Searching For A Parallel Universe Where Time Runs Backward

Meditations in MotionLast weekend, I had my first double-digit run in a while that didn’t include tears. “Victory!” I thought. I tend to be optimistic like that.

Of course, I know one meltdown-free run does not mean victory but, hey, it’s something.

I went to bed feeling pretty good about myself that night but apparently, “Humility“, my word for the year, was not yet done schooling me.

When I woke up, my neck was so sore and stiff, I couldn’t turn my head to the left.

Next year, I am picking a better word, something like “Endurance” or “Strength” or maybe even “Ice Cream“.

I tried to do an easy three-mile run, then bailed, then reconsidered bailing, and finally decided to tough it out.

Every step jarred my sore neck. It was not one of my better runs.

By the time “Trail-Running Thursday” rolled around, though, I was good for a pain-free romp in the woods.

Meditations in MotionWhen I got home, there was a text message from my son waiting for me: ” Ask Alexa to play the story about the parallel universe where time runs backward.


My son knows I am a science nerd who loves the unexplainable, the strange, the weird.

Of course, I listened to the story.

Apparently, according to the acclaimed scientific journal The New York Post, scientists have discovered evidence of a universe where time starts at the Big Bang, then runs backward.

Shockingly, upon further examination, this claim turns out to be mostly false.

The writers at the Post and other tabloids may have read only the headline for a real scientific article describing the findings of a team of researchers in Antarctica who discovered a new high-energy particle titled, “We May Have Spotted a Parallel Universe Going Backwards In Time“.

I believe the scientists may have been interested in garnering views with that provocative title. Upon actually reading the article, you discover that yes, a parallel universe where positive is negative, up is down, and time flows in reverse is possible but not probable.

It is much more likely they have discovered a high-energy particle that, rather than falling from the sky to earth as typical cosmic particles do, seems to be exploding upward out of the ground. Or the Antarctic ice may have skewed the data.

As the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians, we see “through a glass, darkly“, if at all.

Scientists will be the first to admit their understanding of the Universe is limited and, it seems, the more we learn, the more we realize how much more exists which we do not understand.

Science gives us a method, however, to examine our world and the cosmos.

Our theories become closer to the truth as our knowledge increases and our instrumentation improves.

We used to believe the Earth was the center of the Universe until Copernicus and Galileo discovered we were wrong.

We used to believe electrons orbited the nucleus of an atom in the same manner as planets orbit the sun until Niels Bohr (and others) proved otherwise.

Albert Einstein posited the theory of general relativity over 100 years ago. He theorized gravity is the bending of space and time by mass and energy.

Even undergraduate physics students now understand general relativity much better than Einstein ever did. We understand the universe better than Galileo and we understand the atom better than Bohr because of the knowledge we have accumulated since those scientists had their breakthrough moments.

We use that data to answer questions, refining and improving our understanding all the time.

Oh, scientists are not infallible.

Part of the scientific method is to learn from errors. After every experiment, a good scientist asks herself “What could I improve? What could I do better? How could I collect more reliable data?

Meditations in MotionRight now the world is facing a problem. A huge problem.

The problem cannot be willed away, it can’t be ignored, it can’t be denied into oblivion.

The best chance we have to solve the problem is to listen to the best scientists and doctors – the virologists, the immunologists, the molecular biologists, and all the other-ologists who are basing their knowledge and expertise on the cumulative endeavors of generations of scientists who have come before them.

In a now-famous quote Fred Rodgers instructs us to “Look for the helpers.” In this crisis the medical professionals and scientists are the helpers. They have our best interests at heart.

It’s not that they are never wrong but they know more about the issues than anyone else on earth. They are worthy of our trust.

Meditations in MotionEarlier in the same chapter of 1 Corinthians where Paul described seeing “through a glass darkly“, he also related the characteristics of love – patience, kindness, humility, and hopefulness, among others.

Facing our problem with the competency and comprehension of the scientists and the forbearance and compassion called for by the Apostle is the way we can move forward together, to a society less fractured, less hate-filled, and less politicized than we are now.

We must use the best of both worlds.

I believe in science; I have faith in God.


You can find the places I link up here.





  1. I also believe in Science (facts) and have faith in God.
    as to word of the year… OMG every word seems to teach me through harsh and often negative actions tho. I learn all facets of the word, not what I hope to experience. Self esteem was the worse year…. I felt beat up. Seems like we learn through the back door on words like that. LeeAnna

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    • Absolutely some problems cannot be solved. That’s why quantum mechanics was devised in the first place. The problem of the speed and position of an electron cannot be solved.

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  2. Hi Laurie, It is interesting how running can evoke emotions. Possibly a time to clear your head, think, sweat and tears. I once researched a story about parallel universes. Very interesting the information that is out there. Your words, “possible but not probable.” I agree with you and listen to the best scientists, doctors and “ologists” made me smile. A fascinating article posing great questions. A philosophy that resonates. Hugs on the tears. I relate to the unexpected tears. Hugs!

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  3. Reading your very interesting discussion of the time backwards universe, I can’t help but jump in with what you might not consider valid as a scientist, but nonetheless, leads me to state that I travel through time regularly.

    It has to do with how you define time. For me, time travel, refers to experiencing with my very own eyes, hands, ears and taste, what life must have been like in years, decades or even centuries gone by.

    With this definition I can attest that I have travelled through time consistently for the past twelve years, as a global nomad. My wife and I have travelled through over 50 countries, and these countries exist at a community level on a time continuum. The forms of energy, the type of transport, the density of the population, the form of housing, the types of food eaten… all t his contribute to positioning a community somewhere on our own understanding of past history. We have spent time in Pushkar India where life today, is at is was a thousand years ago. We walked the ancient temples in the valley of Bagan, Myanmar which today are much the same as they were five hundred years ago. The oxen pulled carts of yesteryear, are todays tecnhology in many countries we have lived in.

    So yes time travel is possible.

    Regarding your choice of the word “humility” for the year I am entirely with the recommendations of “ice cream” or other more up lifting words, as Buddhists have insisted for centuries where one puts ones mind is where energy flows, hence humility yields scenarios that provoke humility and ice cream will beget ice cream and many smiles. Wishing you a year of plentiful ice cream if that is the word you choose going forward.

    It is indeed tragic that even as our fate hangs in the hands of a heroic medical and scientific community, the political establishment sees benefit in minimizing professional expertise, relativizing scientific facts per their political agenda. The loss of communal acceptance that facts are facts and data is data and science is our friend, maybe the single most damaging development of this decade in world history.

    Ben (& Peta)

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    • I am with the Buddhists on that thought. I am going to select something very uplifting for next year. I am now “humble enough”! 🙂 I enjoyed reading about your time travel. I hope my husband and I can get back to time-traveling, sometime very soon. We love visiting new places and learning about different cultures, some of which are centuries old. I agree with you completely about the loss of acceptance of facts being so damaging to society. It’s scary and infuriating.

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  4. I’m so very encouraged that there are so many scientists working to understand this virus and discover the best way to combat it. As they learn more, more positive moves can be made. Yes, Laurie, I believe in science, but I’ll put my full trust and faith in God.

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  5. I’m not sure I have as much faith in humans as you do. Although I do believe in a higher power. Still it seems that so many are only interested in what they want, not necessarily what the world needs.

    Although your title did remind me of the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Or Back to the Future. 🙂

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  6. I never found it a problem to believe in science and have faith in God. I understand that some, from both sides of that statement, don’t think it’s entirely possible. They are mistaken.

    This is a very good post, Laurie.

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  7. Yes!! It is so very important to be balanced. It’s when we veer any one way to the extreme that can cause us to miss important aspects of things. I’ve always tried to teach this importance of balance to my children and I do feel that it reflects in them being balanced individuals. When Paul says that he ‘tried be all things to all men” balance is a big part of that statement. #inspirememonday linkup

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    • So true, April. My word for the year last year was “balance”. Yes, Paul was “free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.” What a wonderful example of how to live our lives.


  8. I definitely think your word for next year should be ice cream (or, since that is two words it doesn’t count?). There seems to be a lot of magical thinking going on among certain groups that the virus has somehow gone away and it’s safe to resume all of our normal activities (“yay, just in time for summer!”). I agree with you, I’ll keep listening to the scientists and healthcare professionals.

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  9. Great “meditations.” I am trying to listen to the -ologists, especially the ones who are acknowledging what they don’t know even as they try to know more. My faith in God isn’t shaken, but my faith in people is challenged from time to time!

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  10. Yes, -ologists. Not -ticians, even the ones I agree with.
    Sorry to hear about your neck. I feel you with the body taunting. My knee has been good with that.

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  11. Yes, we need to look to those who have a deeper understanding of the workings of this virus to move forward. My stepdaughter is a microbiologist & having her professional insight has been of great value with this unknown enemy.

    I love discovering new things too Laurie both scientifically & spiritually! 😀
    Bless you,

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  12. Hi Laurie – sorry about all the difficulties with the running. My husband hurt his Archilles tendon several months ago and after spending a lot of money on doctors and specialists and physio etc he’s now resigned to the fact that outdoor running just aggravates it and he can choose to run on the elliptical machine inside and walk outside, or live with a limp – it’s taken him 6 months to come to terms with the idea that his running days may be behind him – and he hates the idea that his body might not be as quick to recover as it was when he was 30. Hope yours springs back into action soon. x

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    • Oh your poor hubby! I was resigned to the elliptical a few years ago due to an injury too. Then I found an amazing orthopedic doctor who fixed me right up after trying all kinds of other fixes that failed. I had another good run yesterday. Maybe I am on the mend.


  13. You look good on that first photograph! Glad you could finally enjoy a double-digit run.
    Yes, we absolutely need to listen to the experts. Fortunately, most people here, including the political leaders, agree with this. So far, we are being rewarded with low numbers and more freedom.

    I am sure you will be seeing the same, too. Fortunately, most people are reasonable, even if some political leaders aren’t.

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    • Thank you, Catrina. I had another good double-digit run yesterday too. I think I have finally turned some kind of corner. I think the majority of people here agree with the experts but there is a sizeable vocal minority who don’t.

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  14. I’m not in any way science-inclined, but I love your sciency posts (and yes, that is a word). They always spark some sort of thought in me that I find repeated during the week. Like this post. It makes sense to me.

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  15. Great post and a wonderful perspective from a professional. I am with you on making Ice Cream the word of the year in 2021. I have made a deliberate effort to reduce my consumption this year.

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    • Thank you. I have made a deliberate effort to reduce my consumption too. Sometimes that effort is successful and sometimes it isn’t! 🙂


  16. My last double digit run (in miles) was in february ,,,,,,, I need to recover my long distance runs.
    Glad you could enjoy it.
    Beautiful photo, you look fast and you are running through a nice route.

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  17. Sorry about your neck! Every once in awhile I wake up with a super tight neck. I think it happens from sleeping weird. Yes, we need to trust the experts and rely on them to guide us in the right direction!

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  18. I would totally call that a victory. And I would also choose “ice cream” for my word. There are few better than that. Science is great, but there are still so many interpretations and takes on findings and theories. However, I always love reading the “weird” and “unexplainable”. There’s so much we don’t know.

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  19. Glad you had good double-digit runs. I’m listening to the scientists, too. Collectively, they have years of professional training, knowledge, expertise, experience, and access to data that the rest of us don’t have. Plus scientists tend to be problem solvers so I look forward to seeing how they solve this covid-19 problem. #senisal

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    • Yes, exactly. Problem solving is such an important trait. Something I always tried to instill in my students when I was a science teacher.


  20. I’ve never considered science and religion to be opposites, instead seeing them as complementary. Rather like the need to go outside to exercise, the need to eat ice cream… to give me enough energy to go outside to exercise…

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  21. As always, an excellent, thought provoking post! Too often people seem to feel if you are interested in or have faith in science, you can’t have faith in God (or vice versa). But I agree with you that both are necessary!

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  22. I’ve been thinking that the brain fog of the last few weeks seems to be lifting. Maybe we’re getting used to a new normal? Or maybe things are looking up?

    My husband and I were just talking about being distressed over the reactions on opposite sides over the virus and how to proceed. I agree, I believe in God and science, and I believe God created and uses science.

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  23. Sorry about your neck Laurie – I feel I am getting that same shoulder issue that I had about two years ago and it had abated somewhat. I tried staying off the computer some this weekend (I pre-wrote Saturday’s and today’s post). There’s no getting around all the computer screen time I have in the course of the day. As to the rest of your post – yes, science is good and helps to explain the facts and figures that we are assaulted with on a routine basis and helps us to sort out reality from fiction … I pray that a vaccine will be found and soon and they don’t rush it through in their haste to find a viable cure.

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    • My neck is 90% better now, Linda. I am trying to convince Bill to give me a neck massage. Sorry to read that your shoulder is bothering you again. Getting older (not that we are OLD) is sometimes no fun. I am hoping for an effective vaccine soon too. I think I heard maybe around the 1st of the new year if everything goes well in testing.

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      • That’s good Laurie. My shoulder/neck improved by not sitting here all those hours … I know this is a problem, but perhaps once we finally get our Windows 10 laptops into use, it will be better (whenever that happens). The stock market was good this morning with the news of trials of the latest vaccine – I am hopeful too, and hopefully it is a good vaccine before the height of flu season. In the meantime, I’m responding now, during the day, as I had a few minutes and was researching glasses fogging … now, it is a problem not only in cold weather, but in very hot and humid weather, like we’ve had now for a few days. Well, that is annoying … so passing this on to Bill. I’ve not tried this yet, but I do have some paper tape at the house and will try that and I know it will stick to fabric, but this eye doctor also suggests layering some tissue inside the mask. I’m going to try that first. Hope this helps Bill out. I thought the problem would be over now that warm weather was here. What also prompted me to Google around was an unsolicited ad on Facebook advertising a mask that does not fog – but researching a little more I saw people making comments about fibers in the mask from China and harmful. I know your comments are moderated, so you can remove this from my comment – not going to disparage China, but am mindful that this is a bit scary and I’ve been using the dust filters under the bandana when I finally ventured to stores, allergist and to get gas last week. So many fears these days – and no, we are not old, but we’re too close to the cusp for being in the range for COVID-19 worries – that gives me cause to pause.

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      • Ha! Let me know what you find about glasses fogging. Bill’s glasses always fog up when he wears a mask too. I am wary of buying anything advertised on FB. I heard a story of a man who ordered something from one of the sites. He never got the item he ordered and when he tried to check on it, the site had closed down. He was not only out the money he spent, but the fake site also had his credit card information.

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      • Yes, I remembered it was a problem. If I didn’t have the problem this morning as it was so hot and humid! I really didn’t need it as I was just walking in the neighborhood. The mask saw on FB is made by a vacuum cleaner store. So it is legitimate, but some comments indicated that the filtration filters are not good to have near your mouth when your breathing in the fibers – I never thought about that. I would not trust FB for that either – remember Shelley’s post about the shoes? I am reluctant to order anything on line except Amazon (which is way too handy sometimes).

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      • Bill didn’t think it would be a problem either in the heat and humidity but it actually still was a problem for him. It definitely is not good to be breathing in fibers of any kind.

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      • Yep – Bill like me, thought once the cold air was gone, no more issues. The high humidity was problematic. No, the fiber issue is worrisome and I had one time put a papertowel over my mouth as a filter for a strictly cotton mask (that you fold and put small scrunchies on the end) and the papertowel gets wet, wets the cotton, so not good either as to protection. Hopefully they come up with a vaccine soon thus eliminating all the issues.

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      • I hope for a vaccine soon too. I don’t wear glasses so don’t have a fogging issue. Lots of Mennonite and Amish women are making and selling masks very inexpensively. We bought some for $5 each.

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      • I’m using the dust filter mask for going out and covering them with a smaller bandana and I looked on the box to see the manufacturer and there is no similar mask with the metal band on the top on their website. I am just doing cotton bandanas in the meantime.

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  24. I’m glad you were able to get in a good run! I love your optimistic spirit. I might should choose “Cookies” next year for my one word since this year it is “Linger”. God really got me with that one! 🙂

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  25. Ahhh, Laurie. There is so much wisdom in your words. Congrats on that double-digit run! I also like how you pointed out that scientists continue building on the knowledge base of a “breakthrough moment” one scientist has. I am truly thankful for the good scientists who are studying and learning to help us in this hard season.

    And yes, we can definitely believe in science and believe in God, especially in the midst of this pandemic. Thank you for your insights!

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  26. My cousin, a professor in microbiology and my son who has a degree in microbiology have both been feeding me their valuable insights into this pandemic.

    Yes Laurie! I believe in science; I have faith in God!

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  27. I smiled at your thoughts of ‘pick a better word next year’ because I chose gratitude this year…and talk about make it hard. Sigh. Honestly I cannot get over the differences in how COVID is being treated in terms of the pandemic side, with SO many casualties in big nations. I am so saddened by that. Sending my best to those who are suffering. Today Australia recorded its 103rd death. 103 too many but miniscule in comparison to larger countries.

    Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek#190…I hope to see you back next week with the optional prompt: 22/51 I Saw 1.6.2020. Take care, stay safe, Denyse.

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    • Ha! Gratitude would be a tougher word than usual this year. Thank your lucky stars. Just our little farming county has 300 deaths. There are 67 counties in our state of Pennsylvania and 50 states in the country. Thank you for hosting. See you next week!


  28. Oh Laurie … I wonder how many of our words of the year have taken on new meaning these last few months. I know mine (full) certainly has! My brain understands words far better than scientific concepts and theories, so I am very grateful for the gifted scientists who are trying to figure out what’s going on with Covid and what to do about it. And I definitely appreciate your prescription for how our society can move forward!

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  29. I’m sorry your run turned into a pain in your neck! More aches and pains pop up each time I run. I need to start stretching on a regular basis :/. It fascinates me how often scientists pose theories and believe them with no proof ;).

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  30. Quantum mechanics & concept parallel universe 😍! Thank you for this information .I hope I can know more about in higher class.

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