Showing Our Love in Truth and Action

“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”Winston Churchill

Meditations in Motion

According to the standards of Sir Winston Churchill (my dad’s hero), I am a resounding success.

Readers of my blog have probably grown used to reading my whining about the hip injury I have been dealing with off and on (mostly on) for the past year and a half. After trying several approaches to the injury, including running through the pain, visiting my family doctor and a physical therapist, performing various stretches and exercises designed to resolve the problem, resting, pool running, using the elliptical trainer, and, um, running through the pain again, I finally visited an orthopedist last week.

Each of the previous approaches was an utter failure, but that did not dampen my enthusiasm for this doctor visit. Success!

Armed with Xrays and a hopeful attitude, I sat on a paper-covered examination table and waited for Dr. Little to enter the room. On a friend’s recommendation, I had driven 90 minutes to visit this orthopedist.

Dr. Little was indeed the miracle worker my friend described. Gregarious and knowledgeable, with a no-nonsense attitude, he finally gave me a diagnosis that made sense, showed me where the pain originated, and described a detailed plan for recovery.

As it turns out, the piriformis issues diagnosed by the physical therapist, while painful, were not what prevented me from running. Inflammation of the hamstring fascia, tendon, and muscle caused my running shut down.

Meditations in MotionAs Dr. Little was describing the stretches I should do, I asked him if I should be doing the hip-opening exercises previously prescribed. “No!” he quickly responded. I should be doing the opposite of hip opening exercises, it turns out. In a hip opener like pigeon pose in yoga, your thigh is stretched outward, away from your body. The stretch I should be doing, with the aid of a strap (or in my case, the belt from my son’s old karate uniform) stretches your leg across the body, inward. And yes, that’s as far as I can stretch right now.

Meditations in Motion

The physical therapist, upon learning about my love for Body Pump, forbade me from doing lunges and instructed me to do squats using only body weight (no barbells) during the weight training class. The orthopedist told me to do both squats and lunges using weights. His explanation: “That’s how you strengthen your landing. You need to train your legs to stay straight and steady,” made sense to me.

I wasted no time the next day trying out the stretches he suggested and attending a Body Pump class, where I added weights to my squats and lunges for the first time in months.

It will surprise no one who knows me that I could hardly walk the next day. Strike that – I could walk just fine. Bending down to tie my shoes and lowering myself to sit down without using my arms was impossible.

I tend to go a tiny bit overboard; I am nothing if not enthusiastic.

Meditations in MotionToward the end of the visit, Dr. Little began what I thought was a strange line of questioning. “Are you married?” he asked. “Yes,” I responded. “Do you trust your husband?” he continued. “Yessss, ” I replied warily. “Then you should ask your husband to kneel on your hamstring each day. It will be as effective as a massage to release muscle knots

Whew!” I thought. I was worried about where those questions were heading.

His question kept rolling around in my brain long after the doctor’s visit was over. I do trust my hubby, with a passionate surety that has been built over the course of a long marriage.

Meditations in Motion

While we were driving to Florida for a recent trip to visit my sister and brother-in-law, we spent a lot of time in the car together. A quip made by a DJ on the radio about feeling loved made me ask Bill “What makes you feel loved?

Bill, fearing he was trapped in a tight, enclosed space with a crazy woman, replied: “Um, I feel loved when you tell me you love me.” “Seriously,” I persisted. He considered it for a while, then told me that it makes him feel loved when I write nice things about him in my blog. I liked that.

Then I thought about what makes me feel loved. When others are interested in what I am doing and what I have to say, I feel loved. To evince our love we must let go of the inclination toward self-involvement and become invested in the lives of others. Giving our full attention to someone is a way of showing our love. Listening is loving.

Meditations in Motion

None of our family or friends should ever have to laugh or cry alone. We need to celebrate triumphs and commiserate disasters together.

Giving our time is a way of showing love. The title of the schmaltzy old Harry Chapin song Cats in the Cradlehas been turned into a verb, as in “He’s Cats-in-the-Cradling you,” for a good reason. The absent father described in the song eventually reaps what he sowed – an absent, offhand kind of love from the son he neglected.

Being patient and kind is a way of demonstrating our love. We all make mistakes, we are all in need of grace. Showing patience and forgiveness lets loved ones know they are valued. Treating individuals as the priceless wonders they are is love in action.

Meditations in MotionExhibiting humility is a way of showing love. If I boast about my accomplishments or possessions, I imply I am better than others. That is not manifesting my love, it drives people away. Being humble is a way to show respect for others. It encourages goodwill, boosts forgiveness, and demonstrates our love.

Expressing love isn’t always easy. It takes courage. We have all been hurt. Everyone has been disappointed by a loved one. I still believe that demonstrating our love is worth any risk, worth facing any danger.

Meditations in Motion

To display love openly, with bravery, vulnerability, and boundless enthusiasm is the best gift you can give those who are nearest and dearest to you at any time, but especially at this time of year when our thoughts turn to love.

Showing love can be as complicated as a Shakespearean play or it can be as simple as trusting someone to kneel on your leg. Make sure you do it today.

“Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.” – 1 John 3:18


I am linking up with Shank You Very Much for Dream Team and Global Blogging, Mary-andering Creatively for LMM, Random-osity for The Good, The Random, The Fun, Hooks and Dragons for Mix It Up, Abounding Grace for Gracefull Tuesday, Purposeful Faith for RaRa link up, Char at Trekking Thru, Kooky Runner for Tuesday Topics, Mary Geisen Tell His Story, Meghan Weyerbacher for Tea and Word, Bethere2day for Wordless Wednesday on a Tuesday, Deb’s Random Writings for Keeping It Real, Coach Debbie Runs for Coaches’ Corner, Reflections From Me for A Blogging Good Time, and My Random Musings for Anything Goes.











  1. What a beautiful post and one I actually read….paused and read again. I like what you said here, When others are interested in what I am doing and what I have to say, I feel loved. I’m going to write that in my journal today. It makes perfect sense to me! Enjoy your day….don’t over do! lol

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  2. I’m so glad you finally found someone who seems like the right doctor for you and your needs right now! I have to say, having my husband kneel on my hamstring sounds extremely painful and I just have ordinary runner tight hamstrings!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. How interesting that everything Dr. Little told you is the exact opposite of what the physical therapist told you – so you were basically impeding progress all along. At least you are on the road to recovery now – what a good feeling that is Laurie.

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      • You’re so lucky you went somewhere else – now you have renewed hope for a full recovery. My boss keeps pushing me to go to a PT and I said I will think about it in the Spring, not now with this weather. I have done my exercises that I found that were suggested by a PT for range of motion and I am okay during the day (for the most part) as I am just sitting still, but getting into sleeves, reaching above my head and sleeping are the worse. I stopped taking Tylenol as I don’t like taking any pills and I’ve stopped putting Lidocaine on as it has some serious side effects.

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      • Linda, from my experience, I would say keep looking until you find a PT who you feel is a good fit. I finally feel as though I am on the right path after 1 1/2 years! I don’t like pills either!

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      • Yes, you feel like you have a new lease on life now Laurie. I must tell my friend Ann Marie about what I read about the Lidocaine side effects. earlier today She is the one who suggested I get some for my arm. Hers is 5% prescription strength; I got Aspercreme at 4% in a rollon. I did not realize it could seep into your skin – yikes! And I don’t want to take Tylenol or Aleve either. Ann Marie took her husband to the doctor yesterday. He fell, wearing ice cleats, in their apartment parking lot. She got him onto his feet, then she fell backwards and hit her head. A friend of hers broke a hip last year on the icy apartment parking lot. I was so careful going outside today. Don’t need any more aches and pains.

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      • Yes, especially after what happened to my other friend Ilene last November when she fell and hit her head on the concrete step when her dog tripped her after her nephew walked up the sidewalk with his new puppy. I sent a message to Ann Marie to ask how she was doing … she volunteers at a nursing home every Thursday so won’t see my message until tonight and I didn’t want to call her to disturb her while she is there.

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  4. I’m glad you found a doctor who was able to help. I also appreciated your thoughts on putting love into action. I definitely feel loved if someone takes the time to encourage me or spend time with me and when I feel they are truly listening and interested. It’s a great reminder to be intentional about doing that for others as even a simple gesture of love can mean a lot.

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  5. I’m so glad that you’ve found the right doctor! That kneeling on the hamstring sounds VERY interesting…I may have to see if my hubby can try it out on me, lol!

    I think showing humility as a way to express love is a new concept for me. I guess I just never looked at it that way, but it is something that I do try to do as much as possible!

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  6. I think the Good Doctor should have asked on more question: ” How much does your Husband weigh?” 😉

    Great post and great news that you might finally be on the track to a better hip!

    I wonder if you’ve considered taking a placebo to help manage the pain issue?

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  7. Laurie, what a blessing to find a doctor who understands what your problem is and takes the time to help you figure out how to solve it! I’m glad you are already feeling a difference in your hip. The ways of showing love that you described are all so relevant in my life right now … thanks for these reminders this week, in particular. 🙂

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  8. Well said Laurie, I agree that it is definitely a challenge. Especially when the people you love have let you down at times. It is so much easier to just do nothing. But you have to keep on going!! Great positivity as always #dreamteam

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  9. I am glad you to seemed to have found an answer to this issue! My husband is in school to be a physical therapist currently, so I am excited to share this with him to give him a little insight for the future as well 🙂 Great post!!

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  10. Wow, Laurie. What a great post! I’m so, so glad you have answers to the pain! And that the doc could give you exercises to help you retrain and heal up? That’s wonderful.

    Your words on love are spot on. Love is a verb, a choice, a decision, a carrying through. It is humility and putting others before ourselves (most of the time, if you know what I mean by that). I hope your Valentine’s Day with your hubby is wonderful.

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  11. I’m happy that you seem to have found the answers to what will get you back on the running trail quickly. Here’s hoping we’ll both be happy runners soon!

    How sweet that it makes your husband feel loved when you write nice things about him in your blog. I’ve written nice things about my husband in my blog many times, but it was when I wrote “that he pushes me to be the best that I can be” that he was most touched. It’s interesting when we learn little things like that about someone we think we know so well.

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    • Yes. Hoping we will both be back on the roads and trails very soon! My kids have told me that they feel like they know me better since I have started blogging. It’s another way to say “I love you!”

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  12. I got a warm fuzzy feeling reading this post!

    I am glad you finally got some answers about your hip injury. Whew, you must feel so much better to know what you should and should not do.

    That photo of you and your husband is so cute. 🙂

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  13. Yayyyyyyyy!!!!! I’m glad you have some concrete answers and a plan in place to get you back to pain-free running 😉 I have tight hips (and my right more than my left), and although the hip-opening stretches feel good, I always wonder if I should be doing the “closing” stretches as well…to keep everything in balance. I think your post answered my question 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, so glad to FINALLY be getting some concrete answers. I feel like I am on the right path to healing with my hip. I was surprised that my doc was not a fan of the hip openers for me.


  14. Winston Churchill was a great hero in my house growing up as my dad grew up in Great Britain.

    Meanwhile, thank God for great doctors … and beautiful pictures like the one of you and your man. Our blessings are everywhere, aren’t they, Laurie …

    Praying for your healing even as I tap away this evening …

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    • I think my dad read every bok Churchill ever wrote. He was in WWII, stationed in Northern Africa at the beginning of the war with British troops. Thanks for your prayers. They are appreciated!


  15. Hey there, Laurie! I’m new to your blog and I love what you’ve shared here. Your story is so interesting and I’m glad that you traveled to that doctor to get the help you needed. I love that song Cats in the Cradle. The first time I heard it I was listening to Dr. Dobson on Focus on the Family. It really touched my heart. I also enjoyed hearing what your husband said about how he feels loved when you write nice things about him on your blog. How sweet. It was nice getting to know you!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I love that you finally have a diagnosis and a way forward! There is really nothing like a knowledgeable and confident doctor who is honest and figures things out. Really love what you said about love – it really is just that – truly giving yourself, your time, your heart to someone else, being there when they need you the most, and trusting them enough to kneel on your hamstring, LOL! Hope you both have a lovely Valentine’s Day 🙂

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    • Shathiso, it is so good to finally be on the right path as far as my hip goes. Great comments on love. I do trust hubby enough for him to kneel on my aching hamstring! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!


    • Judy, I finally feel as though I am on the right road as far as PT goes.

      I am very lucky that hubby and I are on the same page (for the most part) on all things. It wasn’t always that way! 🙂

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  17. Hi Laurie, good luck with your recovery and fingers crossed you’re on the right track now. You may have convinced me to see an orthopaedic dr now. I stopped running last summer due to hip pain (it never hurts to run, just afterwards) and got me thinking that maybe it was time to take a different approach to exercise, so we upped the hiking, which we love. I still get pain after a hike, but I know it’s easier on the ageing joints… Showing love and respect for people isn’t easy and I’m sure it’s not meant to be, but when we get it right it is worth the joy it gives to others.

    Thank you for popping by and #keepingitreal.


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    • Thank you, Deb. for the first time since I was injured a year and a half ago, I feel really good about the direction my recovery is heading. It took a while to find the right guy, but when I finally did, it was completely worth it. If you are near central PA, I could give you his name and address! 🙂


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