To Go Where It Hurts

“Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish. Compassion challenges us to cry out with those in misery, to mourn with those who are lonely, to weep with those in tears…Compassion means full immersion in the condition of being human.” Henri J.M. Nouwen

Meditations in Motion

Sometimes I begin my run by walking down the steep hill beside my house to get to the bike path in the meadow beyond the small woods that border our backyard. When I did this earlier in the week I noticed our sugar maple, which is finally showing off its full fall magnificence.

As incredible as it seems to me, we still, one week into November, have not had a frost in Southeastern Pennsylvania, where I live, although lower nighttime temperatures are forecast for this weekend. The maple must have figured that it was now or never, and finally put on its show.


Meditations in Motion

My backyard vinca has given up the ghost. but my marigolds are hanging in there, although they do look slightly bedraggled.

All of these November scenes remind me that Thanksgiving is coming, and I have been reading and thinking a lot about gratitude lately. One perennial goal of mine is to cultivate a grateful attitude. I have so much to be thankful for.

This year, it is difficult, despite my many blessings, to achieve the soaring, exultant feeling I associate with gratitude. Our small community, you see, experienced a recent tragedy.

Meditations in Motion

One Friday afternoon, a few weeks ago, a motorist in her 60s was noticed driving erratically several miles away from our town. Several drivers called 911 to report it and a police cruiser was dispatched.

The police officer, coming up behind the suspicious driver, turned on his lights and siren in an attempt to pull her over. At this point, the woman, rather than pulling over, sped off in an attempt to evade the policeman. The officer was ordered to abandon the pursuit. His supervisor did not want a high-speed chase heading for the area, now only two miles away, where three schools were dismissing within three blocks of each other.

Unfortunately, the driver did not slow down; in fact, she sped up even more. She entered the school zone, with a speed limit of 15 mph, traveling approximately 70 mph.

Now, I have been on this stretch of road thousands of times. At 3:15, when the high school I retired from a year ago dismisses, there is always a long lineup of cars waiting for the traffic light two blocks away. Parents are picking up kids, students are walking home on the sidewalks, school buses are leaving the parking lot, and cars full of teenagers, usually laughing and talking, with music blasting, are waiting in traffic, happy to have the whole weekend free from the discipline and schedule of school.

There was one such car containing three students, two boys and a girl, at the end of the line of traffic that day. They were heading out to celebrate the girl’s 17th birthday that Friday afternoon.

The speeding driver plowed into the car full of students, became airborne, flipped, and hit another six cars before coming to rest upside down.

Two precious young members of our community died as a result of the crash – the birthday girl and one of the boys in the same car. Other people were hospitalized. The driver remains unconscious and unresponsive more than two weeks after the accident. We may never know what prompted the erratic driving and desperate flight that resulted in such tragedy.

As a teacher and a parent, compassion leads me to think of the families of the students who died. I cannot imagine the anguish loved ones must feel now, at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and every missed birthday, forever.

Meditations in Motion

We admonish our teenagers “Don’t drink and drive!” “Obey the speed limit.” and ” Put your cell phone away while you are driving!” We say these things because we believe it gives us some control over a dicey situation.

16 and 17-year-olds have not had much experience driving. They think that nothing bad could happen to them. I had one 16-year-old boy, who was bragging to his classmates about risky driving, tell me “Come on, Mrs. Hess. You know 16-year-old guys all think we’re invincible!” when I begged him to slow down. Sadly, I informed him, my experience has shown me otherwise.

But these students were sitting in a stopped car. They weren’t drinking, speeding or distracted. What can we tell our young people about death that comes hurtling out of nowhere at 70 mph?

I  believe that God is with the bereaved families, just like He was with the two students who died and the lone survivor in the car. The pastor of the Lutheran church where the accident took place and where the makeshift memorial to the students now stands was quoted in the local newspaper. He said, “Grief is real, but so is love.

Yes. Grief is real. As a community, we wept for these young people. Our grief will stay with us, become part of us. We can either allow this grief to make us bitter, or we can, eventually, allow it to deepen our compassion and our love.

Meditations in Motion

Maybe what I must feel thankful for this Thanksgiving season is this: God’s presence allows us to bear unbearable things. He will mend hearts broken in two by tragedy, even though it now seems impossible. He gives us everything we need, even though we cannot understand why terrible events occur with such seeming regularity.

We find God in the loving acts of members of our community – the first responders and doctors who assisted those at the scene of the accident and later, at the hospital; the other schools in the area who encouraged students and staff to wear the colors of our high school to show their solidarity, love and support, counselors who showed up at the school on Saturday, Sunday, and all throughout the week to comfort those having a hard time dealing with the devastating news. Compassion and love stream from the light of God’s holy flame. Let it burn within each one of us. It is enough, abundantly so, and we must give thanks.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4.


I am linking up with Clean Eats Fast Feets for her Week in Review, Shank You Very Much for Global Blogging, Random-osity for The Good, The Random, The Fun, blovedboston for Weekending, Purposeful Faith for RaRa link up, Abounding Grace for Gracefull Tuesday, Char at Trekking Thru, Meghan Weyerbacher for Tea and Word, Eclectic Evelyn for her Words on Wednesday, Shelbee on the Edge for Spread the Kindness, Mary Geisen Tell His Story, Bethere2day for Wordless Wednesday on a Tuesday, and Mary-andering Creatively for LMM.












  1. Tragedy around the holidays always seems more intense. Will left prayers for your community for this holiday season. God’s compassion gives us strength to can carry us through these times as well as help us share our feelings with those who are hurting. May you all feel his love and comfort during this time.

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  2. So many tragedies as a result of driving or driving distracted – way too many to mention and usually they just get lost in the back pages of a newspaper – thank you for bringing this sad story to our attention Laurie.

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  3. Such a tragedy. I will be praying for the families and the community. Only God can bring His peace during these times as they never make sense to us at all.

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  4. I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy and am saying a prayer for those involved now. But I am clinging to these words, (God’s presence allows us to bear the unbearable). Perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Reading your description of the event makes it seem so much sadder than just hearing it on the news; yours felt more “real”. Unfortunately I feel that way about a lot of the news lately… while I realize we can’t have reporters crying while telling each story, it’s harder to humanize tragedies especially when they seem to be a “dime a dozen” these days. Thank you for writing this and helping to humanize the pain and make us connect to your community more. I hope you are able to work through the grief both individually and as a town.

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  6. Thank you for sharing this. My sister and her boyfriend were killed by a drunk driver on her 16th birthday in 1975. As in your community, there was one surviving passenger – their friend. One thing that stands out in my memory is that my parents grew even closer to God and their church community after my sister’s death. Your words have clarified for me after all these years how my parents went on – volunteering at church and the community – a testament to the power of God’s deep love and compassion – the holy flame.

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  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your community. My heart aches for all. Our small town just experienced a driver going off the road and causing 4 deaths of innocent people (3 4th graders and one mom). It’s hard to make sense of such acts.

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  8. I do practice gratitude, but some days it’s hard to find it other than what I consider the basics — our first world basics of course: a home, enough food, etc. With so much tragedy in the world, there are days you can’t help but wonder why God allows it.

    My heart goes out to your community. Finding your way in the midst of tragedy is always so very hard.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Well, yesterday I was grateful I didn’t have to go anywhere. We got some ice in the morning and apparently it was a huge mess on the roads — kind of weird, considering we live in upstate NY, but I guess people weren’t prepared!

        The day before . . . well, I did have to go somewhere & it was a mess but we won’t go into that. 🙂

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  9. This is terribly sad, it’s hard to even know what to say. I will light a candle for those poor teenagers and more to the point their families who need it even more. #dreamteam

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  10. I’ve just discovered the writing of Henri J.M. Nouwin – he was a spiritual guide to Mr. Fred Rogers. Mr. Rogers said his mother told him when tragedies occurred to ‘look for the helpers.’ That comforted him and helped him see the good in terrible situations. I pray for the families of those affected in this horrific accident.

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  11. Oh no. What a horrible, horrible tragedy. My heart breaks for all the families involved. I think the only thing we can do in senseless situations like this is to find the good like you said, in first responders, supporters, etc. It’s the only way to get through really.

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