Runfessions – March

It is once again time to visit our monthly confessional. Let me unburden myself by sharing some of my running sins with Marcia’s Healthy Slice for our monthly Runfessions.

Meditations in Motion

Let me first runfess I was not at all happy to have to get up at Zero Dark Thirty to board a shuttle bus before running the Marine Corps 17.75K in Prince William Forest Park near Dumfries, Virginia. (Race report coming soon.)

3,300 or so runners (including hubby Bill and me) shivered in the cold, dark staging area before the race, trying to stay warm. I had a sweatshirt and an extra pair of pants over my tights and tech shirt, but it was still very cold.

Bill and I decided to get in line for the porta potties almost immediately upon arrival at the staging area. We saw a long line moving slowly and assumed it was the potty line. Well, dear friends, you know what they say about what happens when you assume.

I must runfess that after standing in the line for 10 – 15 minutes, we began chatting with the fellow in front of us. He told us this wasn’t the potty line at all, it was the line to get into the nearby church in order to warm up! The porta potty line was much shorter and was to our left. We sheepishly switched lines.

Meditations in Motion

I must runfess that I had an ulterior motive for running the Marine Corps 17.75k. Yes, many runners run this race because everyone who finishes in under three hours gets guaranteed registration into the Marine Corps Marathon, relieving you of the uncertainty of dealing with the lottery to enter the race. I guess that guarantee was one ulterior motive of mine, but I had an ulterior, ulterior motive.

You see, I ran this race with Bill, which meant that he also had guaranteed access to registration for the Marine Corps Marathon. I was hoping that guaranteed access would incent Bill to sign up for the marathon. Last year, Bill did not run MCM with me. He said he was finished with marathons after the Berlin Marathon in 2017. Bill is not a big fan of the training miles leading up to a 26.2-mile race.

But…Bill signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon using his guaranteed access link. Yay! So happy that hubs will be training and running the marathon with me this October. As a matter of fact, while we were walking the dog today, Bill surprised me by saying that we should run another marathon this fall since we will be trained up anyway. I must runfess, I was astonished. Who is this man?

Meditations in Motion

I must runfess I was not excited about the prospect of doing a trail run with my hubby and trail-running friend Al today. It rained yesterday and the trails we planned to run on are wet even under the best conditions. I am fighting a bad chest cold and feeling kind of blah. My legs are still feeling the effects of running an 11+ mile hilly race over the weekend. And…cue the violins.

When I finally stopped making excuses and hit the trails with Bill and Al, I had a great time. Oh, the guys had to wait for me at several points during the run, so that I could blow my nose, but it still felt great to be out in the woods running. As always, I am so glad I went. Why can’t I remember that before I begin making excuses?

Thank you for once again witnessing my runfessions, friends. See you next month, when I will once again unburden my running soul.


I am also linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5






  1. Congrats on 17.75. I know that’s a tough course. And it had some mud too this year, didn’t it? How great to be training for and running MCM with your husband. That will guarantee a lot of quality time together. 😉

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    • It did have some mud this year. I saw a bunch of runners ahead of me running off the road and I wondered what they were doing. It turns out, they were avoiding puddles.

      Soooo great to be training with hubby. Maybe. We have actually only run 1 marathon together (Berlin) in years, and when I say “together”, I mean Bill was half an hour ahead of me! 🙂


    • I am definitely not an evening runner either. I love training with a partner. Training for a marathon with Bill can go either way. If training is going well, it’s great. If it’s going not-so-well, it can be difficult to go home with a grumpy training partner. I feel sorry for him sometimes! 🙂

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  2. I runfess that I would totally do that 17.75 mile race just for the guaranteed access to MCM! That is, if I ever am in marathon shape again…


  3. yay for getting your guaranteed entry for MCM! and that your husband wants to run it too!!

    oops on the porta-pottty-line-that-wasn’t-the-porta-potty-line!

    I do find that even the runs I don’t feel like doing, I do enjoy them in the end. I think that’s 99.9% always the case!

    (my blog is finally updated and moved – I’m over at now!)

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    • That’s how I am too. It’s difficult taking that first step sometimes, but once I do, I am always glad I did. I will check out your “new” blog!


  4. Way to have that ulterior ulterior motive pay off! It’ll be nice to have Bill on board with your training and his as well. Yikes on the non-potty line. Glad you didn’t waste even more time in it. Thanks for runfessing!

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  5. Bill is enjoying his retirement to the hilt – signing up for this marathons to train together and run together. Now get totally over that cold and bring in some beautiful weather so you two can rack up the miles!

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    • Yes, he is enjoying his retirement. On our way home from Costa Rica, he said, “I am on my way home from vacation, but I don’t have to dread going back to work!” He is having a great time. Now if I could just get him enthused about cleaning out the basement or starting any of the other hundred other projects he said he would do once he retired! 🙂

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      • That’s good as I’m sure he had misgivings in the beginning after announcing his retirement Laurie. Has Bill gotten together with any of his former work cronies as he has planned? The novelty of having endless time to yourself will finally wear off and he’ll tackle those chores … maybe next Winter. Hopefully the weather is better this Summer/Fall than last year. It was disappointing for me … it is ugly this morning and no walk for me. Some icy spots, as we had a wintry precip after a total day of rain, we got 1 1/2 inches of snow.

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      • Bill set up a lunch with some of his former coworkers (some retired and some not) once a month. I was very happy that he did this, as he is not much of a social organizer, but they all seem to have fun and it’s good for him to get out with some friends.

        So sorry to read about your snow. It was beautiful here yesterday – highs in the 70s, then rain this morning and windy this afternoon. Not cold enough for ice, though.

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      • That’s good Laurie – I am glad he followed through – it is good to keep in touch with former co-workers. That said, I don’t keep in touch with any of mine, except Ilene (my friend who took the tumble) and I’ve not seen her since 2000. She quit just before our merger with the Richmond, Virginia firm.
        As to Ilene, you remember how I didn’t hear from her – it happened again and I didn’t hear from her since February 27th. She still has AOL for her internet provider and had been having problems with her e-mail (internet was fine – e-mail was not). After a week I e-mailed her – no answer. Waited another week, no answer. I e-mailed a member of her family that she gave me the e-mail address for an emergency. I didn’t want to call in case she had to get for the phone and was supposed to be lying down (she is a widow and lives alone). Got an e-mail today that she had a one-day pass from the hospital and had surgery on March 4th, will be discharged from the hospital on April 10th – more details later. She has had two bouts with cancer (kidney and bowel) but was in remission a long time – I can only wonder if it is related to the fall as she did have a small brain bleed at the time.

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      • Oh no! Poor Ilene! One month is a long time to be in the hospital. I hope she is feeling better soon and that you get to correspond with her when she comes home next week.

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      • Isn’t that scary Laurie? I thought something was not right and can only imagine it has something to do with trip and fall back in November. If that is the case, I’m sure her nephew feels terrible. It was him that came over to visit her with his new puppy which caused Ilene’s dog to go racing to meet it and trip her in the process. I was surprised she had a “day pass” – she must be in some type of step down and wanted to come home to see her dogs. She has several Goldens and Shepherds – she tracks with her dogs and exhibits them in tracking competitions. Very scary whatever has happened.

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      • I meant to mention that I came home a different way to take pictures of the cold-weather pansies – I thought they’d be beautiful with this light snow covering we had. He hasn’t planted them yet. Smart on his part. The snowdrops were squashed down from all that rain and the wet snow. I walked around the neighborhood and got a few shots which I’ll use later in the week – I just left work a few minutes ago or I’d have done it tonight. Our snow has all melted courtesy of the snow.

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      • I love photos of flowers in the snow. I have a great quote that I wanted to use. We’ll see if we get any more snow this spring. I won’t be disappointed if we don’t!

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  6. Good luck on the big MCM race! I ran one half marathon last summer. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I would like to say I would do it again, but it was so hard training and making it happen each day. I think it’s so great that your husband trains and runs with you! It would be nice to have a buddy to run with.

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    • Thank you! Training with hubby is kind of a double-edged sword. If everything is going well, it’s great, but if the run is going south, it can be not so much fun sometimes! 🙂 Overall, it’s good to have the person you love most in the world beside you when the going gets tough!


    • I am so excited to run it with him. We were supposed to run it years ago and I got sick 1 day before the race, so he ran it by himself, then I ran it by myself last year. It’s nice to do the long races together!

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