Share Four Somethings – February

Something Loved

Meditations in Motion

Hubby and I traveled by car down to Florida last month to visit my sister and brother-in-law. They live beside a golf course in a tiny town called Howey-in-the-Hills. This was our first trip as a retired couple and I loved everything about it.

We took our time driving from Pennsylvania to Florida and back again, stopping in Richmond, Virginia and Savannah, Georgia on the way down and Charleston, South Carolina and Rocky Mount, North Carolina on the way home. We tried out local cuisine at each of our destinations.

While we were in Florida, we enjoyed running on a path by the lake near our hosts’ house. I never knew whether to risk tripping by looking at all the exotic birds or to keep my eyes firmly on the path. I usually opted for the former. Seeing the flowers blooming and feeling the warm Florida sunshine made us want to extend our visit; back home, a polar vortex raged.

The best part of the visit, of course, was spending time with my sister and brother-in-law. We cooked in and ate at some wonderful local restaurants (I had the best spinach salad I ever tasted while sitting at a table overlooking the lake). We took walks and played card games I haven’t played in years. Almost every night of our visit after dinner we got comfy on the sofa and binge-watched “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel“, which I highly recommend.

On our way home, we drove right into an unexpected snowstorm and crawled the final miles home from Washington, D.C. What a way to welcome us back to Pennsylvania!

Something Said

Meditations in Motion

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing”. – Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy, an Indian author, is one of my favorites. Her most well-known work “The God of Small Things” is about forbidden love in traditional Indian culture. Yes, there were “Love Laws” in India fairly recently that dictated whom you could love and how you could express that love. Many older Indians still follow those laws.

Roy is a political activist, focusing on causes promoting environmental preservation and human rights. Her quote gives me hope and stirs anticipation of a better world.

Something Learned


Meditations in Motion

My seven-year-old grandson loves to do magic, so we learn magic tricks together. This month we learned how to suspend a plastic cup from an ordinary rope.

My role in the tricks is to provide all the supplies needed, then help him get the trick set up. This usually involves cutting, gluing, taping, and tieing knots. Once the trick is set up, he practices it a few times, then performs it for his grandfather and younger brother while I make a video. He loves when I post the video on my Facebook page so he can tally up his “likes“. He’s getting to be a great magician if I do say so myself!

Something Read

Meditations in Motion

After reading “The Soul of an Octopus” last month and loving it, I went on a Sy Montgomery kick. This month I read “How to be a Good Creature“.

In this book, Ms. Montgomery recounts stories of 13 animals who have had an impact on her life. The animals range from the cute (four dogs she loved at different points in her life) to the exotic (a wild weasel who tried to steal one of the chickens from her hen house on Christmas Day) to the creepy (a tarantula named Clarabelle).

The animal stories are entertaining and easy to read, but what makes this book a favorite are the descriptions of the lessons learned by the author from these animals that she encountered.

I am linking up with Heather Gerwing for her “Four Somethings”. Thanks, Heather, for giving the opportunity to think and write about four such compelling topics.




  1. I always like your “Share Four Somethings” Laurie. Your grandsons must think you are the coolest grandparents, being there for them all the time, and helping not only teach them (the pinecone birdfeeders) but to be by their side to enjoy their experiences. (Hopefully you don’t have to climb into the box and get sawed in half?!”

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    • Thank you, Linda. I hope we are viewed as “cool” by our grandsons. We haven’t gotten to any big tricks like sawing someone in half. For now, he is happy to do tricks with cups, ropes, and playing cards!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sounds fun and I think your grandsons think you are pretty cool – you are always enjoying their company and doing fun things with them, both the local grandkids (and the grandkids in Colorado – I remember you mentioned them in your recent quick trip there before Christmas). I used to watch the TV series “Night Court” back in the day … as a legal secretary working in a large firm, we always had discussions in the kitchen about the “law shows” like “L.A. Law”, “Judging Amy” and others. So when Harry Anderson of “Night Court” passed away last year, I was reading a bio on him and was surprised to find out he was a skilled magician. Did you know that Laurie?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I did not know that Harry Anderson passed away. We used to watch “Night Court” too. I did know that he was a magician. I think he did magic on his show at least once and maybe we saw a magic show of his on TV.

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      • After Harry Anderson passed away, they mentioned it on the national radio news in a little bio or I’d not have known. Sometimes after a famous person or personality dies, I’ll read the obituary in the “New York Times” or read about them on Wikipedia … I usually find some gems I never knew about people. For example, when Karl Lagerfeld died last week, I went to read about him. I knew he was a designer, but that was about it. I did not know about his famous cat Choupette, whom he once said he loved it enough he would marry because it was so special. (Nothing strange there – he just loved this pet.) Talk about a pampered cat in the third paragraph down in this article:

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      • Hi Laurie – a client of ours passing along funny videos from somewhere called “Big Geek Daddy” … he sends tons of e-mails and, because of blogging, I have a lot of e-mails I’ve not opened, but the re: line “Magic” caught my eye. Very cool and thought you and your grandson might get a kick out of watching this magic card act:
        Subject: Shin Lim Magic Cards

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  2. Congratulations on your guys’ retirement. We have been for few years. It is so relaxing now when we visit our son out of state because no rush to return. Sounds like you have a nice trip. Had one son and then grandson who wanted to do magic, and we would buy the kits. They couldn’t do it very well, but they had fun trying. 🙂 Have a great week ahead.

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    • I am loving retired life so far. Even more, now that Bill is retired too. We have a son in Colorado and another in Oregon (as well as one nearby here in PA). I am looking forward to more relaxed vivits with each of them!


  3. Wow, I am planning a trip to FL next year and I am noting your stops – all places I want to see and visit! Also, I adore that you do magic tricks with your grandson! I’ll have to go like a video!

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  4. I have been meaning to take part in #ShareFourSomethings for about six months, and finally managed today! I enjoyed reading about your February. The road trip sounds amazing and the magic tricks look like fun!

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