A Little Coffee And Conversation

Meditations in Motion

It’s time again to have a cup of our not pumpkin spice flavored hot beverage, (I’ll explain later) and enjoy a little heart-to-heart.  I am linking up with Coco from Running With Perseverance and Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Ultimate Coffee Date. Pull up a comfortable chair, pour yourself a cup, and let’s chat about all topics – running and otherwise.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have been missing these two guys lately. My hubby Bill and I have been on the road so often this autumn, we have not been getting as much grandson time as I would like.

We did get to hang out together two weeks ago, so we went to a corn maze near our house. The five-year-old was in charge of the map and he did an excellent job, much better than his Mimi would have done.

I believe the eight-year-old’s favorite part of the day was using a giant slingshot to shoot corn cobs through tractor tires. Ah, the joys of living in a farming community!

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that my husband and I have finally admitted it. We cannot take a good selfie.


Meditations in Motion


Meditations in Motion

I have a difficult time holding the camera and pushing the button to take the photo at the same time. By the time I have taken the picture, I have accidentally turned off the camera a few times. Each time, I need to begin all over again.

While we were in Spain, Bill took over selfie-taking, but he held the camera so that we were looking down into the lens. It makes us look like we have chins like Jay Leno’s. (If you are reading this, Mr. Leno, I am so sorry!) It’s not a very flattering angle.

Meditations in MotionBy the time we actually take the picture, I’m usually hysterical from all of our fumbling. I can only imagine what passersby are thinking as they watch us. They are probably shaking their heads in disbelief at the old couple trying to figure out something so seemingly simple.

We finally determined the best technique is for me to hold the camera and get it into a reasonable position, then have Bill push the button. It’s always an adventure, though.

Meditations in Motion

A blogging friend of mine calls Autumn her “third favorite season“. I’m with her on that. Maybe it’s just me, but I am skeptical of Halloween lights (like Christmas lights, only orange), corn shocks everywhere, and especially pumpkin spice everything!

I have seen pumpkin spice peanut butter, pumpkin spice cereal, pumpkin spice pretzels, smoothies, pudding, ice cream, and pumpkin spice Spam. Yes, the canned cooked pork product inflicted on introduced to America in 1937 now comes in a pumpkin spice version.

There are even pumpkin spice kale chips as if plain kale chips aren’t bad enough.

I am not a huge fan of pumpkin pie. I would rank it behind apple pie, blueberry pie, coconut cream, cherry, lemon meringue, pecan, peach…you get the idea.

I am waiting for this pumpkin spice insanity to run its course, but it currently shows no sign of abating.

Meditations in Motion

On a happier note, if we were having coffee, I would tell you that Bill and I went to running club on Tuesday night, two days after we ran the Marine Corps Marathon.

I was a little bit intimidated by the thought of running so soon after a marathon, but we wanted to go to the Halloween party which was held in a member’s barn after the run and we didn’t really push ourselves in the marathon, so I agreed.

We ran a very respectable 5K at running club on a paved and cinder trail, then went to our friend’s house and changed into our costumes.

I went as a black cat and Bill went as Mr. Clean. I think his costume is perfect!

Here was our first attempt at a selfie in our costumes:

Meditations in Motion

I was already a little bit hysterical!


I am linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5.






  1. Your selfies are adorable! Though I know the feeling about them being hard to take. I just threw up in my mouth at the thought of pumpkin spice spam. ugh. Cream pies are my faves….but do love a good pumpkin. thanks for the coffee chat!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha! It has gotten to the point now where all we have to do is try to take a selfie and I start laughing because we are just so bad at it! 🙂 Yeah, there is just no reason for pumpkin spice Spam! No. Reason.

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    • Awww…thank you! Commercialization was exactly the term I wanted to use, but I didn’t know whether it would be appropriate to talk about the “commercialization of Autumn”. Thanks for giving me permission! 🙂

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  2. I have yet to master the art of the selfie, though the one of you in your costumes turned out great! The last time I dressed up for Halloween, I was a cat, too, and Bill looks fabulous as Mr. Clean. 🙂 And I’m right there with you when it comes to pumpkin flavors – I pass!!!
    Blessings, Laurie!

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  3. Ha, ha! I love the Mr. Clean outfit. So easy to maintain! I also hate pumpkin spice stuff. Because I hated it, I never ate it. It took me years to discover it was about cloves (yuk) and cinnamon rather than pumpkins!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had to eat Spam when I was a kid too. My hubby actually likes it, but he has to buy and cook it himself now. I refuse to buy it for him! 🙂 I do know how to use the times and I should use it for taking selfies. Bill has his camera set up so that it clicks when he says “cheese”.


  4. I struggle with selfies too, but I think you are too critical. You’ve got some cute ones. You can use the timer to avoid having to press the button at the moment the picture is taken. Fall is my favorite season. 😉 A lot of our neighbors had purple lights which were spookier than orange.

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    • I am going to have to experiment with the timer. I have used it before, but forget about it most of the time. I am not a big decorator. I reluctantly decorate for Christmas, but have not been shamed into decorating for fall yet! 🙂


  5. Taking a selfie with my GoPro on a long stick is no problem – I shoot video and then pick my favorite frame for the photo. I could never take a decent selfie with my phone, though, until Kim (Running on the Fly) taught me last spring when we first met. Put your phone on timer, push the shutter, and hold the phone at full arm’s length and just wait for it to take the picture. It’s genius, so why couldn’t we think of that ourselves? Could it be our age? LOL

    Also, looking down at the camera during a selfie just isn’t flattering for anyone with wrinkles. It just makes us look ten times worse. I actually have a draft about taking selfies that I need to finish! Thanks for reminding me!

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    • I’m going to experiment with the timer. I have used it at home before, but never think of it when I am out and about. Bill has his camera set so that it takes a picture when he says “cheese”. I will watch for your post on how to take selfies! 🙂


  6. I’ve not had pie in years; I am more of a cookie person. My mom loved pumpkin pie and used the fact that we celebrated two Thanksgiving holidays as the perfect excuse to make/eat two pumpkin pies. She did something funny with the pies … she would “even off the slices” with a knife after cutting our slices and before putting the pie in the Tupperware piekeeper, meanwhile carving more and more off the pie with her efforts. If I close my eyes I can hear her saying “I’ll just even this piece a little ….” 🙂

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    • My grandsons slept over last night and both of them were talking about how they love pumpkin pie. And they are picky eaters. I guess I will just have to bake a pumpkin pie. Sigh! The things I do for my grandkids! 🙂

      I like your mom’s philosophy!

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      • Best excuse for baking pumpkin pie I ever heard Laurie. My mom’s philosophy was funny – it was a family joke how Pauline evened off the pie. She did that with lemon meringue too, but pumpkin was her favorite.

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  7. Have you ever tried using the timer on your phone for a selfie? That was a major game-changer for me 😉 UGh…pumpkin spiced SPAM????? What the WHAT! That’s a big no thank-you. I like pumpkin pie/bars/muffins…but that’s where it ends.

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    • Actually, I have when I’m at home. When we are out and about, I never think of using the timer. I’m going to have to set up my camera like Bill did – to snap a photo when he says “cheese”! 🙂


  8. Awww, Laurie, I so enjoy having coffee with you. 🙂 I really like pumpkin spice lattés, but pumpkin spice cereal, and especially kale chips? Ummm, no thanks.

    You and your hubby are so cute! I loved your selfie-struggles. My hubs and I have the same thing…it’s hard to get a good selfie. 🙂

    You made me smile. Thank you for that.

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  9. I am waiting for the pumpkin spice insanity to run it’s course as well!! ENOUGH already!

    I think you guys look great! remember that “we” see you differently than you see you – but I get it, my husband and I also have to take several selfies before we get a good one. usually he’s looking the wrong way or has his eyes closed. and if he attempts it he gives up after three tries and gives the phone back to me.

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    • That’s the good thing about digital photography. If you take enough pictures, even selfies, you are bound to get at least one that is halfway decent! Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for me to use them in my post) Google keeps all of them – the good and the bad.


  10. Have you considered using the phone’s timer to take your selfies? That makes it a lot easier (although it doesn’t always come out good).

    I’m impressed that you guys dress up! It’s just not my thing. I just think about having to store all the costumes . . .

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    • I have used a timer and a lot of people suggested it. I usually never think about it when I am out and about. Bill has his camera set up so that it takes a photo when he says “cheese”. I have to figure out how to do that.

      Our costumes were minimal. I just bought the cat ears for $3 and painted on whiskers with eyeliner. Bill but on a white T and white pants and I painted his eyebrows with face paint. The last time he dressed up as Mr. Clean, he used white-out on his eyebrows and couldn’t get it off! 😀

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  11. LOVE your costumes . . . Mr. Clean is an inspired choice! And, psst: nobody takes good selfies. If they manage to get one it’s by accident, or through the use of one of those infernal selfie sticks, or through having freakishly long arms. Here’s to more time with your grand-darlings over the coming holidays.

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    • Mr. Clean was a natural choice…he IS bald and he DOES wear an earring! 🙂 One of the benefits of using a digital camera is that it doesn’t matter how many photos we take until we finally get a good one. I guess that’s why you didn’t see too many selfies when we all used film!


  12. I identify with the ongoing, never ending struggle regarding taking selfies! It’s certainly the easiest way to get a photo (instead of bugging a passer-by) but not always the most flattering! But I think your photos are very nice!

    I used to love pumpkin spice lattes but somehow I got off of them. I’m so fickle – my tastes change from year to year!

    But I loved this coffee conversation – I had an iced americano with monk fruit sweetener and some half and half!

    Bless you,
    Susan Grace

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  13. hahaha, slingshots + corn cobs does sound like fun! 😛

    Pumpkin pie isn’t my favorite either–I used to not like it at all, but I’m ok with small amounts now. I still prefer fruit pies though–especially apple!

    I don’t think I’ll ever master the art of the selfie either, so you’re definitely not alone!

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  14. Here is a selfie tip for those with short arms, put your phone camera on a timer! That way you don’t have to hit the button right away.

    I totally jump on the Pumpkin Spice bandwagon. I think because it is a seasonal thing and I only do it this time of year. After Thanksgiving I am all about Gingerbread flavored stuff! -M

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  15. My husband takes the better selfies because he has the longer arm. He knows what angle works for us but sometimes his hand is shaky so he always takes a few. I know the struggle! You two look great!

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  16. I like your pictures, but I know how hard it is to get a good selfie. Autumn in my favorite tome of the year, but I have to ignore pumpkin spice everything. I just don’t get it, and it seems to start in August. We don’t decorate, and for all the madness the retailers push into pumpkin/autumn/Halloween, 30 seconds after midnight, they’re moving onto Christmas.

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