Meditations in Motion May Race Schedule

I am excited to share my May race schedule with you, but first, an update about the races I finished in the last month. I did three races in April:

Meditations in Motion

  1. Buck Ridge Burn trail half marathon was the first race on my April schedule. It was a tough trail half that I did with my hubby and fast friend Diana. The race had a wonderful, fun, party vibe, with music, Subway subs and home made soup featured post-race. Lots of stream crossings, roots and rocks. Typical PA trail running. I won my age group because I was the only woman in it. I highly recommend this race!    Meditations in Motion
  2. Next up was Ukrop’s 10k in Richmond, VA. Ukrop’s is a huge road race. 30,000 people toe the line here. It is like a 6.2 mile moving party. There are bands, cheer groups, people with signs, and racers in wacky costumes – always something to look at while running. I was planning to try to run a fast race here, but my legs were still not recovered from the previous weekend, so it became a fun run for me.   Meditations in Motion
  3. My “A” race of the season was Hyner View Trail Challenge 25k. Emphasis on “Challenge“. This is a monster of a trail race with three steep ascents and descents, rocks, roots, water crossings and even a trail aptly named “Cliffhanger”. Parts of this race were so steep you had to scramble up the trail hand over fist. This race took me longer to finish than my typical marathon. I won my age group, which I was very happy about.

May is a very busy month for me too. Here is what I have coming up:

Meditations in Motion

  1. The Turkey Hill Classic 5k is on May 5 in Conestoga, PA. This is the second race in a challenge I have issued to myself to run a 5k once a month, and try to get faster. I have heard a lot about this race, but never run it. There is also a 10k and a half marathon that start at the same time, as well as bike races. The course is supposed to be flat, so that will be in my favor, but I may have under-estimated the wear and tear of my aggressive April race schedule on my legs. I will give it my best shot. Lots of children’s activities, the Phillie Phanatic, and Turkey Hill ice cream and iced tea make the post race party fun for the whole family.  Meditations in Motion
  2. Montour 24 is the following weekend in Danville, PA. It is a 24 hour race. You can either do the whole 24 hours solo, or as part of a 4 person team. I am on a relay team, so I will be running for one hour every four from 7:30 p.m. on Friday until 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. I have done this race before, but not in this format. Last year, running solo for 6 hours was an option, but the relay aspect is very appealing. Montour 24 is so well organized, and so much fun, that I look forward to it every year. I like the race so much that I am willing to sleep in a tent in order to do it, violating one of the bedrock principles of my life (no camping).    Meditations in Motion
  3. The York Half Marathon is the next weekend in York, PA. This is a companion race to the York Marathon, a Boston Qualifier. Both races begin on the road in the city of York, and quickly transition to the York Heritage Rail Trail. This is a flat, crushed stone path that I have run on many times. The first long race I did was a 10 miler on this trail. It is mostly shaded, and the race begins at 6:15, so I am hoping heat will not be too much of a factor.

Hope to see you at the races!

I will be linking  up with Deb for her April Race Linkup. Check out some of the other awesome running bloggers who will be sharing their racing schedules there. Maybe we can arrange some meet-ups if our schedules coincide!





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