Listening In the Dark For a Very Precious Message

When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message.” Oswald Chambers


Meditations in MotionMy dog Benji is getting old. He will soon be 14, an old-timer in dog years. One condition which comes with advancing age is the increasing frequency of his trips outside.

I was standing on the porch one night, watching him circle the yard until he found the perfect spot, because you wouldn’t want to pee on the wrong spot, after all, and I happened to look up at the moon.

It was beautiful, just the slimmest silvery crescent, luminous in the autumn sky, like someone had shaved the spare rind from a full moon with a very sharp knife and flung it into the darkness.

Meditations in MotionI often look up at the night sky for inspiration, for answers to the questions I wrestle with and the mysteries I pursue.

I wait, still and open for enlightenment, for comprehension, for perception.

Sometimes I receive awareness and sometimes I just get the beauty of the stars and the moon. Either way, it’s a blessing, grace upon grace.

The gentle nudge of a dog’s muzzle at my leg woke me from my reverie and I turned to open the door to go inside, casting one last glance over my shoulder at the shimmering arc gently illuminating the night.

Tonight was a night of just the stars and the moon, no “precious message” that I could hear. Tomorrow night, who knows? I am sure that Benji will give me the opportunity to listen again.


I am linking up with Welcome Heart for Let’s Have Coffee, Debbie at Dare 2 Hear, Random-osity for Little Things Thursdays, Knit by God’s Hand for Thankful Thursdays, and Crystal Storms for Heart Encouragement, Amy at Live Life Well, Susan B Mead for Dancing With Jesus, Raisie Bay for Word of the Week, Morgan’s Milieu for Post, Comment, Love, Lyli Dunbar for Faith on Fire, Embracing the Unexpected for Grace and Truth, and Worth Beyond Rubies .

Please click on the following link to read more funny or inspirational one-liners. One-Liner Wednesday.

Meditations in Motion




  1. “…just the slimmest silvery crescent, luminous in the autumn sky, like someone had shaved the spare rind from a full moon with a very sharp knife and flung it into the darkness”.

    What beautiful writing.

    These piece really inspired me. Just knowing that there’s another human being who looks up at the sky too and marvels at the stars and the moon, and revels in grace upon grace given to us by a most gracious Creator.

    And know that messages often come in feelings. And if we have a feeling of sublimity and awe, then that is the message in itself!

    Susan Grace

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  2. That was delightful’ I was right there – looking up with you and just caught in a present moment – how beautiful

    And the chambers quote was perfect for the thoughts on your post (although we never cared for his daily devotional)

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      • In the 1990s – his devotional was a popular xmas gift. A good friend of ours
        From church, Gary Snyder, has a worn out copy of one in his bathroom – think it was from the 80s…. sadly – Gary passed away in 2001 – but think of him when I hear Oswald chambers – so thanks for adding that to your post 😊🙏📚

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  3. I’ve found that those illumination moments happen in God’s time, not mine, Laurie, but then there are always the moon and the stars to remind us that He is always there, whether or not we hear Him. May Benji lead you on many more spiritual forays!

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  4. Benji is wise from his dog years – you wanted to stop and gaze at the remnants of the moon while woolgathering and Benji’s gentle reminder told you he’s ready to return to the comfort of the house again.

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    • Yes, I need to listen to Benji more often. I have to admit, I was ready to throttle him last night. He wanted to go out about 8 times! He was very restless and when he is moving around I can’t sleep. I finally figured out around 5:00 a.m. that he was thirsty, filled up his dish, he drank, and fell fast asleep. Finally!

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  5. My cat Arthur soon 18 has the same troubles only he goes in and out through the cat flap, therefore I haven’t seen the moon for a long time, also due to tha bad weather ! And I love to see the moon !

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  6. Our Tucker dog is the one who assures that I see the moon and take time to listen for birdsong.
    He and Benji are of one mind on the importance of geography and the canine urinary tract. Someone will write a paper on that one day and get a huge grant to study it. We call it “The Search for the Perfect 6-inch Square.”

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  7. That’s beautiful, Laurie. I often think about the little pleasures I would miss if I weren’t being taken outside by our dog. Benji looks pretty good for his age. I hope you and he share many more moments like this,

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  8. As you know Laurie hubby & I love looking at the night sky, His creation is breathtakingly beautiful. I think taking time to look helps to still our souls so we can hear His gentle whispers more clearly.

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  9. Laurie, I loved this post. It brought to mind Psalm 148 – “Praise Him sun and moon! … He set them in place forever and ever. His decree will never be revoked” (verses 3 & 6). To know Him and know where He has placed you is a comforting thought resulting in praise. May both you and Benji enjoy many more days and nights of outdoor reflections!

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