But First, Coffee

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would first tell you how much I love coffee. Decaf vanilla latte, to be exact. With extra whipped cream, hold the calories, thank you. This is my winter-weather treat after a long run. Unfortunately, it seems like it may be a while before I earn one of these hot, sweet things.

My hip is not getting better. In fact, it is getting worse. Sitting for any length of time is excruciating. I have not been running for a week, doing the exercises recommended by my physical therapist twice a day, and it still hurts. I think it is time to pay my doctor another visit.

On to happier matters.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I absolutely cannot wait for this guy to retire. By the time you read this, the number of days he has to work before he joins me in retirement will be in the single digits. We have all kinds of plans!

I usually go to the rec center in the mornings to run and/or work out and I’m hoping Bill will join me beginning in January. He has already sampled a Body Pump class. We had a trailer hitch installed on our car and hope to purchase a bike rack so we can visit the local rail trails with our hybrid bikes once warmer weather arrives in the spring.

I am also hoping me he will join me in volunteering for Meals on Wheels. He was my driver last week during his time off for Thanksgiving and I finished my route in record time. Now, if I could just get him to come into the houses with me and charm some of the older women on my route…

Meditations in Motion

We are going to Florida to visit my sister and brother-in-law in January, and hoping to stop at Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah, Georgia in our travels to and from the Sunshine State. It will be so nice to travel with a relaxed itinerary.

I have been learning Spanish with an app on my phone in anticipation of our journey to Costa Rica in March. We plan to see wildlife, visit the country’s natural wonders such as rainforests and volcanoes, and relax on the beach.

In April, we will travel to Richmond, Virginia to do one of our favorite races (Ukrop’s10k) in one of our favorite cities and then to Steamboat Springs, Colorado to see our grandson for a whole week while his school is on Spring Break. Oh, yes, our son and daughter-in-law will be there too.

Meditations in Motion

If we were having coffee, I would ask you “Is it crazy to sign up for the 2020 version of a race when I haven’t even run the 2019 race yet? Is it crazy to sign up for a race that is more than a year away, when I am not running right now due to a very painful hip injury? Is it crazy to register for a trail race in the Mid-Atlantic in the middle of January, when chances of snow, sleet, freezing rain, and a mixture of all three forms of precipitation is very good?

You know I signed up for the race, right?

Phunt 25k is my favorite trail race. Hands down. If I wait until my hip is better, or until I have run the 2019 race, or until conditions are perfect, I will miss out! Registration fills up fast. I had to sign up. I really didn’t have a choice.

Meditations in Motion

Finally, if we were having coffee, I would wish you the blessings of this holiday season. Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope it is happy, filled with friends, family and love, so Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Joyful Winter Solstice, Exultant Kwanzaa, and if I missed your holiday, please have a Blissful December!

Thank you for the coffee talk.

I am linking up with Coco from Running With Perseverance and Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Ultimate Coffee Date, Clean Eats Fast Feets for her Week in Review, Shank You Very Much for Global Blogging, Mary-andering Creatively for LMM, Random-osity for The Good, The Random, The Fun, Patty, Erika and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run, Nanahood, and blovedboston for Weekending.



  1. Gotta say I wouldn’t be signing up for a trail race in Jan but that’s me — so you do you.

    That’s too bad that you’ll be driving up from FL in Jan cause I have plans to be in Savannah in Feb! Darn. I had hoped to make it a week long racecation like we usually do, but it’s really hard on Giz when we’re away for a long periods of time so we’re looking at an extended weekend, really. I’ve never been to Savannah, I was so looking forward to it . . . ah well, I know you can see a lot in a short amount of time.

    Sounds like you guys are going to enjoy your retirement together!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have never been to Savannah either. I heard it was a beautiful place to visit. I hope your pets cooperate for you, but I understand. Our dog is geriatric and he doesn’t like us to go away either. He was originally my son’s dog, so I can usually get Chris to dogsit him.

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      • Lola is technically geriatric, too. Or maybe she’s just senior. She’s 13. But despite a few health scares this year she’s really doing quite well. But she’s a little dog, and little dogs tend to live longer.

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    • If you have never done it, I can absolutely recommend it! Don’t wait too long. I’m pretty sure it will sell out before the 2019 version of the race (January 19).


  2. sounds like you and your husband have a lot of fun plans ahead! I was just thinking about what it might be like when my hubs retires. Of course it’s not crazy to sign up for next year’s race already! Thanks for joining us for the coffee date always great to catch up

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    • We do have a lot of plans. I sometimes worry that hubs thinks I get us involved in too much stuff, but he knew that’s how I was when he married me! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to join you for coffee! 🙂


  3. Sounds like a wonderful and relaxing agenda interspersed with exercise and running as well. Good for you learning Spanish on the app – I hear the radio commercial for the Spanish app and it sounds like it is easy and fun. I used to travel alot but usually with a tour group as I traveled by myself and it was easier that way. I was not in Costa Rica but did take a Panama Canal cruise in 1982. You will enjoy the warm weather and get away from all that snow and ice and cold. I don’t blame you for signing up now – with your new relaxed schedule and more time for vacations and trips, you will not be able to access upcoming race schedules if you don’t have your computer with you (unless you use your phone) so might as well book them now and thus guarantee you are in good shape to run them by taking a few weeks’ rest of your hip.

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      • I always feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants Laurie – I was a much more organized and regimented person when I worked on site and I marvel at myself scrambling to get out the door to leave on my walk timely, when I took the bus for years, so you could set your watch to my departure time … of course I didn’t blog then. 🙂 Your itinerary sounds relaxing, especially the Costa Rica beach part.

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      • I am the same way since I retired. I used to get up at 4:30 in the morning so I could get a run in before school. Now I get up, have a leisurely morning, walk Benji, and go for a run whenever I please! 🙂

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      • I would like to get a bit more regimented … I have slipped off the wagon big time. I did my watering and weeding, mostly hand watering, but some sprinkler watering, and fed and watered the birds before going to work and left early on the bus for years. I knew it was better for the flowers to have the moisture through the day and they last longer. Some of those hanging bags used to be very “high maintenance” and required more watering when I got home from work as they’d be leggy looking from the full sun. That was a job for younger legs, that’s for sure. Now you and your hubby will both have a leisurely morning. Time’s a tickin’ and you should encourage him to start a blog. Did you ever read Janis’ blog “Retirementally Challenged” … she often commented on Anne Mehrling’s posts and mine as well. She has taken her blog site down for two months to take a break, but she started her blog after retiring, hence the name. You should encourage him to do it … something along the likes of “It’s a Whole New World” etc.

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      • I do read “Retirementally Challenged”. Thanks for the reminder. I should go visit Janis! 🙂 I don’t think hubs would ever do a blog. He’s not much of a reader or writer. I can see what he thinks of the idea, though.

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      • I like Janis’ blog but she is on hiatus til the beginning of the year as she said she wanted to spend more time doing some other things and with the holidays. She had some beautiful pictures from her stay in Mexico. You likely will have quite a few tropical-looking pictures from Costa Rica – I figured you’d see a toucan or two, but I just Googled “types of birds in Costa Rica” … there are all kinds of unusual and colorful birds there.

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  4. “… Extra whipped cream, hold the calories…”

    You have a very tenuous grasp on the realities of life don’t you, Laurie??? 😉

    Thank you for your kind wishes and i send the same to you and yours this Christmas and i hope the hip comes good very soon. 🙂

    Thanks for the coffee… if we were having one!

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  5. Did you try those exercises I sent? Did they help you at all? Those were the only ones that kept me out of the wheel chair. Do as many range of motion exercises as you can to lubricate your joint or you may be talking replacement!

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  6. I adore Charleston and Savannah. They’re both beautiful and have so many incredible restaurants it’s hard to fit them all in! Costa Rica is great too. Good idea learning some Spanish. If your experience is like mine, you’ll need to know at least the basics but the more, the better!

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  7. I’m so sorry to hear about your hip! :[ I hope it feels/gets better soon!

    I hope you have an awesome time in Costa Rica! I’d love to go there sometime! (I need to learn Spanish too…

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  8. Isn’t it great to have so many good things to look forward to? And why not stake your place in that race and thereby proclaim your intention to heal up in time? Meanwhile, may I counsel extreme patience? What you’re going through reminds me of the unrelenting pain I had in about the same region, which turned out to actually be from a ruptured disc in my back. It was my first experience with chronic pain, and wow was it humbling. What it mostly took to get better were two things I struggle with: patience and doing less, not more. I have the tiniest sneaking suspicion that may be a challenge for you too.
    And now excuse me for a moment while I climb up onto my high horse to reveal to you an important wisdom: you do not have to earn your vanilla lattes. You already have. Drink up 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am being uncharacteristically patient. I was talking about it with hubby this morning. Although the actual “runners’ high” is elusive and certainly not in my experience for the last year or so, I think that we runners do get addicted to that little bit of dopamine released after a run. Combine that with my typical pre-holiday blues, and you have an idea of how I am feeling right now. My sister, married to a radiologist, is trying to convince me to get some pictures taken. I think she is right. I may call my doctor tomorrow.

      And between now and then, I will have that vanilla latte (maybe with a little something extra added to it) for dessert tonight.


  9. You definitely have a lot to look forward to! I have had piriformis issues for years, always with my left side. I noticed it got worse when I started working more hours (probably because I was sitting at my desk so much more). I now have a convertible desk, and I feel so much better! I make it a point to have the desk in the standing position for at least 90 minutes each morning and afternoon. I know you’re not working at a desk job, but just wanted to let you know any excess sitting (like you have the time for it!) may be aggravating it even more. Hope it starts to feel better!

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    • Yes, you are right. The piriformis acts up when I sit, especially in the car. At home, it’s not too bad, because I can usually find a comfortable position. Thanks for the good wishes!


  10. Sorry to hear about your hip, Laurie. It is so frustrating to have the will and desire to do something and be inhibited by pain or injury. I wonder what you are supposed to learn from this? I’m excited for you that your husband is going to retire soon. I retired a month ago and my husband is still working. I’m happy with my new life, but wish he was joining me in it. He will but probably not for a year or two. As for coffee, would love to join you, but make mine caffeinated, okay?

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  11. I’m sorry to hear your hip is getting worse. Thankfully you have over a year to recover for that wild race and a host of fabulous experiences coming your way in 2019. I’m excited for you and can’t wait to hear all about Costa Rica. It’s on my bucket list.

    Cheers to retirement.

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  12. Happy retirement(s)
    Hope your hip is OK for the drive south — I loved Charleston. What an amazing city. Go with an empty stomach.
    Vanilla coffee is the best, second only to pepermint

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  13. I’m so excited for your retirement together, all the fun things to do! I’m sorry to hear your hip is getting worse, definitely time to see the doctor again, especially since you’re in PT and it’s intensifying. #GlobalBlogging

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  14. I’m so sorry to hear about your hip! I’m recovering from a hip flexor strain and even after 3 months of healing, I have been so impatient. I can’t imagine the pain you’re in… there’s no shame in going to the doctor! But YAY for your husband’s retirement! I hope you heal up soon so you can enjoy adventuring together again.

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