goldfinch who has been courting Caramel for almost a year now.
    Recently I have published a series of posts that explained a bit more about the situation that crushed Caramel three years ago and it has been a massive relief to be able to write about a situation that has been hard to talk about. They are what I would call the “Cup Of Tea” series…which start with a post entitled: “Would Your Like A Cup Of Tea?” I have just one more post to complete that series…which is in my drafts folder, needing a little bit of polishing up.

    I have a favourite post on my site…it is a poem I wrote over twenty years ago:

    Thank you for hosting this Laurie….it is very kind of you. I look forward to reading all the other bloggers introducing themselves. But that will have to be tomorrow morning because it is 1am here in London – way past my bedtime!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. What a great idea. I started blogging when my son was six months old. I was a SAHM and really needed someone to talk to. I didn’t have PPD but I sure was lonely. I don’t really have any favorite posts to be quite honest. Maybe I do. But nothing that sticks out right now. Thank you for sharing yours!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Hi, my name is Racquel and my blog is basically about life, my own life, my experiences, good and bad.

    I have only been blogging for 2 months and I have found it worthwhile and therapeutic.

    My best post to date is when I blogged about the absolute worst phase of my life when I was going through my divorce. I cried while writing it. I dug deep and didn’t hold back while I wrote.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Racquel, you are an incredible woman and a fantastic writer. There is no other way to put it. The post you wrote about your divorce is so real, so compelling and so riveting. It just draws you in and allows the reader to feel your pain and your triumph. I live in Amish farm country, and I always thought that Amish people have a lot to teach the world about forgiveness, but so do you. Forgiving your Ex is your only path to healing. I am sure it was difficult, but necessary. I am so glad you linked to this post and so glad our paths intersected. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts!

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Hi Laurie, you’ve made my night! ❤

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    Amish farm country, huh? And this is why I love WordPress, it exposes you to the rest of the World and you meet so many interesting people. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Laurie. I can’t say I have ever met anyone Amish before. I look forward to your posts and getting to know you more.

    Thank you so much for creating this post, you’ve given me the opportunity to connect with other bloggers. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I started blogging to highlight the acts of kindness that ordinary folk extend to those around them. I felt that these were unsung heroes who didn’t think twice about doing something for someone they didn’t even know.

    Along the way, I’ve indulged in quotes, photographs, and even sharing little personal nuggets I never dreamed I would. I feel I am so much better for the experience of blogging – it has made me more thoughtful, more careful with my words, more observant, and it has given me an online family whose comments and posts have enriched me.

    I am sharing this post because it sums up the sort of person I want to be.

    Liked by 2 people

    • First, I love the idea of posting acts of kindness. I believe it is our responsibility to be kind and compassionate to others (and ourselves) in order to show our gratitude for everything we have in our lives. Your father sounds like a caring and sympathetic person. You are lucky to have him as a role model. Taking his time to comfort a scared young girl was such an unselfish act of caring. Thank you so much for linking to this post. I enjoy reading your inspirational writing very much.

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    • What a searingly honest post! I can see why it is your favorite. One of the most painful lessons I have learned in my life is that we are each responsible for our own happiness. You are responsible for yours and your former husband was responsible for his. You couldn’t be happy for him. You have no reason at all to feel guilty. When I look at the picture of your family now, the cute baby, all of you smiling, I see so much hope, so many possibilities, so much promise. I am glad that you appreciate your many blessings. I really enjoyed reading your post. So happy you posted a link!


  19. My blog is my thoughts shared out loud. Mostly I write about my life, my thoughts and feels. I feel it’s simplest to say, I’m just an girl sharing my life journey.
    I’m a mom of grown daughters, a wife, a teacher, a student, a photographer and writer. I’m a hopeful realist with an overwhelming capacity for love. I’m looking to be inspired by and inspire others. I’m constantly delighted at the people I meet because of blogging.
    Choosing my best post is tricky…but I’ll do my best.

    I’m sharing this one because I believe it’s important to remember to live your intention each and every day.

    I’m sharing this one because I believe being able to see how far I’ve come is an important reminder.

    This is a great idea, thanks for hosting!

    Liked by 1 person

    • After reading both posts I can understand why you chose them as your best. They are wonderful, each in their own way. The first one expresses your philosophy now, based on Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. I am so glad to hear that you are intentional about living your life in love. After reading the second letter about getting thrown away by your mother when you were 15, the fact that you live your life in love is nothing short of amazing! You are a strong woman. Every 15-year-old wants to test our how to live her life. You didn’t do anything “wrong”, you were just growing up. I am so glad you added your links to this post. It’s a pleasure to get to know you.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Nice post Laurie,
    My blog is a combination of poetry, short stories, news articles and my blogs mostly about being Transgender to help show that trans people are just people like everyone else and to help spread acceptance.
    My favorite post is one that has my two favorite poems in it, I wrote them years ago after my awakening ( it’s the first two links ).


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    • So much pain coming through your words. I don’t think I read any of your poems before, Dawn, but they are beautiful! I hope you are coming around to be in a better place emotionally now than when you wrote those poems. So glad you have the outlet of your blog to express your feelings. We are all human beings and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Bless you! Thank you for linking!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi Laurie,
    I enjoyed reading both of your posts and am now following your blog. My blog is mostly about farming, growing our own food, raising chickens and bees and soap making but goes in many directions. I am going to share a post that was one of my favorites to write but did not have many views.
    I look forward to reading many of links here since I am not familiar with so many bloggers who have left them. Thanks for hosting this and have a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a wonderful story! So well written and heartfelt. I had never heard the saying about cardinals before, but I like it! I believe that Kara’s grandmother is watching over her, just as God watches over all of us. Thank you for linking to this post. So glad our paths crossed!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you Laurie. Letting my children go off on their own was probably one of the hardest parts about being a Mom. It is comforting to know that God and they Angels are looking out for them.

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  22. Hello, my blog is more of a photo blog. I am not a writer, my blog is a memory keeper for my travels, nature views, birds and critters. Both my hubby and I like to look back over the years and revisit places and things we have done. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hi Laurie, What a fantastic idea 🙂

    My blog, tales from the mind of Kristian, is mainly a selection of short stories and the occasional poem that I have written.

    Here is a link to one of my favourite recent posts.

    Here is one that I was not so happy with:

    All the best 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Over the past few years, I’ve fallen in love with Paris – it’s food, architecture, art and culture. So I was inspired over the winter to start blogging about my French food and travel adventures and I am loving it! I didn’t realize how much pleasure I would get out of this creative process and out of sharing my experiences with others. I have also been delighted to discover the joys of connecting with other bloggers. I hope you enjoy this latest post of mine on one of my favourite experiences during my latest trip to Paris:

    Liked by 2 people

    • Frances, I absolutely love your blog. The post you wrote about the baking class at the Ritz in Paris could not have been more enjoyable. My mouth was watering at the lime and chocolate hazelnut cakes. I (sadly) have only visited Paris once, and our visit was much too brief. Your post inspires me to make plans to go back. Thank you so much for linking. Au revoir!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Karen, I loved the story of you and your granddaughter taking an urban hike. You are instilling the love of the outdoors and of movement in her – not bad, especially since she had a great time. And now you get a chance to begin the same tradition with your grandson too! In Portland, no less, one of my favorite cities in the world! My middle son lives in Corvallis, so we get the chance to visit Portland more often when we fly from PA. I have run the trail by the river near the science museum in Portland many times and even did the Portland marathon once. Thank you so much for linking to this post. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts.

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  25. I so relate to what you’re saying here. I was surprised to discover, too, how social that blogging can be. And I love that! 🙂 I’ve made lots of friends through blogging, many online, but a few in person as well. Blessing to you on your continued journey in blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Well hello all! My blog, Quirky, Confused, & Curvy is all about sharing my experiences as a thirty-something woman living with anxiety.
    This post about my great-uncle’s 90th birthday party is probably my favorite, maybe because it’s a bit different from most of my other blogs.
    I’m off to bed now but can’t wait to check in and see what other new blogs I can discover and follow! Looking forward to connecting with lots of other bloggers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love the name of your blog! The story of your great-uncles’ birthday party is touching, especially your goodbye. Imagine your great-grandmother having children over a span of at least 20 years! I have a good friend whose family (Hrapchak) is also of Czech origin and live in the Pittsburgh area. She describes family reunions similar to yours. Thank you for linking to this post. I enjoyed reading your blog!


  27. Congrats on your years of blogging! It has been over 5 years for us. There are many favorite posts. I would say any marathon race recap is special to me. Especially Boston 2013. Not sure how to post a direct link to that post(I’m commenting on my phone) but if you click races at our page we have all our races in order through the years.

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    • So glad to hear that your test results were good and your son was there with you to help you celebrate the good news. After reading your title, I couldn’t wait to read how an elephant could be in a bathroom! I laughed when I saw the picture. Very well-written. Thank you so much for linking to this post!


  28. Coming from Thankful Thursday – that’s a tough question I need to think about, because I am an artist, involved in several projects up to my ears, and every day is an awesome day! Also I have a photo challenge/meme All Seasons from Sun-Wed – welcome to visit and leave a photo! Cheers, Jesh

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    • Lauren, I bet that you are the only blogger who has used the words “funny” and “breast cancer” together in the title of a post! This post was so honest, so personal, and so FUNNY! I think you wrote about cancer before I began reading your blog, so I had no idea. Thank you so much for linking up to this post. I was hoping that you would! I always look forward to reading your posts – love your self-effacing sense of humor and your passionate faith.


  29. I love this! I am going to bookmark this post for when I have more time and can go through and read some people’s favorite posts. I have been blogging for over 5 years, so I feel a lot of pressure to try to pick my favorite! I do serious posts as well as just fluffy, silly ones too.

    Here is the craziest race I ever ran:

    Here is when I met Hillary Clinton:

    Here is a short and sweet post about my Uncle Jack…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Megan, I am so glad you came back to link some posts. I remember reading about the Safe Harbor race when you first posted it. That is a riveting account of the craziest (and not in a good way) race I have ever read! I sent a link of that post to the president of our running club because the club was helping to promote those races! Not anymore!!!

      The story about your Uncle Jack is sweet and poignant. I was so happy to read that you had one last reminder of your uncle (great uncle?)

      And meeting Hillary? So exciting, even more so since you got to have the whole experience with your mom.

      I love your writing, Megan. You are so good at story-telling. Thank you for linking.


    • Hannah, I loved both posts. I especially! liked! your! use! of! punctuation! in the first one to show how excited doge can be in the new experience of trail running. I used to have a hard time keeping up with my dog, Benji, then he would stop and smell everything on the trail (which I think was just a sneaky way for him to get periodic rests), and now he is more of a mosy-er.

      The second post was thought-provoking. “Best” is a pretty nebulous concept that changes depending on the circumstances. If we compare ourselves to an ultimate “best”, this can lead to feeling bad about ourselves for never measuring up to that “best”. One of our school superintendents had a great quote “We’re good, but we can be better,” that I always liked. Feel good about yourself, but realize there is always room for improvement.

      Thanks so much for attaching a link to the post!


  30. Laurie – what a great idea. I hope you’ll let me steal it- with credit of course- for my anniversary. Though I’m not a runner, I get so much out of your blog.

    My blog is a collection of stories about my life and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. I hope you’ll laugh a little, cry a little and learn a lot. Thanks for reading, sharing and engaging with my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Catherine, of course, you may use the idea. I will link to that post.

      I loved your story about your second period class. I think every teacher has had at least one “second period class” in their careers. The fact that I had to make sure that the kids and I were on the same team right from the start of the year was a hard lesson to learn when I first started teaching. I could definitely relate.

      You are a talented storyteller and photographer. The picture of the weathered stone used as a grave marker at the end of the story was poignant and so sad. Thanks for dropping a link on the post.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Enda, you are such a great storyteller. You make it seem effortless when I read your posts. As I was reading, I thought of my own relationship with my 3 sons. Things that seemed important at the time, now seem amusing. It’s easier to laugh at things when we get older and gain perspective.

      Thank you for linking to the post.


  31. What a wonderful idea!! I love this! I will get back to you with mine, but for right now, thank you for creating this!

    Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell!



    Liked by 1 person

  32. Hi Lauri, thank you for this opportunity! My blog is a Collection of Ideas, Images, Meditations, Reflections, and Thoughts – These items resonate with me. I hope they will inspire you. Passion is the path to health. If you find your passion, you find your vitality and you revitalize. Stay on the path! Here is a recent post: and one of my favourite posts:

    Liked by 1 person

    • I loved both of your posts. I can definitely see why you selected the post about success as your favorite. As a marathon runner, I can relate. It reminded me of a talk I heard one time by Ryan Hall (a famous distance runner). He said “Don’t think about all the miles you have already run, don’t think about the miles you have left to go, just enjoy the mile you are in right now. Great advice! And, as a former science teacher, I love how you worked Newton’s Third Law into the post too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • What a beautifully written piece! I can see why you would choose this as your favorite! The pictures are spectacular. I loved reading about your outdoor adventures. My oldest son lives in Steamboat Springs, CO, and we have hiked a lot there, but I have never done a 14-er. I also love Chuck Mangione’s music. My hubby had the great fortune to attend one of his concerts a long time ago, before we were married. We still listen to Chuck whenever we get the chance. Your dad had good taste in music!


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