Set Out, Pilgrim, Into the Freedom

Meditations in MotionSet out, pilgrim. Set out into the freedom and the wandering. Find your people. God is much bigger, wilder, more generous, and more wonderful than you imagined.” – Sarah Bessey

Spring has arrived here in Southeastern Pennsylvania, the real spring, not the tentative, feeble spring of March, when crocuses may bloom one day and be covered by a blanket of snow the next.

Farmers have begun churning up the fields, birdsong announces the start of each day, and front yards are painted in the greens of grass coming back to life, the yellows of daffodils and forsythia, and the deep purple-blues of pansies and anemones.

Who invented the concept of spring cleaning? The last thing I want to do in the spring is to be inside, scrubbing down walls or dusting off bookshelves.

Every spring, I want to fling open the door, quit my house, and live an outside life once again.

Meditations in Motion

I want to walk down the dirt road that winds through the wetlands at dusk and listen to the chorus of the frogs. The peeps of the spring peepers, the trills of the toads, the barks of the tree frogs, and the chirps of the green frogs combine to make a cacophony that fills the purple evening sky and makes my heart sing.


Meditations in Motion
By Brian Gratwicke – Redspotted newt, CC BY 2.0,


I want to search the ephemeral forest ponds for newts, to see them hanging motionlessly at the surface of the water with just the tip of their noses in the air, their specific gravity exactly equal to that of their watery environment.


Meditations in Motion
By DickDaniels ( – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


I want to stalk the returning ovenbirds, to find the source of the call that fills the spring woods with “tea-cher, tea-cher, tea-cher, TEA-CHER,” and see the elusive oven-shaped nest made on the forest floor by each pair of birds.

Spring is a reminder of the generous and exuberant nature of our Creator, who haphazardly flings beauty far and wide. It lands in some of the most unlikely places; swamps, fetid pools, the dry litter of the forest floor, to decorate our world in amphibians and birds and other wonders.

The least I can do to show my gratitude for this abundance is to be there as a witness. To put myself in the path of all of this flung splendor and marvel, gaping and breathless, at the miracle and the mystery.

This, rather than housecleaning, is our duty in spring.

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. Psalm 96: 11 – 12

*It is my plan to document the arrival of spring here in this corner of Southeastern Pennsylvania through the progression of blooming flowers. This is the seventh picture in the series. The flowers pictured above are Anemones (Anemone coronaria). I found these, as I have found many of the flowers I have featured, on a walk with my hubby and our dog Benji.


I am linking with Cee’s FOTD Challenge, Welcome Heart for Let’s Have Coffee, Soaring with Him for Recharge Wednesday, Debbie at Dare 2 Hear, Reflections From Me for A Blogging Good Time, Crystal Storms for Heart Encouragement, Rachel Marie Lee, Knit by God’s Hand for Thankful Thursdays, Jessica and Amy at Live Life Well, Raisie Bay for Word of the Week, Susan B Mead for Dancing With Jesus, Embracing the Unexpected for Grace and Truth, Counting My Blessings for Faith ‘n Friends, Lyli Dunbar for Faith on Fire, and Worth Beyond Rubies.

Please click on the following link to read more funny or inspirational one-liners. One-Liner Wednesday.






    • It’s one of my favorite sights, as I can imagine the vineyards returning to life each spring is one of yours! As a wise Kansan once said, “There’s no place like home!” 🙂


  1. Fabulous post. I love spring and the renewal of life. It does show the love of God as he proves he has not forgotten us but bring us new life to enjoy and the ability to renew our own life as well. Great photos again.

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  2. I’ve been in PA in the spring before, and we always enjoy the sight (and smell!) of wide fields all upturned! And even though it’s been snowing for three days, I know that by the end of the month we WILL have green grass and by the end of May, I will have planted my garden. (Just rehearsing all this for my own sanity, thank you!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha! Most people do NOT enjoy the smell of the farm fields in the spring! It’s when the dairy farmers spread the manure from the dairy cows that has built up over the winter! 🙂

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  3. I hear ya – and am cheering you on to enjoy the world outside of the house! I heard someone say that Fall cleaning is better, then you have a clean house for the winter while you’re stuck inside. Happy Spring, I loved your upbeat post, it brought a smile to my face!


  4. Totally with you on the Spring cleaning thing. Although my home could sorely use it, not to mention the real Spring has not sprung here (today totally feels like winter, and by Sat we might be in the 70s — unfortunately just for that one day).

    I was noticing just this morning the difference in birdsong in winter (and there is some!) as opposed to now. You have to search for the little things to feel grateful for sometimes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • My mom would be horrified by my lack of enthusiasm for spring cleaning. I hope you enjoy the spring-like weather on Saturday. We have a woodlot that backs up to your yard in the back. The birdsong back there is at fever pitch each morning now!

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      • We are behind a car dealer. There is still lots of birdsong. We have a hawk nearby, groundhogs (thankfully at our neighbors), and occasionally wild turkeys, too. Although it’s been a few years since turkey sightings.


  5. This is a post for all of us to live by. Spring is a renewal and we all need to be outside to rejoice in it. Thank you for linking up today.

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  6. I don’t want to clean out my house in the spring either, Laurie. Especially not when my flowerbeds are calling my name. Now that’s the kind of spring cleanup I really enjoy. 🙂 I’m glad spring has truly sprung in your neck of the woods!

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  7. Thank you for putting my feelings and thoughts to words Laurie! I love Spring in PA! Being about an hour north of you, I am still eagerly awaiting some of the signs you speak of but loving the sights and smells so far this year in my area.The rain and temps this weekend should really send Spring a burst! Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did enjoy the weekend. I was in Richmond this weekend, though. I enjoy going south in the spring. They are about 2 weeks ahead of us and I enjoy seeing the preview!


  8. I am totally in agreement and right beside you with the quest to be outside in the Spring. Coffee on the porch of a morning while listening to the songs of the birds. Happy Spring.

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  9. I will spring clean inside your house if you will come and weed my garden! I love being outdoors, but doing the outside work is not my favorite.

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  10. I’ve often thought that fall is a more appropriate time for cleaning, since we’re about to be mostly IN the house. I’ve never thought about it before, but I bet spring cleaning is related to cleaning the house in preparation for Passover.

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    • I certainly agree. I think I will put off my housecleaning until fall. Hubby will be relieved! 🙂 Thank you for explaining the relationship between spring cleaning and Passover. I never knew that!


  11. This was so vivid with nature’s bounty and beauty, I thought I was there! That is what a talented writer does – make you feel an intrinsic party of the scene. Well done, so poetic!

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  12. Lovely spring post! I am so looking forward to the blooming of spring here in Chicago-land. Our witness over the weekend was one of the unpredictable nature of the spring time as we watched the snow fly! Today the blue sky offers a bit of promise that it will surely arrive eventually.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Oh, snow in April – ugh! We traveled a few hours south this weekend. I loved getting a preview of what our weather will be like in a few weeks. We just have to be patient! 🙂


  13. P.S. The Anemone coranaria is beautiful and i found the name of one another blogger posted about 10 days after you posted this one – which i just saw today!

    I should probably read your blog more often! 😉

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