Let’s Have Coffee


Meditations in Motion

Let’s have a coffee date so we can sit and talk. We need to catch up. Maybe I will have some delicious cappuccino like I drank when Hubby and I visited Italy last month.

Our hotel had a deluxe coffee machine that would dispense latte, cappuccino, cafe Americano, espresso, macchiato or hot chocolate from freshly ground beans at the touch of a button. The only thing it did not dispense was anything decaffeinated. I don’t usually drink beverages with caffeine, but I made an exception for this vacation and put up with the mild heart flutters and racing pulse I get from drinking caffeinated beverages in return for one cup of heaven each morning.

The picture shown below of my training log says it all. Zero miles for the week we were on vacation, then over 33 miles for the following week. Of course, seven of those miles were on the elliptical, but still…

Meditations in Motion

I am slowly, slowly coming back from the injury that had me sidelined in late August and most of September. Between the marathon on August 19, and the week shown above, beginning September 24, my total running miles were 2.75, not including the miles I did on the elliptical. 2.75 miles in over a month!!!

Last week, there was one day where I “ran” on the elliptical for an hour, then ran/walked around town for an hour, for a total of about 11.5 miles. This week, I will attempt to lengthen that time to three hours (one hour on the elliptical and two hours run/walk), and the following week, I will increase to four hours (one hour on the elliptical and three run/walk). That will be the totality of my marathon training for the Marine Corps Marathon on October 28. My goal is to finish before the seven-hour time limit.

Meditations in Motion

We went to the Station Taproom in Downingtown, PA (just outside of Philly) with a group of friends last weekend, and let me tell you, I had the best shrimp and grits ever! This dish has assumed the status of legend among our gang and it did not disappoint.

The first time I ordered it, several years ago, I looked at my plate after the server put it in front of me, and thought “I am still going to be hungry after I finish this.” Let me assure you, I was not hungry. I was barely able to polish it off. The dish is so rich and so creamy, I could not possibly have eaten one more bite. I did look longingly at my empty plate, however, and wish licking the plate would be more socially acceptable. My friends guaranteed they would not be embarrassed, but I showed restraint and gave up the last few molecules of the delectable sauce when the table was cleared.

Meditations in Motion

The last thing I want to tell you over coffee is this guy is retiring! It’s official. My hubby has informed his place of work that he is retiring in December. He has worked for the same firm for over 40 years. He began working there the summer after we both graduated, two months before we got married.

We have lots of plans for his retirement. We are getting a trailer hitch installed on our car to support a bike rack so we can take advantage of the many rails-to-trails in our area. I love to ride bike but am too intimidated by the combination of narrow road shoulders and speedy, distracted drivers to ride on the roads. Riding on bike paths and trails is something we have done in the past and look forward to resuming once we have more time.

We plan to visit family in Florida (my sister and brother-in-law), Oregon (our middle son and daughter-in-law) and Colorado (our oldest son, daughter-in-law, and grandson) more often, as well as exploring other parts of the world.

And, of course, we hope to have many afternoons to do just what Hubby was pictured doing above, relaxing, sipping on a glass of wine, having a savory snack, and enjoying our time together.


I am linking up with Coco from Running With Perseverance and Deborah from Confessions of a Mother Runner for their Ultimate Coffee Date.




  1. Glad you are coming back slowly. So smart.

    Congrats to the hubby on the retirement.

    Where in Florida does your sister live? There are lots of races in Fla in the winter as you know.

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  2. Congratulations – more milestones to come, enjoy the journeys! I’ll be watching…someday I’ll retire too! I hope to still be running and walking and biking and enjoying life like you two are!

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  3. Shrimp and grits was one of the first dishes that we tried in the Home Chef delivery program and you are correct, it is delicious! We just had it again the other night and it was just as good. I’m sure the ones in the restaurant are better than what we can make at home but still, I get you about licking the plate! Who knew?

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    • I have tried several shrimp and grits recipes to make at home, but none are as delicious as the one I get at this restaurant. It’s over an hour drive for us, so we don’t go there often. It’s a special treat!

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  4. I love shrimp and grits, too! My first taste was in Winston Salem, but I found it in restaurants much closer to home. It is generally too spicy for John when we are out, so I make it here at home. We have andouille sausage and red pepper flakes on the side for me, and he eats everything else.

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    • I make shrimp and grits at home too. Bill and I both like it spicy. I can’t make it taste as good as the restaurant does, though. I’m sure I don’t use as much butter and/or cream as they do.


  5. That Marine Corps Marathon sounds rigorous Laurie … you are a trooper for doing this so soon after your injury. Congratulations to your hubby – time to enjoy life and the bike trips sound like something I would enjoy as well. Nice trails, a change of pace … how lucky the two of you are. I’ll bet the last three months will pass very quickly and what a change after 40 years at the same job. Those will be tough shoes to fill.

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  6. Nice post Laurie.
    You didn’t graw or anything when they took your plate away 😝, that’s good to hear he will be retiring soon may you both have fun now ( but not to much fun now 😁 ).


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  7. Congrats to your husband! I am the same way with biking – I keep it to the rail trails as biking on roads seems too scary. I’ve seen enough of idiots while driving that I don’t need to be that close to them… at least running on roads I can leap off to the side more quickly than I could maneuver a bike!

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    • I have the same philosophy about running vs. biking on roads. Plus, I run FACING traffic. I would have to bike going with traffic. We took a bus trip yesterday through my husband’s office and at one point I was looking down at cars passing the bus. I would estimate at least 1/3 of the drivers were looking at their phones. This was on the Schulkyll Expressway!!!

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  8. Congrats in advance on your husband’s retirement! I have no doubt the two of you will fill your time with quality pursuits — in fact you may be busier than when you were both working. And you are WISE, not chicken-hearted, to be leery of riding on road shoulders. Here in Napa Valley it scares the daylights out of me when I see cyclists rolling along the narrow, at some points nonexistent, shoulder of Silverado Trail, a winding, rolling road that is one of the only two thoroughfares that go the length of the valley. The speed limit is 55 mph, lots of the drivers are wine-taring tourists, and often the cyclists ride abreast! And yes, there are casualties every year. Stick to bike trails, sez I!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I sometimes feel as though I am busier now than when I was working. I hope hubby can keep himself busy too!

      I have RUN on the Silverado Trail while staying in Sonoma (I think. Maybe it was when we were in St. Helena), just for short distances, though. It was very scary. I will take your advice and stick to bike trails on the bike.


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