Happy New Year! With Coffee

Meditations in Motion

Hello and welcome to the January edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date with Coco from Running With Perseverance and Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner. Grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage and pull up a seat. Virtually, of course.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The Things We Do For Our Grandchildren

If we were having coffee, I would tell you we decided to buy a Nintendo Switch for our grandchildren as a Christmas gift.

Our strategy was to wait for Black Friday and take advantage of the electronic sales to obtain the item at a reasonable price. Bad idea.

When we looked for a Switch the week before Black Friday, it was nowhere to be found. No online sellers had it in stock, no in-store retailers had it. It was nowhere, no place, nohow.

After a frantic search, we finally found it at a store an hour away from our house, but we could not pre-order it for pick-up, and we could not get it shipped to our house. We had to travel to the store and take our chances.

I called a salesperson in the electronics department and explained our dilemma. Could he hold the item for us? He told us that there were still four Switches in the store (remaining from the eight they had received that morning), and unfortunately, he could not hold one for us.

It was 9:30 at night. The store closed at 11:00.

I was already in my jammies.

We hopped in the car and sped to the store. Of course.

Luckily, they still had a Switch in stock when we got there. For full price.

We bought it and considered ourselves fortunate.


Yes, I made Christmas Cookies

If we were having coffee, I would remind you that I have been on a no-added-sugar diet for one year.

In past years, I made Christmas cookies and shipped them to my kids who live far away. Some of the cookies were from recipes I got from my mother. Some were from my mother-in-law. Some were my own recipes. All were steeped in tradition.

This year, I thought I would forego making Christmas cookies. My husband and I didn’t want the temptation. Due to the pandemic, we have no visitors to help us eat the cookies.

My oldest son had other ideas.

No cookie package?

He informed me that his son, my youngest grandson, would probably get over the crushing disappointment of not getting his expected cookie shipment from Mimi.

I made the Christmas cookies and shipped them out post-haste. I would not want to take the chance of scarring my grandson for life.

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS on Pexels.com

Birds Aren’t Real

Finally, if we were having coffee, I would tell you that my sister and I see eye-to-eye on most subjects. We have similar political views. We both have the same thoughts about Jello (Yuck!!!).

Our thinking diverges, however, when it comes to birds.

I am an avid birder. My sister, perhaps from early exposure to the Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds“, is completely creeped out by our feathered friends.

We both reacted with amusement when my niece (her daughter) sent us a link that promoted the premise “Birds Aren’t Real“.

Yes, there is an organization that contends all birds have been wiped out and replaced by drones. The conspiracy theory is a little bit confusing. It involves the CIA, bird robots, and cute “Birds Aren’t Real” merchandise (including a T-shirt with a picture of a pigeon with the caption “I am a lie”).

As the group’s website says, ” I hope you are able to join us in the fight for freedom.

Yes! If I can fight for freedom by purchasing a $26 T-shirt that states “The Birds Work For the Bourgeoisie“, I’m in.

I saw a very shady-looking white-breasted nuthatch on our walnut tree yesterday.

Or was it a white-breasted nuthatch robot?

You can find the places I link up here.


  1. The birds aren’t real . . . that is hilarious, Laurie! I’m glad you were able to secure the gift you were after for the grands, and that you made those cookies to send. You have a lot more faith in the mail system than I do! Still waiting for a gift for Danny that I ordered back on December 4th, with no way to track it. Believe me, I won’t do that again!

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    • My niece has the best sense of humor. She keeps me laughing! The cookies did arrive in time. In fact, we mailed them a week after we mailed the boys’ presents and the cookies arrived before the presents! So sorry your gift for Danny didn’t arrive yet. Blessings for 2021, friend!

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  2. First off, I think everyone had the same idea regarding natindo switch. And as production lines are slow, you were lucky to find one!
    As for the birds, I don’t know that they aren’t real because they poop like real birds! 😃😂

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  3. What a fun post! I’m curious about the Christmas cookies. Did they get to their destinations before Christmas? Our niece and nephew mailed us their Christmas gift long before Christmas. It sat in Spartanburg SC for a long time. They mailed another, which was also delayed many days. Finally, they both arrived yesterday.

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  4. Another thing we have in common. My favorite thing to do when I am in Florida is go to the bird sanctuaries. There are two great ones in Delray Beach,

    I cannot believe you did not eat any of the cookies.

    I did not bake because staying home and not seeing anyone I did not want the temptation to eat them.

    Happy New Year!!

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  5. Haha, I had to laugh out loud when reading about your son describing the effects that a cookie-less Christmas would have on his son.
    We all know who really wanted those cookies, right?

    Well done for being the best Mimi ever!

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  6. My oldest wanted a Switch this year and had been searching on and off since the Pandemic began; they have been so hard to find! We finally snagged one too (and yes, for full price- UGH!). I didn’t bake any Christmas cookies at all this year! I think that’s a first for me. We did bake other goodies and treats but knowing we weren’t gifting tins of cookies and sweets to family and friends it seemed like too much temptation to have around the house; thankfully I didn’t scar anyone for life by not making them. LOL

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    • I didn’t realize they have been hard to find ever since the pandemic began but it makes sense! I wish I hadn’t made cookies. I wound up eating some, then I had to go through sugar withdrawal again. Ugh!


  7. So glad your grankiddies survived unscathed you also with the dash to the store, I have to ask were you in your pjs ?.lol. That’s hilarious about the bird robots, I cant remember what animation has a bird character & the iris of one eye expands as it zooms in on its lookout, just hilarious. Happy new Year to you & yours hope its jolly & Merry & Bright.

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  8. What a committed grandparent you are! I love the image of you two racing to the store in the dark–at bedtime! (I’d have been tempted to make the trek in my jammies…) Have you noticed a significant decrease in your sugar cravings after a year? I’d suspect yes… And wow–congratulations. I think that’s huge!)

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    • I WAS tempted to keep my jammies on but I did change into tights. I did notice a decrease in my sugar cravings. Then, after I ate some cookies, I had to detox and withdraw all over again!


  9. I WISH I didnt make cookies. I honestly ate 3/4 of them because I didnt want to hand out cookies during covid season.
    You did good Mimi… getting up late & in the cold of winter to get a gift you know the grands want. That’s what grandparents do – keep the magic of Christmas going.
    Happy New Year!

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  10. Happy and Hopeful New Year Laurie! We delivered some kitchen-made gifts to the local grown-up “kids” (why isn’t there a better word for middle-aged offspring and adult grandchildren?). And we delegated SantAmazon and his elves to deliver to the great-grands.

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  11. Hello,
    I did not make any cookies this year, my hubby is cutting back. I am glad you could find the gift for your grandchildren, they will be happy grandchildren. I wonder if there are drone squirrels too? I wish you all the best in 2021, a happy and healthy New Year!

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  12. The Birds aren’t real organization sounds like a joke! I mean, all you have to do is go outside, and there they are. So odd! And I thought the flat-Earthers were bad! But as you know we have a whole new legion of conspiracy theorists…

    Happy New Year, Laurie!

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  13. You are the best grandparents! I remember standing outside of a toy store before it opened 20 years ago (before Amazon) to get my daughter a Teletubby when they first came out . The things we do! Happy new year and thanks for thinking up

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Deborah! You are a good mom to get your daughter a Teletubby! Yes, the things we do for our kids and now our grandkids! Happy New Year. Thank you for hosting.


  14. That’s funny about the guilted cookie baking 😉 I held off until Christmas Eve (I had the day off from work) and made a batch of kringla (a Norwegian treat). I had to put half of them in the freezer because of the lack of social gatherings this year. They’ll be a nice surprise in the summer, when I re-discover them. Best wishes for a nice 2021, Laurie 😉

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    • Putting half of the cookies in the freezer was a good idea. I should have done that with the cookies I didn’t send to my kids! Happy New Year, Kim! 🙂


  15. It took me awhile to get here, but great post. You are a good grandmother on both scores, going all out to get the switch (I am not sure what that is) a nd succumbing to cookie bribery for love of your grandchild! A woman after my own heart. Happy New Year Friend! Michele

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  16. There’s a more serious book call Fish Don’t Exist (I think) about the arbitrary lines we draw — you might like that better. LOL on the cookies — did USPS deliver them promptly? That was my biggest fear with shipping cookies this year. I’m glad my days of chasing the hottest gift are over — at least until my kids have kids. 😉

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    • Thank you, Coco. I will check out the book. The USPS did deliver the cookies promptly. We sent presents the week before the cookies and the cookies arrived before the presents! Just wait until you’re a grandma. Then the fun begins all over again! 🙂


  17. LOL about the bird drone theory — thanks for the laugh! Yesterday i *think* I saw a woodpecker — we hear them often in our neighborhood, although I wasn’t at home — alas it flew off before I could be sure.

    You are a GREAT grandma, obviously. I have had similar experiences with my furkids, driving to stores when I was utterly exhausted because they were sick & needed something. The things we do for our loved ones!

    Happy New Year, Laurie!

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    • I thought the bird conspiracy was funny too! I absolutely know what you mean, Judy…the things we do for our loved ones. And all the trips you made to see your parents and now just your mom – that is an expression of sacrifice and love. Happy New Year!

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      • Thanks, Laurie, I know you were a caretake for your mom a long time too. The day to day doesn’t fall to me, but I have spent many years helping my parents out.

        My mom always feels badly about that, and then I point out all the care she took of us raising us. And I was a really sickly child, often out of school, going to many doctors.

        Happy New Year, Laurie!

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      • Yes, I was the caretaker for my mom for several years. I was the day to day and my sister came and gave me a break sometimes. She lived 6 hours away. Either role is not easy.

        I always thought the same thing – she took care of me for a long time too. And watched my boys sometimes when they were little. I guess what goes around comes around.

        Happy New Year, Judy!

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      • I think our arrangement worked out for both my sister and me. She appreciated me caring for Mom day-to-day and I appreciated the breaks she gave me. Happy New Year to you!

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  18. You are such a doting grandmother, and I think that’s just amazing! My youngest son bought the “Birds Aren’t Real” Tee shirt for my oldest for Christmas last year. They all think it’s a riot.

    My middle son told me Best Buy was doing a pre-Black Friday package on the Switch. For the regular price of $299, you got the switch, a free Mario Kart game ($60 value), and a 3-month subscription. Due to a credit card debacle we would up getting three! He kept one for himself, we gifted one to our youngest son, and then I sold the third for the price we paid to someone on our local Nextdoor website. I wasn’t looking for a profit, but I knew they were sold out everywhere and after asking friends and family first, I figured I would offer it up!

    I bet your cookies are amazing. Those old family recipes are the best!

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    • Ha! Thank you. I didn’t realize Birds Aren’t Real has been around for that long. I think it’s funny too.

      Wow! 3 Switches!?!? I like your solution to the problem. You definitely could have made some money from that mistake.


  19. Laurie – you two are the best grandparents in the world! As to the Christmas gift Nintendo Switch, I’d be tempted to stay in my jammies and find another gift, so obviously you can tell I have never had children or grandchildren, or I would not have made that comment. I am laughing at you being guilted into whipping up the cookies and sending them out posthaste. No disappointments for the grandchildren once again. If there are no birds, what makes those marks on my car when I am down at the River and seagulls cruise overhead? I have a photo similar to that image you used … I was at the waterfront and a man brought a bag of bread and there HAD been one seagull perched on the seawall railing – within minutes at least 20 were on the ground snapping up hunks of bread and snapping at one another for “taking cuts” – I got pictures of it to use in a later blog post. Maybe no drones for birds, but did you see the video of the dancing robots and their dancing robot dog? You son who is interested in computers and set you up in WP, might find it interesting. I’ll send it as a separate link as it may go to SPAM.

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    • I don’t know about “best”, but we do like to spoil our grandkids! 🙂 I WAS tempted to wear my jammies to the store but in the end, I did change into my clothes. I did get the link and I will check it out tonight. I am sure my son will get a kick out of it!

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  20. white-breasted nuthatch robot?

    Hahaha ”

    Laughing with the ending bird conspiracy
    And it does make me wonder if some drones don’t look like birds – that would be clever
    So glad
    You were able to drive and get the game for grandson –
    That sure sounds like a hit item this year
    And happy new year

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  21. If birds aren’t real then is all the goose doo in my yard not real either? Maybe they’re cookies?!?
    You are one wonderful mimi for baking care packages and hauling out late for that elusive Switch!

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  22. Happy New Year! I’m glad you were able to find the Switch. I know that people were going rabid over the PS5!

    Ironically I made a bunch of cookies this year with nowhere to take them…but they have been very delicious over the past week, haha! I’m glad your grandson got some goodies!

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  23. OMG I officially love the Birds Aren’t Real movement, if they sold v-necks I would have already bought one. I bought a sticker, lol. We got my son a Switch last year, and we are have gotten our money’s worth with his enjoyment of it. It’s come a long way from the Nintendo I grew up with!

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    • Ha! I was surprised at the number of commenters who had heard about Birds Aren’t Real. So funny! I can remember playing Nintendo with my son back in the day. It was something fun to do together. The Switch is light years ahead of the old Nintendos.

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  24. I can identity with the hunt for the Switch! Our grandson isn’t quite old enough for it yet, but my youngest son has it and loves it. And the cookies! I missed fall baking, but we just didn’t need the extra sweets around. My d-i-l did find a Christmas cookie decorating kit that had enough for about two apiece–just right. Funny about the birds.

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    • My grandsons love their Switch. Whew! It was worth it to head out at 9:30 at night to get it. We kept a few of the cookies I made to send out and they were a few too many! 🙂

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