Runfessions – November Edition

Meditations in Motion

It’s that time again. Time to bare our souls and runfess all our running-related sins. Take a deep breath and dive right in.

Meditations in Motion

No, I mean that literally. As in, I’m going to be diving right into the swimming pool more often. My first runfession is this: I have to face it; my hip is not getting better. I don’t think it’s going to get better until I give it a rest, so I am swearing off running for two weeks to see how that goes.

I can still swim, do yoga, workout on the elliptical, and take Body Pump and yoga classes without my hip hurting, but sitting has become very painful due to my stubborn refusal to give running a rest. Even sitting in the car for a short trip is getting to be a problem so running will have to wait. For now. I am not too happy about it, but I believe it is necessary.

I began my two-week running sabbatical today with a short workout on the elliptical, followed by an hour of Body Pump. Our teacher, Theresa, put us through a killer tricep workout. My arms were shaking by the end of the track and sweat was dripping off my elbows. Whew! No underarm jiggles for me!

Meditations in Motion

I runfess, I want to break the rules. Ok, I want to break one rule. And it’s a rule that was made up by me. When I first began running marathons, I promised myself that I would never run the same marathon twice and so far, I have kept that promise. There are a lot of great marathons out there, and I love new experiences, but I also loved the Marine Corps Marathon I did last month.

I would like to do the race again – uninjured this time so the rule may be broken. Right now I am waffling back and forth about whether to do the race in 2019. The lottery doesn’t open until March so I will wait to see how my hip feels by then to make up my mind. I will also have to see whether I can talk my hubby into running it with me, but that’s a problem for another day.


Meditations in Motion
CJ’s Resolution Challenge 2018


I must runfess, around this time of year, I usually get a little “itchy“. The fall races are over and winter races, if there are any, haven’t started yet. This is the time of year I usually begin planning my spring race schedule.

Except for this year. I have a hard time signing up for spring races when the status of my hip injury is in limbo. I have exactly three races on my schedule between now and…forever.

The first race is one I couldn’t miss. It is a really fun race for a cause I believe in – autism awareness. CJ’s Resolution Challenge is held in a state park in the middle of Pennsylvania the first Saturday after New Years. It is a three-hour race. Runners complete a 1.5-mile loop as many times as possible in three hours.

Last year, the course was snow-covered, so I ran in my Yaktrax. The course is half trail and half gravel park road. The temperature at the start of the 2018 version of the race was zero degrees Fahrenheit!

The second race I have on my calendar is Phunt, my hands-down favorite trail race. I do the 25k version (there is also a 50k version, which is two loops of the 25k course). I love everything about Phunt. I love the course, the aid stations, the emails from the race director, the price, and the vibe. Oh, and the cool buff you get for a race premium.

Other runners must love the race, too. The 2019 race sold out last January, about a week after the 2018 race. I actually signed up for the 2019 race before I ran the 2018 one. I didn’t want to take a chance on missing out.

The third race I am signed up for is my favorite road race, Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k in Richmond, VA. This extremely well-organized 10k, which I have run many, many times with 30,000 of my closest friends, usually marks the true beginning of spring for me. The run is like a moving party, a spectacle and a parade all in one flat, fast race.

The first time my hubby and I ran the race, we left our home in Pennsylvania in an ice storm and sat outside on the deck for dinner in Richmond after a four-hour drive. Spring comes earlier just slightly south of where we live, and by late March, when the race is usually held, I am ready for it. This year, the race is in mid-April so I will have to wait a little bit longer for spring to arrive.

Thank you for reading my runfessions. A heavy weight is lifted off my shoulders and my repair can begin. Join me next month when I will again ask for forgiveness for all of my running-related transgressions.

I am linking up with Fairytales and Fitness for Friday 5, and Marcia’s Healthy Slice for our monthly Runfessions.








  1. Hello, it is wonderful you are so active. I do hope your hip feels better. I feel the same way after being in a car for too long, the hip hurts and I feel I can hardly walk. Good luck with the marathons! Enjoy your day and weekend.

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  2. Thankfully my niggles aren’t too bad. I’m sure I would have benefited from a little more time off running, and I’d usually be down with that, but we’re going ahead with Savannah in Feb (unless something happens, which is entirely possible), so it’s already time to start training next week. I do think I’ll be adjusting goals for that one, though.

    Usually I’ve pretty much got my halfs lined up by now, at least mentally, but there’s just too much uncertainity right now.

    I’m also with you, I’ve never repeated a half. I kind of wish I could repeat Cape Cod — the retreat will be there again next year — but it’s not in the cards for me. Seriously, I’d just love to see that course in some nice weather! Running Buddy J is still going. No doubt she’ll have great weather, so she’s welcome.

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  3. I hope taking the time off helps your hip! You have so many fun races coming up. I think looking forward to those will give you the motivation to take it easy for a couple weeks, right?

    I skipped CJ’s last year due to the temperature. But I did it in 2017 and 2016. Such a fun race. I ran Phunt a loooooong time ago, back when it was a smaller race. It was my first ultra. Yesterday I signed up for the 25k in 2020 and my dad signed up too. We will run it together!

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  4. It’s really hard to accept when life conspires to steal away the things that we are so attached to and have come to depend on, even things like running. Maybe it’s to teach us some needed lesson. Probably it just IS. Please be patient with yourself and your hip, and I know that’s asking a lot!

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  5. First of all, I allow you to break the rules and run the Marine Corps one again. I mean, if you didn’t really run it… then, no rule is broken.

    Second of all, I am glad to hear you’re doing water aerobics (aka swimming). That’s great.

    However, 2 weeks is not enough. You have got to give it a month of no running. I tell you.

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  6. I don’t run marathons but my rule is never to repeat a half. But so many if mine have been in the rain that I want a do over line Love Run and Brooklyn.

    Good luck with the hip. My hubby hurt his and it’s fine until he sits in the car.

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  7. Oh, I”d LOVE to do the CJ’s Resolution Challenge! The two ultras I did involved a 1-mile loop, so I’m no stranger to that kind of a race “course.” A 1.5-mile loop would be even better, since it’s just a little bit further (meaning, you’d have fewer loops to do LOL). I think I’m gonna put my name in for the MCM lottery 😉

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    • CJ’s is an awesome race. Great food and very friendly people too. Some people come out and run only 1 or 2 laps, then just hang out. I like to try to get a fairly long run in. I hope you get to do MCM. It’s a very special experience. I loved it!


  8. You could give yourself a little wiggle room for the Marine Corps Marathon – it is a good cause. But only if you adhere to the “no running for two weeks” … think of the time ahead of you after your hubby retires … you want to be in good shape to partake in everything there is to be enjoyed!

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      • I agree Laurie – take it easy and then ease back into your routine … a fellow blogger had a knee replacement yesterday. Brian wrote about the surgery the other day and said many years ago he had a chin-up bar in a doorway at his apartment and he went by it, couldn’t resist, did a pull-up and the bar collapsed, as did he, and his knee was fractured and he’s had problems for years, so getting the new knee. I told him a friend of mine, same age as us, had a knee replacement in February and wishes she had it years before. She was not athletic nor did she damage it, but had arthritis. She was on cortitone shots and using a cane sometimes. It was out-patient surgery – I could not believe that. They send you home same day and then send a physical therapist to your home the next day and for two weeks until you can master the exercises yourself and are up and getting around.

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      • That is amazing that the surgery is now out-patient! I think my problem is muscular – not in my joint – but my brother-in-law, who is a radiologist, wants me to have it X-rayed.

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      • That is a good idea having it x-rayed. I was amazed about a knee replacement being outpatient surgery as well and I know someone who had rotator cuff surgery in June and that was an out-patient surgery as well. I worked with a woman who put herself through undergrad and law school by being a mail carrier. She had rotator cuff issues from hefting that heavy mail bag. She had surgery around 20 years ago and it was almost a week’s stay and not successful as she still had a lot of pain. So this woman (also a fellow blogger) wrote about her ordeal – home the same day, sleeping sitting up for weeks and nothing heavier than a fork (I hope I didn’t already tell you this story when I mentioned my sore arm) … but she had to buy a special chair to boost her out of the chair (like they often use for elderly people who have difficulty rising out of a chair by themselves) … she is still not 100% but I was amazed it was outpatient surgery. Just like having a baby – you go in early morning and no complications, you’re going home with the wee one before the sun goes down.

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      • You did not tell me the story before. It’s amazing how recovery time has changed over the years. I kind of like that – get back to “normal” as quickly as possible.

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      • Me too Laurie, and Bryan, the blogger who had his knee replaced, did a short post today that said he was glad the surgery was over, but happy he opted for the knee replacement. His longtime injury from a shattered kneecap did not sound like he had much choice in the matter. He had an interesting post before the surgery saying he had sought medical advice and seen many doctors through the years and then he saw this female orthopedic doctor who was quite straightforward with him and had excellent credentials and he said he felt better going under the knife with her than any of the previous doctors he had sought treatment from.

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  9. I love your runfessions, Laurie. 🙂 I wish I were still able to run. Even though I didn’t love it like some people, I did love exercising outside and being able to do it whatever town I found myself in. Praying your body heals quickly so you can get back to all the running you want to do!

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  10. I don’t think this is the last time i might think this but….

    Yer Nuts! 😀 Healthy maybe?, but nuts.

    Torture ‘fun runs’ get booked out a year in advance??

    There are LOTS of Nuts in the ‘Woods’ apparently? 😉

    Said with great affection, of course. 🙂

    Bless you my child, your runfession is acknowledged.

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    • Wait…those fun runs are not torture! They are an adventure in the woods with 500 of my closest friends. It’s like a moving party, complete with a BBQ station at the halfway point and free beer afterward. In the woods. In winter. Often with snow on the ground. OK, when I say it like that, it does sound kind of nuts! 🙂

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  11. I hate that your hip is still bothering you. I ran MCM ten times and loved it every time (well, maybe not so much the year that I was sick). You should definitely make an exception to your rule if you loved it and would like to run it again. Tell Bill to get with the program. LOL

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    • I hate it too! I am so ready to be over this hip injury! Wow!!! 10 times! That is quite an accomplishment. I am trying to get Bill with the program. He goes through spells where he is not enthusiastic about running. This, unfortunately, is one of them.


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